What ancient pc game do you want remade?


I'm still waiting for a Old West FPS to top Outlaws. (neither Red Dead Redemption or Call of Juarez or GUN came close)
Add my vote for ROTT - holy ludicrous gibs!

I loved Descent back in the day but have a hard time imagining it working well in a modern engine. If someone pulled it off I would love them for it.
Magic Carpet was an excellent way to start the thread, I loved that game too. And the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series goes without saying.

For something different, I'd like to mention Bioforge.

I'm still waiting for a Old West FPS to top Outlaws. (neither Red Dead Redemption or Call of Juarez or GUN came close)

1. RDR is not a FPS, its a sandbox third person exploration/shooter.
2. RDR is the best game I've played in 10 years.
Nice ones.

Yeah, another Terminal Velocity or Starfighter 3000 game would be dope.
Strangely, Under A Killing Moon comes to mind (And all the games that preceded & succeeded it in the series). If it could be redone into a free-roaming RPG with GOOD actors instead of the crap that was in the game before...it could be fun. It was one of the first games that tried to merge cinematic with gaming in an interactive way. Of course, if it was rated anything other than AO, I would be disappointed. The desires of my childhood still need to be fulfilled! :p
Elder Scrolls Morrowwind . . . . . redone, with more text . . . voices . . . and a huge graphics overhaul

fuck anything else
I forgot about Interstate 76. That was a game ahead of its time. It needed better hardware than was available at the time.
Mechwarrior with good online capabilities, MMO even better. I'd go out and drop cash on a nice HOTAS in a heartbeat.
Morrowind was awesome.... Actually a well done Daggerfall remake would be crazy. If they kept it from being repetitive, it would be THE game of the decade. And since Morrowind is accepted as ancient, can we shift 2 years forward and also bring in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines onto the list?
Morrowind was awesome.... Actually a well done Daggerfall remake would be crazy. If they kept it from being repetitive, it would be THE game of the decade. And since Morrowind is accepted as ancient, can we shift 2 years forward and also bring in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines onto the list?

You're getting an eventual Source revamp of Vampire thanks to the Mod community if I recall right.

Co-signed with you on all of that in any event. Hell, co-signed with the whole thread with the names I'm seeing. :)
Wing Commander: Privateer - just remade, no additions.

Well, one addition - an SDK for modding, so people could add in ships/systems etc. if they wanted. But a vanilla remake would rock.
Duke 3d
Shadow warrior
Die by the sword
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I want to see Warcraft 2 remade... I didnt like the direction Blizzard took with WC2 and WOW. Id like to see them remake the epic pure RTS game.
Dues Ex
System Shock 2

Perhaps Unreal, and Duke 3D as well.

Oh, and a remake of TFC/TF1.5 by Valve. I really miss that game.
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You're getting an eventual Source revamp of Vampire thanks to the Mod community if I recall right.

Co-signed with you on all of that in any event. Hell, co-signed with the whole thread with the names I'm seeing. :)

Yeah, hopefully that project will see the light of day.
The original Need for Speed. Point to Point ftw!. Loved the huge tracks.Shame things went lap based after that. I loved the immersion you get from driving a few minutes over changing terrain. Lap based races in the later games were dull simply driving round and round the same scenery every minute or so.

Road Rash also. For the same reason as NFS. I love point to point.

Midwinter too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midwinter_(video_game). Simply because it was the first open world game i ever played. Was really immersive.

Damocles (Mercenary 2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damocles_(computer_game), Technically not a PC game but was amazing and i would love a PC remake.

Armour-geddon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armour-Geddon An incredibly fun sim that i played for months. With both land based and air combat, a massive world to explore and great (for the time) gfx. Would make a great remake.
Darklight Conflict
All things Wing Commander.
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat.
Duke Nukem 3D.
Shadow Warrior.
All things Heretic and Hexen.
The original Unreal prettied up with UE3 graphics.

MW Legends was OK for the MP if you could get it working, and find a game, and then find one that did not lag, but the SP missions/storyline for MWII are definitely something I would like to see a fresh coat of paint on.
Any of the great Space-sims games.

1. X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, XvT, X-Wing Alliance. This is my favorite games
2. FreeSpace 1+2
3 Wing Commander

I really don't understand Lucasarts anymore. From being one of the best developers in the gaming industry They seem to have completely deaf, dumb, and blind in terms of listening to their customers.

For Years people have been asking for a new XWING game and their response is continue to make crappy SW console-games. I mean seriously...The Force Unleashed 2??? The first one had a great story but was a very boring game.

Those of us planning to get SWTOR were hoping to get a X-Wing game included in the MMORPG like they did in SW Galaxies instead they gave us...a rail-shooter. And they actually thought we'd be excited. (Yes I know LucasArts, isnt making SWTOR, but you cannot tell me Lucas wasnt overseeing this decision.) I get the impression Bioware was specifically told not to make a space-sim for space combat

And what happened to Battlefront 3 or Dark Forces series.
My vote goes to two lesser known titles.

Lands of Lore 2 : Guardians of Destiny
betrayal at krondor
betrayal at antara (unofficial sequel)
Star Control 2 / Ur Quan Masters
xwing series
wing commander series.

pretty much any space sim we have been kinda gipped past few years with em. ie:jumpgate evolution and dark prophecy and the nerf'ed sequel to freelancer