what are my upgrade options with yonah?

Falls Included

I'm happy & gay too
May 30, 2003
i got a little gateway 14 incher for 500 from curcuit city, came with vista basic, and a t2060 1.6 core duo (yonah). i took out the 4200rpm 80gb hitachi and the 512 pc2 4200 and put in a 100gb seagate 7200prm and 2gb corsair pc2 5300... really the only thing left that i can upgrade is the processor... so what would you guy do? what can i do? merom an option?

thanks in advance
i'm pretty sure you can pop a merom in there, might want to call gateway though, it might take a bios update

egg has the 2.0ghz 4mb l2 cache t7200 for $300, i'm not sure if it's worth the money, i don't know if you'll notice a difference in day-to-day tasks

what are you going to be using this laptop for?
just day to day stuff... not anything really intensive... the graphics arent all that good, its an ati deal. m200 or something like that. but even after the fresh install of vista, and the 2gb of faster ram, and the faster hard drive, it still seems sluggish. money really isn't much of a concern, i just wanted a small laptop, just so happens, they are also cheap, heh. the only place this thing lags really, is the video, and i don't plan on doing any gaming on it really.
if your lappy can support a merom, it would be a pretty good upgrade as far as speed is concerned.. you'll bump your fsb up to 667, which should speed memory access up. what chipset is in the laptop..?

getting a 2.0 or 2.16 core2 chip in there would make a large-ish difference. I wouldn't pay the $300+ price, but thats me personally :)
i think its an ati deal (cpu-z says rs400/rc400/rc410) chipset. anyone wanna loan me a merom? 300 is alot for a chip that might not work, lol.