What are the best settings for DVD and HD-video playback?


Mar 21, 2005
I have a Leadtek 6800 card and do not even have a game on my computer other than what XP put on it. I know that this forum is mostly about gaming but I do not play games. I also know that almost all of the adjustments that nVidia has is about gaming. Do any of the adjustments make DVD playing a better quality picture or do I just turn everything off? I do vid-caping of movies and if any of the controls make the picture higher quality I would like to use it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, for starters you want to go to nvidia.com and order the NVDVD software, as it provides hands down the best MPEG/DVD playback quality available. Then you'll want to have a widescreen monitor (16:9) set to a HD compliant screen size (ie 1920x1080) so you don't suffer any scaling artifacting etc. Then, using nvidia's included calibration utility, or better yet, something more robust like displaymate, optimize your display settings to meet THX reference standards. Do the same with your sound system.
Don't forget the popcorn! :p
Hello Consumer9000! I have talked to you before in the 2405 thread. I have previously purchased the nVidia video decoder and have set up properly the Gamma and brightness.

By the way, the best video viewing program for nVidia 6xxx cards is TheaterTek 2.1. This program is awesome compared to the others. They have optimized their program to run with the nVidia drivers and hardware for DVD and HD-VIDEO. I have noticed a quality and smoothness difference from several other major software programs, especially if you are watching in HD. This company is going to make a mint as soon as HD-VIDEO DVD’s hit the market latter in the fall.

My main question is does the antialiasing or the anisotropic features make any difference in producing a higher quality video picture? Everything out there, and I mean everything, only refers as to how these settings affect game play.
The Anistropic Filtering and Antialiasing options have nothing to do with 2D/MPEG performance or quality. They only pertain to 3D accelerated applications (games). When gaming the Anistropic Filtering makes the textures much sharper, and if properly implemented eliminates any noticable quality issues with textures at odd angles or distances. Antialiasing is essential as it eliminates the annoying stair step jaggies which plagues any surface/edge not rendered at 0/90/180/270/360 degrees etc. :)
Rembrandt said:
Hello Consumer9000! I have talked to you before in the 2405 thread. I have previously purchased the nVidia video decoder and have set up properly the Gamma and brightness.

By the way, the best video viewing program for nVidia 6xxx cards is TheaterTek 2.1. This program is awesome compared to the others. They have optimized their program to run with the nVidia drivers and hardware for DVD and HD-VIDEO. I have noticed a quality and smoothness difference from several other major software programs, especially if you are watching in HD. This company is going to make a mint as soon as HD-VIDEO DVD’s hit the market latter in the fall.

My main question is does the antialiasing or the anisotropic features make any difference in producing a higher quality video picture? Everything out there, and I mean everything, only refers as to how these settings affect game play.

Are you doing any post processing with fddshow in addition to using the theatertek. I heard you get some really amazing images that way. I'm about to purchase that software and put my pc up against by brother's foroudja scaler. He's challenging that I can't make a pc look as good as his setup.
I have a Farouja scaler and my money is on the latest Nvidia hardware being able to outdo the performance of it.
My Denon also has an integrated scaler, though I'm not really impressed with it, and the Samsung HDTV has their own proprietary DNIe scaler. However I just use a seperate Farouja scaler to handle the DVI/component signals, and while the results are good, the output from my computer is defintely better, though not as reliable as the Farouja, which never drops a frame or stutters. :mad: