What are these fan devices found in my BIOS?


Jan 19, 2007
So, I was roaming around my BIOS when I found these 3 listed at 100% and I'm not sure what they are can someone point out to me what they are for and what devices???

AUX Fan Speed CTRL
nForce Fan speed CTRL
Chassis Fan2 speed CTRL

hmm have to go way out on a limb here. :p

AUX Fan Speed CTRL
That would be the speed control for a fan plugged into the small 3 pin header on the motherboard marked AUX

nForce Fan speed CTRL
That would be the speed control for a small fan mounted on a heatsink on the motherboard (Nforce is your chipset).

Chassis Fan2 speed CTRL
That would be the speed control for an additional fan mounted to the chassis but plugged into a small 3 pin header on the motherboard.

These fans may or may not exist.

Pull the side cover off, look around and find all the fans installed, look on the motherboard for any fan connectors, ones in use will have wires going to them, unused ones will have bare pins. A small fan on the motherboard should be easy to spot.

Then while in the bios set the speed of each setting, one at at time, to 0 or disabled or whatever and see what stops turning.

These fan headers and or fans may or may not even exist, motherboards come in several versions and the bios might cover several different motherboards. It is all up to the manuf as to if the board actually has the headers and if fans are actually installed on them.

HP has extensive documentation, you might want to check the manual or download one if you do not have one.
thanks I'm going to try setting each one to zero. I did in fact had fan connecting to the motherboard but now it's being connected to the fan controller I have. But just to be safe I'll still test each one instead of putting all 3 to zeros