What are you nerds playing this weekend?

It's going to be a Witcher Weekend... With scattered ESO.
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Trying to finish up AC Syndicate so I can dive into more of the ones I picked up from xmas sale. Syndicate is such a beautiful game, but after about 90 hours it's starting to get old.

Next up:
RAGE (yeah, I've still never finished it, thinking it'll be a nice break between all these huge open-world games)
Lords of the Fallen
Far Cry 4
AC Unity
Then I'm going back through Witcher 1-3 again.
I really have been wanting to try AC Syndicate, are you enjoying the main story? Have you also played any of the DLC?
Next up:
RAGE (yeah, I've still never finished it, thinking it'll be a nice break between all these huge open-world games)

Minor flaws aside, it's one of my favorite games. I just hop in and play it every so often, and always end up playing longer than I had planned.
Taking break from Fallout 4 (can't decide who to choose in the main storyline and am now just casually exploring the wasteland with my bff Codsworth) and am currently playing through Arkham Knight for PS4.

Also just completed Shovel Knight (really good game) and have just started Bravely Default on the 3DS.
I really have been wanting to try AC Syndicate, are you enjoying the main story? Have you also played any of the DLC?

It's amazing, definitely go for it. I got it for free with a Samsung SSD, but would definitely pay $20-30 for it depending how much you like AC games. It's not quite as interesting on the story-line or as varied in game-play as Black Flag (still my favorite) but a fairly fun story and really likeable characters (except for meeting Karl Marx and having to do missions for him, I'm still pissed I couldn't kill that guy), and the visuals and atmosphere are just jaw-dropping.

Only real complaints are they nerfed the movement system slightly since Black Flag and it's sometimes really awkward and slow to get it to do certain movements. But overall I'm definitely loving the game - looks like I'll have over 100 hours in it before finishing.

Oh, and I haven't tried any DLC yet. Since my copy was free and U-Play only, I'd prefer to have it in Steam, so I'll probably wait 'till I can get the whole package with all DLC for ~$10 from Steam and play it again with all the DLC later.
Fallout 4, got sick of trying to 100% MGSV. I'm about 3 hours in FO4, afraid to venture into the Fallout 4 thread in the PC gaming section because of potential spoilers.

That Preston guy is already getting on my nerves, joined the Minutemen but I want to get back to the main story not his stupid settlement missions.
I haven't finished Tomb Tomb raider when it came out. I got bored about 2/3 trough it. So I decided to give it another go before the next one. I have to admit I'm liking it more now than I used to back then. This QTE crap was very new to me back then, guess I've gotten so used to it in the last 2 years that it doesn't bother me as much now. But I still don't think it's a good thing. I just wish the game was moddable.
Fire Emblem sacred stones, yeah I know. I never owned a GBA when it was cool and it's a great excuse to mess around with my Retron 5.
Taking a break from Fallout 4 and playing some GRAV with friends. We have a private server set up, so it's much nicer that way.
Also working on a building up another server to replace two dying ones we have hosted at local datacenter. Will be a nice improvement.
Minor flaws aside, [Rage] is one of my favorite games. I just hop in and play it every so often, and always end up playing longer than I had planned.

I've started Rage 3 or 4 times since it came out and always "rage-quit" soon after starting for one reason or another. This weekend I've played about 8 hours so far, way farther than I ever got before, and it's definitely growing on me. The shooter parts are great, but I loath the driving parts, mostly because they lock the mouse-look when you're in a vehicle, and if you hit the look-around button the mouse is inverted which is the most annoying thing I think I've ever seen in a game. I want to be able to enjoy the scenery while I'm driving around! Can't believe they put so much work into the art for this game, then fucked up the camera so you can't even see most of it. The vehicle camera system is a game-breaking bug that should have been fixed in day-1 patch - how they managed to never get that fixed just blows my mind.

The graphics are also really inconsistent, lots of photo-realistic detail all over the place, then random shitty textures constantly jerking you back out of the immersion, but I'm just trying to ignore that as much as possible. I'm determined to check Rage off my Steam Queue once and for all.
^ I agree, like the tension that builds when you're in a dark area and the camcorder battery starts running out and you're desperately trying to find a new one while some big bad guy is chasing you.

I will be playing Fallout 4
Prolly getting FO4 this weekend. Most likely jumping on bf4 with my buds tho. We either squad up or go at it against each other.
Just bought a Logitech G920, so I'm going to try and set it up to play some Forza 6 this weekend.
Ark survival evolved on pc and maybe some blops 3 on xbone.

Just bought a Logitech G920, so I'm going to try and set it up to play some Forza 6 this weekend.

I've been looking at that wheel, looks sweet.
I probably won't get that much playing in this weekend. Probably squeeze a bit of indie or classics in here and there, which is what I do on busy weekends.
Ark survival evolved on pc and maybe some blops 3 on xbone.

I've been looking at that wheel, looks sweet.
I tested the wheel when I got it to make sure it worked. Looked like it was still brand new, even though it was clear the box had been resealed...

It definitely doesn't have the smoothness of a belt-driven FFB like the Fanatec, but it does feel surprisingly smooth and responsive. The pedals are also pretty damned good at this price point, I just feel that they're spaced a little too close together. The Fanatec Elite pedals are perfect in this regard. With that said, the Logitech pedals do come with a load cell in the brake pedal, and the resistance in both the gas and clutch pedals feel appropriate. If you don't have the money to spend on a Fanatec Clubsport setup then this is a pretty good option.
Repeat of last weekend me thinks.. It's going to be rainy and cold out and I am lovin' TW3 in 40" 4k glory. It's one of those games where I sometimes find myself just wandering around enjoying the scenery. It's sooo purdy.

It's going to be a Witcher Weekend... With scattered ESO.
I heard some nerds over the PC section talking about Hitman: Blood money so I'm gonna give that a shot this weekend. I need to work out some issues.
I recently finished Outlast and wow, what a game! Have you played the Whistleblower DLC? I've got it but needed a break before I play it haha.

haven't bought the DLC yet but will most likely pick it up during the next Steam sale...
FFXIV as usual and I just finished up a play through of Bioshock Infinite in 1999 mode for the first time.... and I don't see myself playing that game ever again now that I've done it twice.

Next weekend though I'll likely restart the original Bioshock. :)