What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Man I never got to play so many super Nes games one being chrono trigger the other being ff3! I really want to play thru at least ct as it seems to be heralded as the greatest rpg ever
Go in blind and resist looking stuff up.
Excellent advice. It's a game with a lot of surprises. There's a lot to spoil.
I’m taking a short break from Doom Eternal, and decided to give Hollow Knight another try. I never hit the point where it pulled me in before like other games of its style. This time though, WOW, I’m absolutely loving it. It’s right up with Dead Cells, Sundered, and my other favorite vaniatroid games. I always liked its style, it’s gorgeous and has great atmosphere. I just didn’t gel with it for some reason. Maybe because I was too used to Dead Cells and Sundered when I tried it. I’ve gone through two major areas now, beat several bosses, opened up the stag beetle transit system quite a bit, etc. Enjoying the hell out of it. I’ll probably finish it up, then get back into Doom full time again.
I kind of got maybe 7-8 major areas in with a lot of of the Stag Stops etc. And I kind of ran out of steam. Maybe I'll give it another try at some point.
Definitely going to play some Bannerlord, almost certainly City of Heroes and maybe dabble in Metro Exodus or Borderlands 1 a little.
Red Dead Redemption II PC
Doom Eternal
Runescape. New skill came out,archaeology came out so gonna give that a try.
Metro: Exodus Sam's Story and Two Colonels
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Picked up playing Borderlands 2 co-op with my brother again since he is working from home now. Played a bunch 4 years ago, just got around to picking it up again.
Bannerlord here also. Played a shit ton of Mount and Blade and like the sequel so far.
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Really enjoying M&B Bannerlord. So much so I put Borderlands 3 aside for it.
I have 219 games on Steam and the only thing I play is Doom 2016 and Eternal. So that.
Risk of Rain 2 is free until the 6th. Finally giving that a go, pretty fun.

I got Bannerlord but for some reason it just isn't scratching whatever gaming itch I currently have. I don't feel like I'm overly enjoying anything other than combat, but it's still early in the game. Haven't gotten to any massive battles yet.
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. Just bought on steam. This ought to be good.
Let us how how that one turns out! It's crazy how many games there are on pc now. I can't even keep up and there are so many games that have come and gone that I had no idea about...
I’m taking a short break from Doom Eternal, and decided to give Hollow Knight another try. I never hit the point where it pulled me in before like other games of its style. This time though, WOW, I’m absolutely loving it. It’s right up with Dead Cells, Sundered, and my other favorite vaniatroid games. I always liked its style, it’s gorgeous and has great atmosphere. I just didn’t gel with it for some reason. Maybe because I was too used to Dead Cells and Sundered when I tried it. I’ve gone through two major areas now, beat several bosses, opened up the stag beetle transit system quite a bit, etc. Enjoying the hell out of it. I’ll probably finish it up, then get back into Doom full time again.

Last night, picked up the Covid 19 Humble bundle, and that was the first one I installed. It really reminds me of a new version of Castlevania 2. I'm loving it so far.


For the games I actually wanted to play I paid about 5 bucks for each, so good deal. And every dollar goes to charity!
I haven't been able to pull myself away from Warzone and F1 2019. I need to get some time to finish Star Wars
Played Borderlands 3 and Shadows Awakening this game came out two years ago but is pretty awesome if you want a top down action RPG. This puzzle below is no joke I got half way though it and had to look it up on youtube because I couldn't figure out the pattern.

Ten internet points to anyone who guesses the game (easy) and the mod.

Since I have all the time in the world lately. Finally going to make my way into the Yakuza series. I’ve started the original a couple times and Kiwami once. But life ya know.

Here’s to Yakuza 0 and liquor!
Last night, picked up the Covid 19 Humble bundle, and that was the first one I installed. It really reminds me of a new version of Castlevania 2. I'm loving it so far.


For the games I actually wanted to play I paid about 5 bucks for each, so good deal. And every dollar goes to charity!

I’ve continued to delve into it further. I’ve completely put Doom on hold until I finish it. I’m completely enamored with it. I’ve got a ton of new powers and it’s starting to get really good now. Still love Doom of course, but nothing tops a well done game of this style. There is definitely a steep initial curve to get up, but once you start getting mobility items, much like Sundered, the whole game opens up and is a total blast!

I can’t stop playing actually. My daughter and I are pseudo-competing because we’re playing it in parallel. When one of us gets significantly ahead, we walk the other up to the same point.

I’ve got six major areas open now, and tons to do.

I thought the game was overhyped before and preferred other similar games. Now this is right up with my other favorites.
Picked up the Xbox game pass, I think the ultimate one.

PC storefront is garbage. Having bejeweled and candy crush lumped in with metro and Forza doesn't seem right.

I didn't see where I could set an installation directory for games, I could only pick the drive root. Annoying

Download speeds are disgusting

And the selection isn't really great, am I wrong? Games available for Xbox differ from PC, is that right ? For a buck I can't really complain too much but not picking this up for 17$ a month

So playing metro Exodus atm, haven't started yet but looking forward to it. First two were great games IMO
Picked up the Xbox game pass, I think the ultimate one.

PC storefront is garbage. Having bejeweled and candy crush lumped in with metro and Forza doesn't seem right.

I didn't see where I could set an installation directory for games, I could only pick the drive root. Annoying

Download speeds are disgusting

And the selection isn't really great, am I wrong? Games available for Xbox differ from PC, is that right ? For a buck I can't really complain too much but not picking this up for 17$ a month

So playing metro Exodus atm, haven't started yet but looking forward to it. First two were great games IMO

You can't change the installation directory for Windows Store. Microsoft decided to gut everything good about their install practices with that mess. It's automatically installed to a hidden folder, under a seemingly randomly-generated subfolder.. And the executables aren't actually win64, so there's no shortcut command lines to tweak. And most of the game assets are locked down as well, so there are no mods.

If you use Windows Store for PC gaming, , you might as well be playing games on your Xbox. Because if your game fail s to run, you have no trail pf breadcrumbs to figure out why. And when you get bored with your game, there is no community improvement.
You can't change the installation directory for Windows Store. Microsoft decided to gut everything good about their install practices with that mess. It's automatically installed to a hidden folder, under a seemingly randomly-generated subfolder.. And the executables aren't actually win64, so there's no shortcut command lines to tweak. And most of the game assets are locked down as well, so there are no mods.

If you use Windows Store for PC gaming, , you might as well be playing games on your Xbox. Because if your game fail s to run, you have no trail pf breadcrumbs to figure out why. And when you get bored with your game, there is no community improvement.


Four new directories needed it seems, all at the root of the device:
Program Files

What a mess

Four new directories needed it seems, all at the root of the device:
Program Files

What a mess
Yea I got these fucker on several drives that I can't delete. Not even with a clean windows install it allows me to delete them. I have to boot Linux to get rid of them. Idk how they got on my other drives when games were installed on my is drive.
you have to take ownership of the folders, it can be a multistep process, a PITA. And with gamepass, there is no "your games" - you don't own them, just have the right to play them
you have to take ownership of the folders, it can be a multistep process, a PITA. And with gamepass, there is no "your games" - you don't own them, just have the right to play them

But if you buy a game from Windows Store, you still have to deal with the same horseshit.

Making it dirt-cheap doesn't excuse the shittiness of the implementation. I found this out when I foolishly bought ReCore a few years back.
Mass Effect Andromeda is so much better than The Outer Worlds. I tried to play the second for like 8 hours and switched to MEA and like it so much more than TOW.
Mass Effect Andromeda is so much better than The Outer Worlds. I tried to play the second for like 8 hours and switched to MEA and like it so much more than TOW.

I actually forgot that I own MEA. Got it just in case way back, and just plain forgot about it. Might have to give it a whirl after Doom and Hollow Knight.
I’ve continued to delve into it further. I’ve completely put Doom on hold until I finish it. I’m completely enamored with it. I’ve got a ton of new powers and it’s starting to get really good now. Still love Doom of course, but nothing tops a well done game of this style. There is definitely a steep initial curve to get up, but once you start getting mobility items, much like Sundered, the whole game opens up and is a total blast!

I can’t stop playing actually. My daughter and I are pseudo-competing because we’re playing it in parallel. When one of us gets significantly ahead, we walk the other up to the same point.

I’ve got six major areas open now, and tons to do.

I thought the game was overhyped before and preferred other similar games. Now this is right up with my other favorites.

I tried to play hollow knight around Halloween time but just couldn't get into it! I got the same issue with Witcher 3. I really need to replay them bc there is so much praise for both. Unfortunately the biggest problem with both is just getting lost and them I end up aimlessly wandering around get bored and turn the game off.....
On PC currently playing a little bit of destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey just started that, Doom Eternal and on Switch currently playing Blood Stained ritual of the night and Mark of the Ninja remastered
Andromeda is not a bad game, it’s just not a Mass Effect quality game but then neither was me3
On PC currently playing a little bit of destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey just started that, Doom Eternal and on Switch currently playing Blood Stained ritual of the night and Mark of the Ninja remastered
How is mark of the ninja? I never even heard of it until a few days ago looking up games on you tube....so many games ive never even heard of that are prob amazing!
It's a side-scrolling action stealth, That is amazingly fun and incredibly creative. Was originally released in 2011 on the Xbox and now I'm pretty sure it exists on PS4 Xbox One and PC and for $20 definitely seems worth pretty happy with it so far.
Mark of the Ninja is also on Switch as well.

It’s a pretty damn good side scrolling stealth game I definitely recommend it.
Started playing AC Odyssey last week. At level 22 now. Its pretty fun. gets grindy and repetitive but looking for that better piece of weapon or gear keeps me going. Also continuing RD2. Been playing for months but just taking my time cause its that good! Almost to chapter 5. Got sooooo many games in my back log that just seem to growwwww. Still need to finish Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come, but I totally forgot how to play them with the controls, HUD, etc.... Sheesh....
I tried to play hollow knight around Halloween time but just couldn't get into it! I got the same issue with Witcher 3. I really need to replay them bc there is so much praise for both. Unfortunately the biggest problem with both is just getting lost and them I end up aimlessly wandering around get bored and turn the game off.....

It's definitely big on exploration, so if that isn't something that you enjoy so much, I'm not sure that you'll enjoy it if you give it another shot. However, I didn't either the first time I played, and now I can't put it down. (that said, I love exploration) My little beetle is a badass now. :D I've got a good set of shells, maxed out my notches for them, I have two vessels and some extra masks, and have a lot of the mobility items. It's getting REALLY fun now. It's definitely a slower-paced and expansive vania-style game. There are others that are much more fast paced and less vast that might be more enjoyable if you don't enjoy the progression of Hollow Knight.
Started playing AC Odyssey last week. At level 22 now. Its pretty fun. gets grindy and repetitive but looking for that better piece of weapon or gear keeps me going. Also continuing RD2. Been playing for months but just taking my time cause its that good! Almost to chapter 5. Got sooooo many games in my back log that just seem to growwwww. Still need to finish Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come, but I totally forgot how to play them with the controls, HUD, etc.... Sheesh....
Lol I got the same issue so many games dunno which one to start with! Just finished far cry 4 trying to knock the shorter games off first. Still need to finish Witcher 3 as I only played a few hours.
It's definitely big on exploration, so if that isn't something that you enjoy so much, I'm not sure that you'll enjoy it if you give it another shot. However, I didn't either the first time I played, and now I can't put it down. (that said, I love exploration) My little beetle is a badass now. :D I've got a good set of shells, maxed out my notches for them, I have two vessels and some extra masks, and have a lot of the mobility items. It's getting REALLY fun now. It's definitely a slower-paced and expansive vania-style game. There are others that are much more fast paced and less vast that might be more enjoyable if you don't enjoy the progression of Hollow Knight.
Well I consider your suggestions very highly! I've knocked off a ton of the games you requested and enjoyed them all. Sundered,The messanger,all the shovel knight stuff. The good thing about those games is theyre pretty straight forward as to where you need to go to progress which makes it easier to get into and play unlike hollow knight and Witcher 3...
On PC currently playing a little bit of destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey just started that, Doom Eternal and on Switch currently playing Blood Stained ritual of the night and Mark of the Ninja remastered

Mark of the Ninja is also on Switch as well.

It’s a pretty damn good side scrolling stealth game I definitely recommend it.

Yes on Switch too, as I mentioned I was currently playing it on Switch console :D