What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Guess its Baldurs Gate 3 since no one will release a new FPS multiplayer game that's not a battle royale or squad type game.
Lords of the Fallen. The movement looks fast in this game, and it has lots of mobs from what I've seen -- both traits that I like in an arpg. It also looks like it has some nice atmosphere.

It seems like a good first souls game to cut my teeth on. I've already decided that, barring any serious, unexpected, game-breaking issues, I will not refund the game. I'm determined to get past the difficulty curve of a souls game with this one ;). Hopefully I will have a good time with it. I'm sure it will be challenging and painful; nevertheless, I'm excited to play it. 2/3 finished preloading at the moment.
Been trying to play CS 2, but boy does it have a hacker issue. Also, worst sound design in a game ever. Someone could be shooting a gun 20ft from you and the sound is so muffled that you can't hear it. It's a real head scratcher.
Been trying to play CS 2, but boy does it have a hacker issue. Also, worst sound design in a game ever. Someone could be shooting a gun 20ft from you and the sound is so muffled that you can't hear it. It's a real head scratcher.
Are you playing paid or free? I want to try it but if the paid version is filled with cheats, there's no point in bothering.
It seems like a good first souls game to cut my teeth on. I've already decided that, barring any serious, unexpected, game-breaking issues, I will not refund the game. I'm determined to get past the difficulty curve of a souls game with this one ;). Hopefully I will have a good time with it. I'm sure it will be challenging and painful; nevertheless, I'm excited to play it. 2/3 finished preloading at the moment.
It's not very good compared to FromSoftware games (or Lies of P) from what I've seen in the first 10 hours that I've played. So if you don't end up liking the game, don't give up on the Souls games. It's not the best representation IMO.
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It's not very good compared to FromSoftware games (or Lies of P) from what I've seen in the first 10 hours that I've played. So if you don't end up liking the game, don't give up on the Souls games. It's not the best representation IMO.
Good to know, thanks. I will probably get around to trying DS3 and LoP, among others, at some point. I'm enjoying LotF so far. I dig the atmosphere and don't mind the platforming and long traversials full of mobs. I like that kind of thing. It is giving me flashbacks of Doom Eternal's platforming, which many complained about but I had no issues with. I'm not sure it's what people generally desire or like in a souls game, but I don't mind it hehe.

I also kind of like that you have to be very aware of walls and ledges in LotF too and can't just pretend they aren't there like in many other games. It seems realistic to me, and I hope they don't nerf that aspect of the game with patches.

The biggest challenge for me will be the boss and mini-boss fights I think. I just don't know enough about how to play these games yet to have a smooth time with those. I beat the first mini boss I came across on my second try (likely due to already being buffed for Pieta), then I got to another and am getting wrecked again ha. Hopefully with time I will figure things out and have an easier time though. All else fails I'll just try to grind it out by overleveling and bruteforce my way through it lol. Maybe I should be exploring and grinding more in between bosses rather than trying to move forward as fast as I have been. I'm pretty good and fast at getting through platforming sections and long labyrinths in games (thank you Blood and other classic FPSs...), and that might not be working to my advantage with respect to the boss encounters.

Edit: Just found out how to upgrade my weapons...that helped alot, two more bosses down :).
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Are you playing paid or free? I want to try it but if the paid version is filled with cheats, there's no point in bothering.
The paid version. I think I'm just too paranoid to play online games these days. It's bad enough there are blatant hackers, but then you have people who try to hide it. Some people are really good at hiding it. There are even streamers with a lot of followers who get caught hacking. Sad world we live in. Makes me long for a LAN party.

I'd be happy with even just some Starcraft, Diablo, maybe some Quake 3...oh baby.
Welp, it's been neither HZD or ONI... Doom 64 of all things has been taking up my time. I have forgotten how much of a pain in the ass it is to get the demon keys...
The first demon key is really the only one that's a pain in the ass. Platforming in a 2.5D first-person game is never fun. The third one can be a PITA if you don't know what to do.
My library is kinda overflowing at the moment...which is never a bad thing. I just started Jedi Survivor, so I'll probably mostly stick to that. I don't want to mess with my timing by hopping into Lies of P or Lords of the Fallen, which are somewhat similar. I'm sure I'll get some games of Street Fighter 6, though.
The first demon key is really the only one that's a pain in the ass. Platforming in a 2.5D first-person game is never fun. The third one can be a PITA if you don't know what to do.
Even still, after about 15 minutes I managed to get it. Trying to do platforming in a 2.5D first-person game with a keyboard is even less fun. Especially with one that doesn't like multiple simultaneous inputs :ROFLMAO:

It's been so long since I've played through this game that I will almost certainly have to look it up... lol
Text adventure: install Debian Linux on encrypted ZFS root filesystem under uEFI.
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All this talk in the PC Gaming section about Doom:Eternal makes me want to go ahead and give it another shot so I'll be playing that.
Some F.E.A.R. 2
Another playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. I think I got the bad ending so I'll hope to get a "good" ending.
This weekend I will be playing Virtual Real Farmer 2 - the graphics are rehickulous


After that I intend to play Tears of the Kingdom.
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Rediculous? Was that an intentional typo?
Intentional you know the redneck version of the word. Kinda like saying ain't all the time. I actually meant to say rehickulous but didn't pay attention when typing. It's just having fun with a post. But for real ill be playing tears of the Kingdom on Switch and yes that is one of my pieces of equipment.
I purchased Mad Max last night for $4.99 on the recommendation of some YouTube review "It's great 8 years later" or something.. This game kind of sucks.. it's full of bugs and zero guidance.. you get stuck in places and if you don't hit the right key you're just stuck there.. Does it get better? I may give it another go today but it was a generally frustrating experience last night.

I may try Rage again too.. just wanted to play some decent open world post apocalypse type game.. and not Fallout.

EDIT: refunded Mad Max and now playing Rage.. much more what I wanted out of an open world wasteland type game.
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On the fence. Maybe a little GTA4, Baldurs Gate 3 and thinking about trying a Assassins Creed game again for the 20th time. For some reason I've never been able to stick to playing any of them for more than an hour or so.
probably some pga 2k23 or some forza, maybe one piece, depends on what im feeling that day....
Spider-Man 2. So far so meh. I'm 5-6 hours in and it's giving me Ubisoft vibes. A great game, but the bar was set very high by the original, and this just feels like more of the same.