What are you worth on Steam?

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Account Information
Username: Rebel44
CommunityID: 765611xxxxxxxxx
Custom URL: rxxxxxx
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150xxxxx

Steam member since: 2007-06-01
Found 180 Games with a value of
Most of my game i get from the store so the list is not that big.
But now days I'm starting to like the digital copies over boxes taking up space in every corner of my game room.

Username: Rat
Custom URL: rat
Last Online: 17 hrs, 24 mins ago
Steam member since: 2003-09-25
Found 27 Games with a value of
$435.73 USD
Account Information
Username: [RTV] iGamer
Custom URL:
Steam member since: 2005-12-15

Found 87 Games with a value of
$1734.10 USD
this doesn’t mean anything but...
Steam member since: 2010-02-15
Found 13 Games with a value of
$284.87 USD
Wow I feel bad now

I just added about 20 or so games with these July 4th sales lol I was spending closer to 50 a game from what that looks like....ouch.
Why does it count HL2 Lost coast for 99 dollars?

I came here to post this exact thing haha. I got it for free with HL2 and HL2DM when I bought the boxed copy...

Neat calculator, with some issues, but fun nonetheless.

I weigh in at 21 games for $449.79
Found 105 Games with a value of
$1904.92 USD

ALL were gotten on sale except bad company 2
$1760.09 USD

EDIT: I don't think this takes DLC into account. Borderlands, MW2 and Magic the Gathering:pW.
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Rank in at 52 games
Value of $960.48
Only takes up 206 GB on my 640, which is solely dedicated to Steam. :D

Steam member since: 2005-02-02

Avg is about $18.47 a game, just picked up a couple more games for cheap from EA sale and the current sale. Hopefully can add some more before it is over.
Found 90 Games with a value of
$1235.10 USD

I guess my habit is pretty tame compared to some of you.

On 02/04/2009 (I posted in the old thread as well) http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1391711 I had 71 Steam Games worth $723.36... So I have spent around $500 on 19 games in the last 16 months. Money well spent imho.
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Found 62 Games with a value of
$1010.26 USD

Steam member since: 2004-06-06
7 digit id. Should have been lower/older but I lost my acct info sometime in 04
Found 24 Games with a value of
$406.76 USD
Steam member since: 2003-09-28
85 games worth $1598.15

This damn 4th of July sale has GREATLY increased my games lol!
Found 31 Games with a value of
$647.69 USD

Not a terrible collection, worth a little more then the average account of 550$.

That was pre-steam sale. Now

Found 57 Games with a value of
$1162.43 USD

I guess I added a little to my collection. :p
post-steam sale update:

Found 45 Games with a value of
$778.43 USD

steamapps folder size before sale: 54GB, after sale: 133GB (no I didn't get force unleashed)

I've mostly been playing L4D2 and Shatter.
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Some of you guys are out of your mind lol

Mine is kinda low but if it ever got close to $5k I'd have to recheck things in my life

Found 11 Games with a value of
$127.89 USD
Some of you guys are out of your mind lol

Mine is kinda low but if it ever got close to $5k I'd have to recheck things in my life

Found 11 Games with a value of
$127.89 USD
Don't forget though that this website isn't really 100% accurate as it states Half-Life 2: Lost Coast is $99. It is great that it is available so we can all rank amongst each other but actual cost of everyones account is probably low if not a lot lower then what is displayed.

Rank in at 52 games
Value of $960.48
Only takes up 206 GB on my 640, which is solely dedicated to Steam. :D

Steam member since: 2005-02-02

Avg is about $18.47 a game, just picked up a couple more games for cheap from EA sale and the current sale. Hopefully can add some more before it is over.

Now that the sale is over, for me anyways as I have done enough damage to my wallet.

Rank in at 62 games
Values of $1150.38

Now up to 260 GB for my Steam folder. Nice little bump in size there.

Just think, a few more month and Christmas will be arriving for us only to be tortured yet again. :rolleyes:
rat you became a member just days after me! yay for 6 digit steam id

Username: badcookies
CommunityID: xxxxx
Custom URL: badcookies
SteamID: STEAM_xxx
Last Online: 13 hrs, 29 mins ago
Steam member since: 2003-09-18

Found 35 games with a value of
629.65 USD

hardly anywhere near some of you crazy gamers in thousands but 80% of my games were from this summer sale @.@
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Found 10 Games with a value of
$289.90 USD

Username: MTL | rumx
CommunityID: xxxx
Custom URL: rumx
SteamID: xxxx
Status: Online
Steam member since: 2006-04-09

Found 290 Games with a value of
$4319.04 USD (avg about $15/game)
Steam folder's at 832GB.
Haven't bought anything yet from the current Summer sale.

After Steam summer sale update:

Found 322 Games with a value of
$4938.66 USD (still avg about $15/game)
Steam folder's now at 970GB.
(Damn, didn't break the 1TB mark yet!)
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