What are your most memorable and disappointing games?


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2005
What are your most memorable and disappointing games? I've been gaming for nearly 20 years now, and can still remember the very first games that I cherished every moment. Post a history of the games that put a mark in your gaming experience, whether they be good or bad. Here is my list of timeless games:

1) Unreal Tournament (PC)
I played this game from the demo days. This is the game that seriously launched me into (hardcore) PC gaming.

2) Puyo Puyo 2 (Sega Saturn)
This a crazy addictive puzzle games from the 90s. This is by far one of the best games that I enjoyed dueling with my friends.

3) Super Mario Kart (SNES)
The original, enough said

4) Bomberman (Sega Saturn)
This game with friends filled my evening full of laughter.

5) Diablo 2 / Lord of Destruction (PC)

6) Panzer Dragoon (Sega Saturn)
This is the game that introduced me to the Sega Saturn. Simply timeless.

7) Guardian Heroes (Sega Saturn)
This is the daddy of all brawlers games we see today. At the time, it was just epic.

8) Dungeon Keeper & Theme Hospital (PC)
What can I say, Bullfrog games!

9) Shining Force I & II (Genesis)
Back then, I was a hardcore SNES fanboy until a friend introduced me these games. I became a Sega convert overnight.

10) Final Fantasy VI (SNES) X (PS2)
FFVI tops the chart of all FF games in my opinion and X was a very fulfilling experience.

11) God of War trilogy (PS2/3)
Epic journey would be an understatement.

12) Team Fortress 2 (PC)

13) Street Fighter IV (PS3)

As for the most disappointing gaming experiences, my memory may run a little bit short:

1) Unreal Tournament sequels (PC)
None of them lived up to the original.

2) The Witcher (PC)
Dreadful writing, terrible gameplay/controls, and the biggest disappointment is that the so hyped mature content is non-existent in the game.

3) Heavy Rain (PS3)
Sloppy writing and cheap tricks ruined the game for me.

4) Crysis (PC)
I never understood the hype behind this game and it made most gamers cream their pants. The gameplay was just frustrating with enemies who just refuse to die.

5) Bioshock (PC)
All the previews got me really hyped about this game back then, but the game ended up being very poor gameplay wise, which I think was dumbed down for consoles.
here's my list of games I found really memorable.

1.) Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
Idk, I love the setting, plot, characters & gameplay mechanics (junctioning system mostly)

2.) Tekken 2 & 3 (PS1)
The first fighting games I really got into.

3.) SW: KOTOR (PC)
Since I'm a star wars fan, and an rpg lover.... this is one of the best SW games I've ever played.

4.) THPS 1 & 2 (PS1)
IMO, the best skating games on PS1 back then.

5.) CS 1.6 (PC)
First fps multiplayer that I got into (played with a bunch of friends back then)

honorable mentions:
Icewind Dale
SW Battlefront

Most disappointing games for me were:

1.) Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
After playing FFVII & FFVIII, the atmosphere of the game just felt a little "kiddy" to me.

2.) Dance Dance Revolution Max (PS2)
Being a big, big fan of DDR games, When I finally bought DDR Max.. I got bored with it very very fast.

3.) Call Of Duty: MW2 (PS3)
Multiplayer is okay, but the SP campaign IMO was wayyyy too short.

4.) The Bouncer (PS2)
Loved the gameplay of this beat'em up by Square, but the game was beatable in about 3-4 hours.
Mario Kart (n64) is the best!

Halo 1 with xboxconnect.

And pokemon yellow (yes I said it):p.
One of my most memorable games was Donkey Kong Country on SNES. It used some kind of new chip to make the graphics really look great. Some kinda 3D thing I dunno.

Most disappointing was probably Halo ODST. Bought it brand new at Gamestop at the midnight release. By about 2:30 AM it was up on Ebay. Sold while I slept and shipped it later that day.
Most memorable? Planescape Torment easily. They provided a level of quality in the writing and character development unseen in games today. All the while they still gave the player a lot of roleplaying choices along the way. Sadly, the game was criticized for it's lack of basic hack and slash gameplay and ended up as a commercial failure possibly because it dared to do something different. It'll be the last game of this nature we see, probably.

Also, I'll say Fallout. An enormous number of gameplay and character options. Plenty of ways to make your way through the game ranging from talking, fighting, and thieving. I'd never before seen a crpg where you could mow people down with miniguns and give them one hell of a sunburn with plasma weapons. Good times.

Most disappointing? Far Cry. Massively overhyped generic FPS experience, imo. A fairly straight forward FPS game that gave the very thin illusion of freedom at times. It just didn't grab me compared to competing fps games of the era.
Most memorable would be either PS:T(already mentioned) Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, or Super Mario 64.

Most disappointing? I don't know...Supreme Commander 2 was pretty disappointing after how awesomely TA-like Supreme Commander 1 was. Far Cry 2 was pretty disapointing. So gorgeous, so much potential, so little game.

Most memorably disappointing? Rogue Warrior. I didn't just read the reviews, I played the damn thing...well, I tried to. It's worse than some reviewers let on :/ lol
Most Memorable:
1) COD 4
2) Starcraft
3) The Madden series (07-10) (PS3, XBOX 360)
4) Mario Kart 64 (64, Imulator on work PC)
5) MW2 (360)
6) Need for Speed Underground (PS2)
7) Mortal Kombat 2 (SNES, PS1)
8) Doom 2 (PC)
9) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 & 2 (PS1?? maybe 2)

COD WaW (360) just could not go back to the old guns, expected to much because of COD4
Counter Strike (let me explain) i am a console player and have some friends that game on PC, i always heard about CS and how wonderfull it was. well one day i watched them paly it for about an hour or 2 and was not impressed at all...
Most memorable:
- Donkey Kong Country series for SNES -> even my dad go in on this
- DDR / stepmania -> fun for everyone!
- Guitar Hero 3 -> threw myself at TTFAF for 8 hours straight
- Starcaft, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2 -> this was my childhood basically.
- Oblivion -> Most hours spent on a single player game for me
- Mount and Blade -> runner up to Oblivion
- Halo 1 on LAN system link with my buddies
- CS 1.6 on LAN with my buddies
- Silkroad Online -> very... interesting memories

Most dissapointing:
- Fable 1 /2 -> holy bad...
- WOW -> in retrospect, this was the worst gaming decision I've ever made
Most Memorable
Wolfenstein 3D
Jazz Jackrabbit
Grand Theft Auto 3
Devil May Cry
Fallout 1/2

Most Disappointing (LOL, all sequels) ;)
Farcry 2
F.E.A.R 2
Fallout 3
Modern Warfare 2
Devil May Cry 2
Bioshock 2 is certainly my most recent major disappointment. Complete waste of money.
Most Memorable
Fallout 1 and 2
Diablo 1 and 2
Quake 2
Deus Ex
Riddick Butcher Bay
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect

Most Disappointing
Unreal Tournament 4
Half-Life 2
The Witcher
Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Mechwarior (all of them?)
X-com UFO defense
Baldur's Gate
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Civ (all of them and Alpha Centauri)
Half Life 2

Master of Orion III and nothing else is even close
Most memorable would be Doom II, Team Fortress on QuakeWorld and TFC on Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, UT2003, and COD4. Also Need for Speed Underground & Underground 2.

Most disappointing were Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament 3.

Verdict is out on BC2 and MW2 til I buy em after upgrading my card.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Mount & Blade
Half Life 2
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Decent 1/2
Monkey Island
Baldur's Gate 2

I don't know... I never play games that would disappoint me. I'm a little stingy and careful about what I buy. I check out reviews, play demo, watch vids, etc.. before I get something. Any sucky games I've seen have only been tried out on someone else's system or else the demo didn't draw me in. If a game's plot has holes, then I tend to use my imagination to fix those areas if I'm enjoying other aspects of the game.
Most Memorable:
Doom/Hexen/Duke Nukem -- The start of my decline … ;)
Thief -- Got me hooked on stealthy game play.
Half Life -- 'Cuz it wasn't like any other shooter game.
Silent Hill 2 -- Got me hooked on survivor-horror genre.
Morrowind -- Longest time spent on a single game (intermittent play for 1¾ years!)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. -- My current all-time fav … :D
Far Cry 2 -- LOVED the environment, LIKED my buddies, HATED the ending.

Most Disappointing:
Thief 3 -- Didn't meet my expectations after years of anticipation.
The Witcher -- Over-hyped. Quit half way through chapter 2 due to boredom.

UT'99 and UT2004
Ragnarok Online
Bloody Roar 1 (PSX)
Sonic 3 + Sonic and Knuckles
Pokemon Blue
Battlefield 2
Warcraft: Tides of Darkness and SC+BW
Worms Armageddon

Most Disappointing:

UT3 - the gameplay is pretty good, really. everything else about it was just bad.
Battlefield 2142 - yucky

Duke Nukem 3D
Goldeneye N64
Zelda: Majoras mask
FF6, 7, 8 and 9
Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross
Half Life 2

bah.. at this point I feel like i'm name dropping. As I type the names of games I only think of more

Most disappointing:

Rainbow Six series after Ravenshield
MoH:AA Spearhead, Breakthrough
Wolfenstein(latest rendition)
DOOM,Quake,Duke Nukem 3D,Unreal,RTCW,STALKER:SoC
Daikatana,Soldier of Fortune 3,Far Cry 2,Wolfenstein
Ace Combat 2, MGS2, Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo 1/2/3, GTA3/VC, HL/TFC, CS (1.5/1.6), BF2, Red Orchestra, Halo 1

Ace Combat series beyond the 4th, Far Cry,
Most Memorable
COD4 - never played the MP much, but the end of the SP campaign actually had me in tears.
BF1942 - first exposure to semi-realistic FPS games - before this I was mainly playing Q3. So many hours wasted driving tanks...
Morrowind - everything was so strange and foreign... my best friend and I got completely lost in this game. We still go back and play it sometimes.
Sam & Max (the new series) - I've never laughed so hard while gaming.
Mirror's Edge - I for one loved this game, despite the cheezy storyline it had really great, creative gameplay.
Portal - duh. Everyone should be required to play this game, no, this work of art, as a right of passage before they become a full gamer.
Team Fortress 2 - I've been playing this more or less nonstop since it came out. It's the most fun you can have with a broadband connection, period.
Overlord - this was a pretty funny, creative game. I got it for free, not expecting much, and ended up thoroughly enjoying it.
Burnout Paradise - heh, what can I say, I like going fast and bashing stuff, and this game knows that and loves me for who I am >.<

Most Disappointing
Oblivion - I liked it the first time I played it... but every time I come back to it, it becomes more painful to see how much better Morrowind was. Here's hoping that TES5 pulls it together.
Fallout 3 - I really wanted to love this game, but I kept thinking it felt like an Oblivion TC, which is pretty much what it was.

I guess mostly I read reviews and spend my money wisely... I rarely am disappointed by games I buy.

@NoForgiveness: I'm curious as to why TF2 is a disappointment for you. I never played TF or TFC, so maybe the major differences from those are what you dislike, but I feel like TF2 is a blast and a great game in it's own right... care to share?
Is it really possible to publish such a list and not leave out several games that deserve to be listed? I think not

FF7 and FFX were some of my most memorable

so is any Metal Gear Solid game, I think MGS1 was the best Metal Gear Solid game, in spite of it's short length, it told the best overall story and was a landmark for it's time.

I thought that Assassin's Creed 2 was the first game in quite a while that made me play it NONstop, there hasn't really been a console game that's made me play it that hardcore in a long ass time.

Dragon Age Origins is definitely a highlight, so is Bioshock.1, but Bioshock 2 felt like an improvement in some ways, and a disappointment in others.

There's way too many games that have had their moments, you guys are probably still playing those games today, whether its modern or part of trips down memory lane.

I deserve -50 dkp for not mentioning Oblivion, shame on me
1. Zelda: Ocarina of time/Majora's Mask (One of the best game of ALL times. Anyone who says otherwise is a heathen and should be killed on sight.)
2. Super Smash Bro (both for N64 and GC)
3. Metroid Prime 1 + 2 (seriously, on GC with inferior technology, that game looked AMAZING.)
4. UT2K4
5. Diablo 2
6. Mass Effect 1 + 2
7. COD4
8. Burnout 2/3/4
9. Perfect Dark 64


1. Super Smash Bros Brawl (nerfed everything... I really loved the fast action packed gameplay of the previous game, so I was really disappointed when I saw how slow the characters move. Ganondorf was my favorite character. Now he's all weak and slow as fuck.)
2. Burnout Paradise (the previous ones were GREAT. this one.... sigh. :()
3. Command and Conquer 4 (and to a lesser extent, Kane's Wrath)
4. Red Alert 1 and 2
5. ALL need for speed games (except underground 2)
6. half Life 2
Most Memorable (no specific order):
*Metroid Prime (the first one)
*Half-Life 2
*Warcraft 3/TFT (all the custom games/ lan parties)
*Super Smash Bros Melee
*Kotor (first one)
*Halo 2 (4 player split screen parties)

Most Disappointing (Don't really have any specific ones, just games I got bored with half way through):
*Mass Effect

Most disappointing? Far Cry. Massively overhyped generic FPS experience, imo. A fairly straight forward FPS game that gave the very thin illusion of freedom at times. It just didn't grab me compared to competing fps games of the era.

Plus those check points you run into on your way to new missions and objectives. Probably one of the most annoying thing I've ever come across.
Most Memorable
Final Fantasy Tactics, Twisted Metal II, Diablo II, Oblivion, The Witcher, Zelda II : The Adventures of Link, UT99/2K4

Most Disappointing
Unreal Tournament 3
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GTA Vice City, San Andreas, and IV
Half Life 2
Mechwarrior 2 and 3

Assassin's Creed
Most Memorable:
- Everquest
- Halo 1
- Counter Strike 1.6
- Half Life

Most Disappointing:
- Aion
- Warhammer Online
- Halo 2/3
- Everquest 2

I might just go boot up the original Half Life and crowbar some stuff now :p
2) The Witcher (PC)
Dreadful writing, terrible gameplay/controls, and the biggest disappointment is that the so hyped mature content is non-existent in the game.

OK I was alright up to this point, The Witcher is (IMO) one of the finest games to grace the PC in recent years, as an RPG, it's a refreshing change from the standard dross we've got used to, and the 'mature' content, it means it's got swearing and tits in it, unless you've got the US version (which I believe blanks out the tits, which is even more ridiculous).

I can't wait for the sequel.

So to add my bit :

Most memorable :

1. Deus Ex - Simply one of the best games ever devised on the PC and delivered almost to perfection. I hope DX3 delivers in the way that DX2 certainly did not.

2. Mafia - Superb story, voice-acting and graphics (for the day), and a game I still play today.

3. The Witcher (see above)

There's many other 'memorable' moments but these 3 stand out.

Disappointments, well I don't tend to get hyper about a game before it comes out to the point of acting like a 12 year old kid, so I'd have to say :

1. Deus Ex 2 - Consolised, kiddy-friendly, dumbed down shit, I cannot say any more

2. Total War - Empire - I love the TW games, but this just felt rushed and unfinished

3. Mass Effect - This was meant to be good? it's shit, let's face it

Many others, but limited to 3.
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X-COM: UFO Defense
Ultima Online (Pre UO:R)
Duke Nukem 3D
Interstate 76

Far Cry 2
most memorable: cod4 modern warfare 1 multi-player for pc. it's still the only video game i play (and thoroughly enjoy).

most disappointing: modern warfare 2 multi-player for pc. chief complaint: only 8 players in deathmatch / free for all is boring. not enough action.
Plus those check points you run into on your way to new missions and objectives. Probably one of the most annoying thing I've ever come across.

That was in Far Cry 2,actually. One of the reasons it was a disappointment to me. I liked the original,but the second one didn't even remotely resemble it,the only connection was the name itself.

Valkyria Chronicles
Dragon Age: Origins


GT 4 Prologue
Sims 3
Most memorable:
Console Category
-Golden Axe 1&2 (Sega Genesis)
-Splatterhouse (Sega Genesis)
-Phantasy Star 1&4 (Sega Genesis)
-Contra (NES)
-Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)
-Double Dragon 3 (NES)
-The Lost Vikings (SNES)
-FF 6 aka 3 in US (SNES)
-Chrono Trigger (SNES)
-Worms (SNES)
-Mario Kart (SNES)
-Earth Worm Jim (SNES)
-FF 7 (PS1)
-FF tactics (PS1)
-Valkyrie Profile (PS1)
-MGS1 (PS1)
-Street Fighter Alpha (PS1)

PC - Age of Empires 1, Warcraft 1, Fallout 1 & 3 (skipped 2), CS 1.6, Diablo 1&2, COD 4

Most disappointing
Console Category
-Shaq-Fu - (SNES)

PC - Might and Magic Dark Mesiah, Farcry 2, Warhammer Online, COD MW2
Most memorable PC titles:
Half Life
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
Sam and Max Hit the Road
GTA Vice City
Day of the Tentacle
Fallout series
Oblivion GOTY
Prince of Persia 1 and 2 (original series)
Might and Magic 6-8
The Secret of Monkey Island
Most Memorable

1. Half Life
2. Quake 2
3. Secret of Monkey Island
4. King's Quest 3
5. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
6. Sam and Max Hit the Road
7. Half Life 2
8. Fallout 3
9. Condemned 1
10. Counter Strike
11. Final Fantasy 7
12. Suikoden 1
13. Suikoden 2
14. Chrono Trigger
15. Super Mario Rpg
16. Super Mario Bros.
17. Super Mario Bros. 3
18. Super Mario World
19. Super Mario Kart
20. Metal Gear Solid

Most Disappointing

1. Metal Gear Solid 2
2. Condemned 2
3. Super Mario Kart Double Dash
4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
5. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 GCN Releases
6. GTA San Andreas
7. Halo 2
8. Halo 3
9. Bioshock
10. Deus Ex 2
11. Alien Versus Predator 2010
12. Suikoden 3
13. Final Fantasy X
14. Chrono Cross (Though, I do enjoy it.)
15. Secret of Monkey Island 4
16. Super Mario Sunshine
17. Brutal Legend
18. Resident Evil 5
19. Doom 3
20. Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy