What boot CD works with x58 hardware?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2003
So what's the best?

I was planning on making an image of my win7 install before overclocking and found I can't boot to my barts disk anymore, no hardware support for the new stuff.

what happens..no access to the HDD or it doesnt boot to the CD at all ?
It's most likely the mass storage driver. Add it to your PE installation and you should be fine.

I ditched Barts a while ago for a straight up PE. It's a little more difficult to compile, but once you've got it setup, it works rather well.
If it's an XP bart I can understand. Make yourself a Vista PE disc and I bet it would work.
If it's an XP bart I can understand. Make yourself a Vista PE disc and I bet it would work.

Funny you mention it...I just got one from a friend.
I will probably figure out how to make a 7 PE disc eventually.