what case should I get for this mobo?


Limp Gawd
Apr 20, 2003

my super budget quad p3 xeon project :D

$.99 mobo
$15 ram board
$50 for 4 x 500mhz/1mb xeons
working a deal on the ram now, but I dunno if I want to do a cardboard box case and obviously its gonna be hard to find a new case to fit this to fit in with my "super budget" theme
kleptik said:
kind of a snipe hunt, but somewhere in this thread http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=791179 a poster named ladyjaqie has pics of a friggin HUGE case and i'm pretty sure a part number for it - seem like it's on page 20 or after - maybe pm her for info or something?

edit: pics on page 22 ...


not big enough, but thanks for looking, here's a better pic showing the mobo compared to my pc75

wouldn't most any server case fit that? Does that even have a form factor? What are the measurments?

Also, what is the point of using Neutra-Air if you smoke? And is that an AA chip on your key-chain?

Do I ask a lot of questions? :p
lol, I would just get a piece of wood or something and turn it into a mobo tray. it's been a long tome since i've seen an ISA slot
Tiny said:
wouldn't most any server case fit that? Does that even have a form factor? What are the measurments?

Also, what is the point of using Neutra-Air if you smoke? And is that an AA chip on your key-chain?

Do I ask a lot of questions? :p

finding server cases that old without the server itself has proven to be a PITA, Ill measure later and I don't know what FF

if I didn't smoke I really wouldn't need air fresheners

its a dead xp2100

not too many
Soldier Prime said:
lol, I would just get a piece of wood or something and turn it into a mobo tray. it's been a long tome since i've seen an ISA slot

thats probably what Ill end up doing if I have no luck
Holy Cow. That thing is BIG. Well, Sounds like a chance at a fun mod project! ;) I love doing case mods. In fact just started one yesterday for my son. Have fun!
Fireplay5 said:
Holy Cow. That thing is BIG. Well, Sounds like a chance at a fun mod project! ;) I love doing case mods. In fact just started one yesterday for my son. Have fun!

Im thinking of a "hanging on the wall" mod

I did go and measure the mobo, its 13" x 16"

I went and grabbed a spare shelf from my tv stand and it looks like I might have a start

Do you just have smokes laying everywhere, or are you pulling a Wheres Waldo esque thing....as in Wheres my Newports?

Just kidding.

I second the hang-it-on-the-wall idea.
Im thinking of a "hanging on the wall" mod

That is too weird. A couple days ago I was thinking of doing some type of PC in a frame type of thing on the wall. Made me think of that when I saw your post originally. Then you mention it. hmmm.. ;)

I hope you are able to find the vrm's for that board cheap, otherwise you will get raped.