what cisco router is good to get to learn on?

Feb 22, 2009
Hey Guys
I just want to know what the best cisco router to get used so I can start learning these types of routers.
The cisco router that you can buy for cheap.

Check CL or kijiji, a 25xx/26xx/28xx series router will give you the ability to learn the IOS and the commands.
No point wasting 200+ for a router that you are going to learn on.

The routers listed above can be purchased within 30-80's each, depending how good of a deal you find.
The 2621 routers are dirt cheap and can do alot of the basic stuff. You can also buy extra memory for them for cheap. For about $50 you can get a decent router with two ethernet ports to get started

I would recommend
3x 2621 routers
3x 2950 switches
1x 2522 (lots of serial interfaces)

You should be able to piece that together for less than $200-300 depending on how much shopping you are willing to do.

I have my eye on some new gear, just need to save up some money. looking for a couple 2811 routers. I would love to pick up two 3750 switches since you can do routing on them as well as switching. (ipservicesimage or ipbase image)
GNS3 is nice but you will have to find the Cisco IOS images to load onto there.

You can also try to use packet tracer, nothing extra to do. Just install and configure. Very easy program to use so you can get the basics of routing/switching down.
I find packet tracer amazingly useful for just getting started.
All I want to do is learn it incase I need to use it in the future.

I would strongly suggest dowloading packet tracer and learn from there. You can save yourself the money and time of hunting down the hadware.

You could start learning tonight if you wanted to try to do it via packet tracer. Routers are a bit more complicated to learn due to the protocols(RIP/EIGRP), how the MAC address table populates, etc... but switching is much easier.

Give it a shot
I actually just ordered some gear to start working towards my CCNA. Got a pair of 3640 routers and a pair of 3512 switches, which should be arriving tomorrow. About $200 including some patch cables and a 12U rack to mount it all on. I'm fairly hands-on, and wanted to have the actual equipment to work with rather than just the simulation. The 26xx routers and 29xx switches are also good to start with, though the price difference between those and the 36xx/35xx series is pretty small, and you have more options for IOS upgrades down the line.