What Consoles Will You Buy?

What consoles will you buy?

  • XBOX360 (or already own)

    Votes: 88 41.1%
  • PS3

    Votes: 33 15.4%
  • Wii

    Votes: 142 66.4%
  • Undecided on the XBOX360

    Votes: 35 16.4%
  • Undecided on the PS3

    Votes: 36 16.8%
  • Undecided on the Wii

    Votes: 26 12.1%
  • None, but I want to vote

    Votes: 9 4.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 5, 2005
So, what consoles do [H]ard forum readers plan to buy?

EDIT: You can pick more than one.
Wow, I can't even vote right on my own poll. Meant to put 360 and undecided on Wii and PS3, but because of the damn catch phraze (Wii60) I selected Wii and 360 without thinking and hit submit.
What about buying a PS3 to ebay it? I'm buying it, but won't be owning it.
I bought all 3 consoles this last generation and i'll end up buying the three next-gen consoles.

Although i doubt i'll get an xbox360 for a while to come, there still aren't any games i find particularly compelling. My preference currently goes PS3 > Wii > 360.
This has got to be the fifth poll on this topic. :) Anyways I have a 360 already...but will still be getting ps3 and wii.
Have XBOX 360, may purchase wii if cheap or when price drops and if it has games that are of interest to me.
squeezee said:
Although i doubt i'll get an xbox360 for a while to come, there still aren't any games i find particularly compelling. My preference currently goes PS3 > Wii > 360.

I feel the same way. The only Xbox360 games that look remotely entertaining won't be out until next year in which case the 360 will probably go down in price.
I might end up getting all 3. I really hope the X360 gets some halfway decent RPGs in the next couple of years because as of right now, very little in its lineup is interesting to me. In fact, if it wasn't for the superior ports and homebrew, I wouldn't have even owned the original Xbox. Obviously the PS3 will probably have the usual wealth of JRPGs while the Wii will have the change of pace, which fit my needs perfectly. All of the FPS's and shooters will be enjoyed on the keyboard and mouse like they were meant to be.
i don't have a prefered genre, thats probably why im enjoying the Xbox360 right now ;)

currently own the X360, looking forward to purchasing the Wii, but not at launch, i'll wait for it, but i'm certain right now that i'll own it

for me to purchase the PS3, quite a few things have to happen, mainly a change in price, and titles to show up to make me want to buy it, currently with no line up other then future slated titles and a high price tag i have zero interest in buying it.
E3 settled it for me; Wii60 for me.

There are many good reasons to not pick Sony this time around. Missing MGS4 will sting, but giving $600 to a company as arrogant and useless as Sony has become is beyond my ability to do.
Another Wii60 for me. Currently own my 360 and waiting until Fall until I can get ahold of its counterpart.
Currently own a 360, will get a Wii once it's released, but I'm not sure on the PS3, maybe once the price drops I'll get one.
Already own a 360, will be picking up a PS3 at launch.

Undecided on the Wii, I will wait to see how this controller pans out and try out some in store demos once they come around. If it really works I will consider it, until then it's just a crippled system compared to the other two.
I got a 360, getting a PS3 whenever MGS4 comes out, wii .... I dunno, havent seen anything yet that makes me say "wow I have to have a wii" or "theres no place that could be done other than the wii". Even though it will be hard to pass up on a Metroid PRime game.
i own a 360, and will get a wii if the price dips below 150.

PS3? i wouldnt touch if someone paid me.
Wii for Mii.

Not touching the PS3 with a 20ft pole. Just way too expensive. 360 is a possibility in the future, but I doubt it right now. Everything I want is coming with the Wii.
Saloma Teale said:
Wii for Mii.

Not touching the PS3 with a 20ft pole. Just way too expensive. 360 is a possibility in the future, but I doubt it right now. Everything I want is coming with the Wii.

The great thing about the 360 is that it will likely drop in price when the PS3 launches, so you can get the Wii and wait for that to happen while they accumulate a few more exclusives. Gears of War should be the game to get this Fall for the 360.
Have a 360. Will buy a wii unless they really manage to fuck it up somehow. It just seems really cool right now. As far as the ps3 goes unless it preforms oral at that price sony can piss off. I just refuse to pay that much. They would have to do something incredible for me to get one. Maybe when it goes through a few price drops and is like 300 I'll look at it.
swatbat said:
Have a 360. Will buy a wii unless they really manage to fuck it up somehow. It just seems really cool right now. As far as the ps3 goes unless it preforms oral at that price sony can piss off. I just refuse to pay that much. They would have to do something incredible for me to get one. Maybe when it goes through a few price drops and is like 300 I'll look at it.

That's exactly my attitude at this time. I have no interest in the PS3 because I don't care for any of their exclusives. I especially don't have any interest in it at this price, even if it can function as a Blu-Ray player. However, if Blu-Ray wins the format war and the price eventually drops to something reasonable, I could see myself owning one.
Psychotext said:
Give those crazy developers a little time...

That's the scary part as there are some developers who can get a little too creative, although the PS3 controller at least doesn't vibrate. If something that "wierd" hit the states, I can just imagine how crazy some people would get.
junehhan said:
That's the scary part as there are some developers who can get a little too creative, although the PS3 controller at least doesn't vibrate. If something that "wierd" hit the states, I can just imagine how crazy some people would get.

Well, the japanese do have that ass-fisting arcade game... Would it be that surprising if somebody over their developed a dating sim with a force-feedback USB fleshlight device? ;)
NulloModo said:
Well, the japanese do have that ass-fisting arcade game... Would it be that surprising if somebody over their developed a dating sim with a force-feedback USB fleshlight device? ;)

Can mini usb provide power? If so I think the ps3 found a nice little niche market :p
NulloModo said:
Well, the japanese do have that ass-fisting arcade game... Would it be that surprising if somebody over their developed a dating sim with a force-feedback USB fleshlight device? ;)

I find the thought of that rather disgusting. Let's hope they don't get that creative, or else the PS3 could get a reputation for being the "adult's only" console. Granted that there is a huge adult market for something like that, Sony just wouldn't allow it :)
I already have an Xbox 360 and plan to buy a Wii. I'm undecided on the PS3, but will probably end up buying it after several price drops. I'm in college right now so I don't really have the time to play all these consoles, an Xbox 360 and a Wii will do.

Plus, I need to build a new desktop next year. With Windows Vista and DirectX 10 around the corner, I'd rather not spend $600 on the PS3.
NulloModo said:
Well, the japanese do have that ass-fisting arcade game... Would it be that surprising if somebody over their developed a dating sim with a force-feedback USB fleshlight device? ;)

*shudder*these usb devices you speak of exist*shudder*
no i'm not *shudder* linking it
damn the internet!!!!!