What DDR4's better: 64GB 2400 or 32GB 2800?


[H]F Junkie
Mar 22, 2008
I am upgrading to a X99 board and am looking for memory. I'd like at least 32GB of memory.

I was wondering if going with 2800 speed would have any benefit over 2400 and if the jump from 32GB to 64GB would make a difference.

Ideally I would just go with 64GB of the fastest memory I could find, but it seems they only have 2400 speed w/ the 8GB modules.

The first question that comes to mind is 'what exactly do you plan on using it for?'

If you're going to raise a bunch of VMs for something, for instance, you'd probably be better off with trading speed for overall amount.

I personally plan on raising 1 or 2 VMs at a time, no other real need for a ton of RAM here, but I also plan on gaming. For me, 16GB of DDR4-2666 should be enough until DDR4 matures and I can easily get 32GB of DDR4-4266 (or whatever speed ends up being near the top-end).

I've also read that a few people don't like the DDR4-2800 stuff because it forces you to raise the BCLK. On haswell-e that shouldn't actually be much of a problem, but something to research a little more.
I'll be doing a mix of things with this machine: gaming, graphics programming, 3ds max, photoshop, etc.

I do realize 64GB is overkill, but I'm also typing this on a rig I built 6 years ago. If this new rig lasts that long, I will be still using it in 2020. Who knows how much RAM you need in 2020, I want to be prepared.

Also, I don't like the idea of having to overclock the BCLK just to use the RAM. That alone is reason enough for me to stick w/ 2400.
RAM is easy to upgrade any time. I would personally go with 32GB faster RAM. You aren't using anything that would use nearly that much.
He's not using anything where the tiny speed difference would be noticable either. I would go for 64 GB, or better yet, any 32 GB now and add 32 GB later if needed.
@Matt174e: Yep; :)

@LAiN_OfTheWired: I'm probably leaning toward getting the faster stuff but I can wait a few weeks and see what comes out.
I think that Windows' prefetching and file caching can make a quantifiable difference going from 32 to 64 gigs and speed increase of 2400 to 2800 is certainly a case of diminishing (and miniscule!) returns; capacity should be your first concern.
I ended up going with the Corsair Vengeance LPX 2800 - 32GB (8x4GB).

The big factor was that I couldn't find the 8GB sticks in time, and I thought the faster speed might be more useful on a regular basis rather than the extra space which might not even be used frequently.

In any case, RAM is easy to swap out so if I see some real gains with newer sticks I can always upgrade.