What did you do to my SSX???

How dare you change your game! Next there will be a thread claiming they didn't change the game enough.
I laughed SO hard when they announced this. Gamers have been clammering for a new SSX for years. Then they release Tom Clancy's SSX, hahahahhaha.

"Lt. Commander Jones, you need to snowboard down towards the Nigerian village to the east to gather up weapons and intel, but do so in a manner that involves a lot of tricks for maximum points and a possible bonus round, lol."

- Brigadier H. Rillyfast
April Fools? Surprise? Just Kidding?

So, when's the real new SSX gonna come out?

The sad part is I don't think they're kidding. :eek:

Oh, and...

I think it could be fun as shit. Huge drops, wingsuits, kick-ass tricks, hopefully a good soundrack...what's not to like? The old SSX's were badass.

Fucking chill till the games comes out, goddamn:rolleyes:
I guess it depends how "realistic" they make it. Can I still do ridiculously high jumps and drops without killing myself? Can I unstrap from my board mid-air and do the worm on it? I liked the backcountry sections in SSX3 a lot, but only because it was still SSX3 underneath all the powder and rocks. As long as the game can make me feel like I'm playing SSX, then it'll be good.
you havent even played the game yet and your crapping on it

Is it any wonder?
In SSX: Deadly Descents the first goal is to survive. The second, in true SSX fashion, is to look good doing it.

Resident Evil 5: Snowboard Edition?

I'm with OP. If they're too dumb to just put out a new game like Tricky that uses current console power, than FFS make an HD remix of Tricky for XBLM/PSN or GTFO. :mad: This is crap.

SSX is a snowboarding game, period. SSX: DD sounds like snowboarding takes a backseat to running around a mountain. It's like when Activision said "you know what, after 5 Tony Hawk games, people are tired of skateboarding around, so let's let them get off the board and jump across rooftops for awhile". No. Just no. You want to make a game that is a VAST difference from what people expect? Either put out 2 versions or make the new garbage that you THINK people will like OPTIONAL.

What's next, is Gran Turismo 6 going to be about carjacking first and racing second?
Next Zelda going to be about collecting monsters first and kicking Ganon's ass second?
Tricky and SSX3 were brilliant games.
Heck, once you got a handle on the control and trick scheme, Blur was pretty good too...
I just, don't quite know how to react to this.
I'll reserve judgment until I see some gameplay, but SSX is a series that doesn't need a paradigm shift.

Oh well, as long as Kaori is in it, I'll be fine...
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Is it any wonder?

Resident Evil 5: Snowboard Edition?

I'm with OP. If they're too dumb to just put out a new game like Tricky that uses current console power, than FFS make an HD remix of Tricky for XBLM/PSN or GTFO. :mad: This is crap.

SSX is a snowboarding game, period. SSX: DD sounds like snowboarding takes a backseat to running around a mountain. It's like when Activision said "you know what, after 5 Tony Hawk games, people are tired of skateboarding around, so let's let them get off the board and jump across rooftops for awhile". No. Just no. You want to make a game that is a VAST difference from what people expect? Either put out 2 versions or make the new garbage that you THINK people will like OPTIONAL.

What's next, is Gran Turismo 6 going to be about carjacking first and racing second?
Next Zelda going to be about collecting monsters first and kicking Ganon's ass second?

Or...now, stay with me, this is tough...it could mean that "Deadly Descents" means...gasp...the mountains themselves are dangerous bad to snowboard down. Maybe something along the lines of snowboarding from the summit of Mt Everest or K2.

Perhaps the tagline "The first goal is to survive..." means that ya might get yourself killed trying to board down this here mountain.

Could be that the 2 helicopters seen in the trailer represent 2 compteting teams, each trying to be the first to put one of their team at the top of the mountain so their guy can be the first one DOWN the mountain.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, you people like to jump to conclusions.

"It has teh werd "DEADLY" in it, must be guns and big splosions RAAAAWWWRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
If I can die or be injured in this SSX, then it and all of its iterations can go to fucking hell.

The Art also seems to completely miss the flavor of the original SSX games. I doubt it'll be for the good because I am a cynic when it comes to remakes (lol if you think this is a sequel).
"It has teh werd "DEADLY" in it, must be guns and big splosions RAAAAWWWRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Instead of vehicular combat (Twisted Metal), we'd have snowboard combat? :D
Oh wait, they already did that...it was called TrickStyle. (I actually liked that game too. ;))