What do you clean your LCD screen with?


Oct 28, 2006
I have been using that Monster stuff, but I really haven't used it that much, as I only clean my screen when I get fingerprints on it, which is almost never since dust doesn't seem to stick to it. Either the BenQ fp241w is immune to dust or that Monster stuff is doing its job. Its probably due to the monitor itself, my dads tells me his tv screen never gets dust on it either (Sony KDS-R70XBR2).

However, the rest of the monitor is filthy, what do you use to keep it all clean and dust free? Endust for Electronics? BTW, is that stuff safe for LCD screens? Have any of you used it before?
I've always used a vinegar based kitchen cleaner with excellent results.
As long as its not left to soak, it wont harm the panel.
Even water soaks into LCD panels so a quick drying liquid is better.
Vinegar based cleaners evaporate pretty quick.

Theres tons of other good cleaning products but if you are cheap like me, this works well :)
I have had my Dell 3007FPW for just over 2 years now and have yet to need to clean the screen with anything else besides canned air. When it gets dusty I just give it a few blasts of air from about a foot away and its as good as new. But then again, the screen has yet to be touched by any fingers.
Monster ScreenClean (with microfiber cloth).

I bought it over a year ago and it's still 90% full. :)
I use Window Cleaner with hot water because its a LCD window just joking

I really use a camera lens cloft from Jessops:)
micro fiber cloth and water, i dont trust cleaners... if i gotta, i water down some dawn, but i havent had to on this moniter yet
Anti Glare LCDs:
Pretty Tought IMO, I use windex here, just don't allow drips/mist to run into crevices

Glossy LCD & Plasma (purple reflective coating @ angle):
Don't use WIndex. My mom left horrbile streaks on her Sony high-gloss laptop screen. Not sure what happened there, but the LCD was blurry when on, and you could see a rainbow like effect on the screen's reflection when the screen was off.

I ended up using some eye-glass cleaner cloths, took about three of those to bring the screen back to 95% normal. I think Endust would be a safe bet.
Yup! Microfiber and water is good enough. I use Digital Innovations cleaner with microfiber. It contains De-ionized water and polymers. Regular tap water will still does the job also.

micro fiber cloth and water, i dont trust cleaners... if i gotta, i water down some dawn, but i havent had to on this moniter yet
Target brand Windex.

Accckkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! Windex can ruin some of the coatings on displays....

That being said, I only use tiny amounts of distilled water, and for tough stains, SPIT. Yes, spit. It dissolves organic matter, and in small amounts, does not stain/smudge the display. Finish off with a lint free cloth, perfection.
I use some of these electronic wipes I get at Walmart. They seem to do the job just fine, and don't leave any streaks.
I use some of these electronic wipes I get at Walmart. They seem to do the job just fine, and don't leave any streaks.

Yep! I use DustOff Monitor Wipes. You can get them at any Tech store BB, CC ...

DO NOT SPRAY anything on your LCD. If you use Windex spray it on a clean paper towel or cloth then wipe. Paper towels suck because they leave paper fragments on the screen. Monitor wipes are the same thing as electrostatic wipes. You can use them on everything.

Microfiber work too, but they collect gunk over time and become less effective. With the wipes; you just throw them away. Save you micro fiber cloth for your camera lenses.

Seriously; don't spray anything on your screen. The liquid can run into places where it can cause trouble.

This topic has been covered heavly in the Notebook Forums: http://www.notebookforums.com/forum22.html

Just try'en to save ya some trouble

Yeah I have heard that too, I have made that mistake before though, luckily the Monster stuff is like a gel or something or other and does not drip. But after reading something similar I just spray it on the cloth first.
Nothing. I never touch it and since it's vertical, dust build-up is minimal. I can count on one hand how many times I've touched my screen. I never touched my first LCD on the screen once and it lasted over 1.5 years. Looked great the day I sold it.