What do you guys think of this PSU?

i don't like modular because the extra connectors add resistance and is another failure point
Ok, failure points. I won't refute that logic.

But if that socket A system were ever to fail on you, you're out what.....300 bucks?
Ok, failure points. I won't refute that logic.

But if that socket A system were ever to fail on you, you're out what.....300 bucks?

HA built the system amost 4 years ago with a non modular PSU. www.all4amd.com

Im waiting on AMD phenom to come out to drop $4k on complete system built. now run along b4 ur noobnes kills me
I won't argue that modular connections don't add a possible point of failure. On the other hand I've never heard of modular connectors contributing to a failure.
Modular plugs add a point of resistance and failure, yes.

Resistance equal to about 2 feet of wire.

2 feet of wire doesn't have a lot of resistance. Failure, only if you plug and unplug it hundreds of times a day, for hundreds of years.

It's a non-issue.
It's not on Newegg, very cheap, but it seems to be very good...almost suspicious.


Any comments? The reviews I can find are just on that site, sort of biased I think...the PSU itself is certified by Nvidia to run 8800 GTX ultra SLi, but I really thought given the price and description it would be more popular...am I missing something?

Well i think tiger direct is terrible i had bad experience with them, and that site is owned by them im sure. Another thing i dont think ultra is a good brand ur better off with 750w pc power and cooling from newegg for 179.99 on special right now. I just bought it for my system.
Another thing i just saw.. 70a on 12v is bullcrap from that manufacture and price range.
*sigh* That's a really great psu, I sure wouldn't mind owning one.

Another thing i just saw.. 70a on 12v is bullcrap from that manufacture and price range.

I see that you have absolutely no idea what your talking about, but I guess your trying to justify your purchase.
Well i think tiger direct is terrible i had bad experience with them, and that site is owned by them im sure. Another thing i dont think ultra is a good brand ur better off with 750w pc power and cooling from newegg for 179.99 on special right now. I just bought it for my system.

You're right. We should all avoid any companies that have anything to do with Systemax because you had a bad experience.

Another thing i just saw.. 70a on 12v is bullcrap from that manufacture and price range.

You're right. Let's assume that the label has to be false... and that the three reviews linked at the top of this thread are also completely wrong. Throw it all out the window and buy an Apevia PSU.
Alright make fun of what i said but it comes down to what u really need.

250$ for 1000W Ultra
179$ for 750W which peaks 830w

So u have them caps which are mentioned to be questionable in the [H] review in the ultra... or you have a 750w that has awards up the ying yang still has 60a on 12v and runs just fine and is better bang for your buck and lets see from what i read is capable of dual 8800ultra's also.

.25cents/watt - ultra
.23cents/watt - pc power

Give me crap how you want but there are the facts im not favoring companies here.
So u have them caps which are mentioned to be questionable in the [H] review in the ultra...

I hate to tell you this, but PC P&C uses those same caps in the Turbocools. Teapo may be questionable for use on mainboards, but I'm certainly not going to fault an SMPS for using them.
Alright make fun of what i said but it comes down to what u really need.

250$ for 1000W Ultra
179$ for 750W which peaks 830w

So u have them caps which are mentioned to be questionable in the [H] review in the ultra... or you have a 750w that has awards up the ying yang still has 60a on 12v and runs just fine and is better bang for your buck and lets see from what i read is capable of dual 8800ultra's also.

.25cents/watt - ultra
.23cents/watt - pc power

Give me crap how you want but there are the facts im not favoring companies here.

Ok. I will give you crap.

More facts (other than what OKW pointed out):

The Ultra also has awards up the ying yang.
The Ultra is quieter.
The Ultra is modular.
The Ultra has FlexForce cables making it easier to route and hide cables.
The Ultra has a lifetime warranty.
The Ultra is rated at 40C and peaks at 1100W

And if the OP only needs as much power as a Silencer, but wants a quiet, modular unit with FlexForce cables and a lifetime warranty, then he can consider the X3 800W for $200 and change.

I have nothing against the Silencer. It's a good unit for the money. Nobody made this a PCP&C vs. Ultra debate until you came along and spewed ignorance all over the thread. Now let's press the reset button, welcome you to Hardforums and ask that next time you open your mouth, do some research first.
*is OP*

Well, I've decided on a fairly complicated cooling system, QX6850 OC'd to 3.7GHz, 4 gigs of 800 ram, and when the 8950's come out, or the 9 series graphics cards, I'll run them in SLi.

Graphics cards and processor will be liquid cooled and quite silent.

Not that I ~need~ a 1000w PSU per se, but the modular cables do look really spiffy. I've decided on this unit to power it, now that I see it's really not a scam or some such...although that link still looks shifty IMO >_>;;
*is OP*

Well, I've decided on a fairly complicated cooling system, QX6850 OC'd to 3.7GHz, 4 gigs of 800 ram, and when the 8950's come out, or the 9 series graphics cards, I'll run them in SLi.

Graphics cards and processor will be liquid cooled and quite silent.

Not that I ~need~ a 1000w PSU per se, but the modular cables do look really spiffy. I've decided on this unit to power it, now that I see it's really not a scam or some such...although that link still looks shifty IMO >_>;;

Ok. So you are planning on a fairly uber system. The 800W would be enough, but there's nothing wrong with "overhead." The link's not shifty. Global is the business to business division of Systemax. Read: TigerDirect is for end users, Global is for b-to-b. If you pull up some pages over at Tiger, you'll find a lot of the pictures, descriptions and prices are the same.
Jonny, I too was interested in the X3, but I've since read some reports of high failure rates on UltraX power supplies. However, those claims were all regarding previous versions, not the X3. I'm just wondering if you can comment on that (alleged) aspect?
Jonny, I too was interested in the X3, but I've since read some reports of high failure rates on UltraX power supplies. However, those claims were all regarding previous versions, not the X3. I'm just wondering if you can comment on that (alleged) aspect?

What's UltraX? Isn't that the company that makes QuickTech and RAM Stress Test?

Do some homework. What units are they actually talking about? If they're older units, who's the OEM? Is it the same OEM as the X3?

And who's actually "reporting" the problems? People that have had the product, or people that have friends with cousin's who's wife's coworker had a brother with a computer with a power supply that might have been that brand that went BOOM?
OK, Jonny, sorry I missed a space in there. "Ultra X", not "UltraX." I would assume that you would have assumed that I was talking about the same power supply as is the subject of this thread and just let that slide, but I guess you're a bit too anal for that? Wow.

Anyway...As for "Who's the OEM?," would Wintech and Youngyear be considered the OEMs? I'm gathering that Youngyear was the worst of the two, although also saw some posts mentioning Wintech as also being crap, so I don't know. Perhaps you can clarify this for me.

Your last question regarding who is reporting the problems is, of course, pretty difficult to impossible to accurately ascertain without personally visiting the owner's homes. But for example, I was reading this thread, which contained a quote by you regarding an Ultra power supply that had a high failure rate, although it is not clear which particular model or OEM is being addressed:

Obviously, then, you know that Ultra had at least one problem in the past with at least one particular power supply that had a high failure rate, and if the quote is accurate, you have stated the same. It also seemed to have built a reputation -- whether still deserved or not in 2007, I wasn't 100% sure -- of having less than desirable failure rates.

So, knowing that, I was simply asking for your comments on this in light of your good review of the X3. Just perhaps a verification of sorts, along the lines of "they had problems in the past, but that is the past, and there is no need to be concerned about the company's past failures if you are considering buying an X3." Or whatever your opinion would be on that...I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you get the idea of the brief comment I was looking for.

I also saw these threads -- the last one especially interested me since you were a participant in it:

So, in summary, I've done some reading -- the "homework" as you put it -- but of course since you're the self-proclaimed "GURU," and I know your know your stuff on PSUs, probably more than I'll ever know or want to know for that matter, and I respect your opinion, I figured I'd ask for a bit of your time on this and make a comment with regard to the past problems which you've evidently acknowledged, as juxtaposed with the glowing review of the X3. A brief statement to quell (or confirm) my concerns about Ultra's quality. That's all.

Thanks again for your time.

Not even Ultra X. It's just Ultra. The power supply you're refering to is called the X-Connect.

The OEM for certain X-Connect's is Wintech (ok) and for most of them, Youngyear (poo). Wintech can make a decent unit.

Going by One unit, and saying the entire line is crap is pretty irresponsible. Remember the antec Truepower I, II, and Neopower? How about the Enermax Liberty? Perhaps you remember that batch of PCP&C 510's?

That, and the Guru in JonnyGURU isn't him calling himself a guru; as explained on his site,
Once upon a time, circa 1988, at a Clock Restaurant on U.S.1 in Vero Beach, FL (I believe it's now Chinese take out) a hostess had trouble pronouncing "Gerow" and announced that "Guru, party of three. Your table is ready." Since the party of three were three High School seniors, the misnomer stuck.

Shata: Comparing PSU's by price per watt is pretty stupid. Watts aren't important, amps are, and quality is. How about comparing a $10 "680w" psu to a Zippy 300w (which probably costs 20 times that)?
Wow. This thread has a mixture of n00bness and knowledge in it. Anyway, read the reviews. The Ultra power supplies in general are good units, this one being one of the best on the market, let alone anything else.
Anyway...As for "Who's the OEM?," would Wintech and Youngyear be considered the OEMs?

Neither - the X3 is a server grade Andyson build... as good as anything else out there. It's the Youngyear built X-Connects that gave Ultra such a bad reputation, and they used them for only that one model. The Wintech models aren't my personal favorites either, but those already hold up a lot better than the Youngyear stuff.
So, in summary, I've done some reading -- the "homework" as you put it -- but of course since you're the self-proclaimed "GURU," and I know your know your stuff on PSUs, probably more than I'll ever know or want to know for that matter, and I respect your opinion, I figured I'd ask for a bit of your time on this and make a comment with regard to the past problems which you've evidently acknowledged, as juxtaposed with the glowing review of the X3. A brief statement to quell (or confirm) my concerns about Ultra's quality. That's all.

Thanks again for your time.

Sorry to come off half cocked. I'm having a pretty shitty month w/ new job, move, family, etc. Next month isn't going to be much different.

The information is out there if you do some searching. You found out that Youngyear and Wintech are OEM's. If you google that, you can actually find my "SMPS OEM page." http://www.jonnyguru.com/SMPS_UL.htm. Most Ultra's are made by Wintech and are fairly mediocre. No PFC, group regulation, poor efficiency (by today's standards) but won't blow up taking off an arm. When X-Connect first came out, they were made by Youngyear because nobody else would touch the whole "modular" idea (it was never done before back then.) After a while, X-Connects were a mix of Wintech and Youngyear. Youngyear being used the next time around because they were "cheap" (they cost down the unit for greater margins, but never told Ultra about the cost down). They were cheap for a reason (if you know what I mean.) This totally tarnished Ultra's reputation, but the X-Connect (original) was discontinued almost three years ago. So anyone bitching about them dying TODAY or is trying to make a parallel between the X-Connect model and anything else Ultra has ever put out really needs to get a life.

If you look at a handful of X2 reviews, you'll see that they are all Wintech. Never Youngyear.

If you look at any one of the three X3 reviews linked above, you'll see they all say the X3 is made by Andyson. Not Youngyear and not Wintech. A completely different ball park. The Andyson has independant regulation, is very efficient and the AT8 platform used for the X3 is actually Andyson's server product with the pair 80 fan arrangment used in the X-Finity and X-Pro 800W units moved to a single 140MM (with heatsinks redesigned accordingly.)
Johnny why does the ultra start off with 4 12 V rails and then combine them?
While others main selling point is seperate rails...
Heck I thought it was better to keep them seperate (ok I am an artard on this)

which is better?
Thanks, Jonny. You verified the information I was finding (while putting all of the scattered pieces together for me), and assured me that I won't really go wrong if I end up choosing the X3.

I appreciate your time. Thanks again.
ok in the review it says this

"Here we see how the four 12V rails merge into a single rail. It all ties together on the modular interface"

Is this backwards are is it saying that it starts off as 4 and is meged into 1 ?


There's one +12V source. The AT8 platform is natively a quad +12V rail unit. There are four pdas on the PCB for +12V output. Normally, these leads go to your separate connectors. Prior to these four pads on the PCB there's an OCP circuit that limits each rail to < 20A. On the Ultra, the pads are still there because the same main PCB is unchanged, but there is no OCP circuit and all of the leads merge back together at the modular interface.