What Do You Guys Use For Wire Management?


May 21, 2001
Hey guys,

I'm setting up my new rig soon and I would like something to help manage the rats nest behind the computer. No I don't go back there much but I'm just tired of it looking like ass and I would like a much cleaner look. What do I need to get to clean this up? Is there something I can velcro on the walls that will sort of route the wires in an orderly fashion? It would have to open up and allow me to easily make changes. I don't know, something like that I guess. Below is what it currently looks like.

I use the old school wire loom, lol. Cheap, easy to use, and clean looking. I'm sure theres better things out by now, but zip ties + wire loom works well for me.
i use a mix of everything wire loom, zip ties, cable wraps and electrical tapes....worked for me...

check it out here to get and idea, I dont know how it was called when i went to home depot best answer i got was, uhhh unnmmm??
My wife hates trying to put garbage ties on the garbage bags, so she just doesn't use them. Meaning, of course, that there are always plenty around for me to use for exterior cables. Group everything up into a nice bundle. Take extra length and fold it over itself (like they come packaged ;) ). You probably already figured all that out though. So anyway...

I vote zipties and garbage ties. (latter is my preference)
The Wire Gutter things look sweet. If I can find those locally I may try just a few of those along with the wire ties and garbage ties. Thanks guys.
I dont even see mine...they are all way back behind my desk. You could not see them unless you pulled my entire desk out (meaning I dont care). :D
Holyshit, that looks like my schools server cables.

But yeah, zip ties, velcro straps, tubing (If needed)
you first step is buying a real surgeprotecter or a battery back up, take that power strip, mount it on teh desk, plug everything into it un the ONE cable from teh powerstrip to the outlet(or surge protecter/UBS) then buy some zip ties and the little square ziptie holders and hide all your wires along the back of the desk

that way at most you will have one wire loose in that space, from the powerstrip to whatever it plugs into
I hate wire management cause when you have to change something, you gotta undo it all! :mad:
Yea, I know what you mean. It's much better having to just uplug everything to untangle your mouse cord from the unbreakable knot formed between the PC power cord, monitor power cord, and monitor cord. ;)
dotHectate said:
Yea, I know what you mean. It's much better having to just uplug everything to untangle your mouse cord from the unbreakable knot formed between the PC power cord, monitor power cord, and monitor cord. ;)

Stop speaking sense!!! :mad: :D

I do manage wires inside my case, but just by running them through the drive bays and stuff. No zipties.

I'm a lazy sonofabitch. :p
nothing, you dont even need wiremanegment yet, you should see whats under my desk ;)
Renswic said:
you first step is buying a real surgeprotecter or a battery back up, take that power strip, mount it on teh desk, plug everything into it un the ONE cable from teh powerstrip to the outlet(or surge protecter/UBS) then buy some zip ties and the little square ziptie holders and hide all your wires along the back of the desk

that way at most you will have one wire loose in that space, from the powerstrip to whatever it plugs into
Now that is a good idea. Along with some of This Stuff and I should be all set. The stuff from Jilson.com looks good too.
I always save the black twisty ties that come with things I buy. You know all those cords that come with speakers, video game systems, power supplies, things like that? They always tie them up with black twisty ties. I keep them and they're great to use to bundle wires together and out of sight, and they're easily removed.
scrawnypaleguy said:
I always save the black twisty ties that come with things I buy. You know all those cords that come with speakers, video game systems, power supplies, things like that? They always tie them up with black twisty ties. I keep them and they're great to use to bundle wires together and out of sight, and they're easily removed.
^^^^^ - ditto
mdameron said:
I hate wire management cause when you have to change something, you gotta undo it all! :mad:

it's easier to just hide them! put something in front of them so they are not seen something thats not so flammable if possible ;)

Puterguru said:
Now that is a good idea. Along with some of This Stuff and I should be all set. The stuff from Jilson.com looks good too.
if i were to use anything, it would definately be some of these items, i have used those handcuff style cable clamps before, they work quite well
im gonna second the zip ties. make sure you get some good sizes though. Also getting a gew 3M stick hooks is nice so you can keep the cables hidden between the desk and the wall without it hitting the wall.

wires suck
zip ties are nice, but i happen to use painters tape. It's really easy, plus i can use it to stick bound cables to the bottom of the wall and route them. the real secret to wire management is to do it one at a time. so lay down all your equipment, and then plan the wire paths accordingly.