What do you keep your GX2 clocked to?


Feb 16, 2007
What are you GX2 owners keeping your clocks set to?

Stock settings are:
GPU Clock - 600MHz
Memory - 1000MHz
Shader - 1500MHz

If/when you OC'ed your card, did the performance move much, or the temp of the card change drastically?

I would be intereasted in hearing any thoughts you have on the matter... ;)
I was just about to create the same thread since it's been 2 weeks and there is no thread about gx2 oc clock.

My clocks are:
GPU Clock - 720MHz
Memory - 1053MHz
Shader - 1782MHz

I didn't notice any performance or temp difference since I oc my card from the get go. The clocks are stable running atitool for 2 hours and the temp is around 75.

I am satisfied with the core oc except that I was hoping that the memory could go further.
Thanks for the post...

My EVGA SSC will be set to by default:

GPU Clock - 675MHz
Memory - 1050MHz
Shader - 1674MHz

I am trying to decide if using Riva Tuner to take it a bit higher would be worth it, or if I should just run her as is.
Looks like the Core and Shaders could still probably go a bit higher.
Why not just raise your PCIe bus speed in your bios as that will also raise your core speed without the need for software or a bios flash on the card itself. The default pcie speed is 100mhz so at 100mhz the core will be the default of 675mhz in your case. If you were to raise the pcie speed by 5% to 105mhz then your core speed would also go up 5%. 675 X 1.05 = ~709mhz. Shader clock and memory clock will stay the same however.

Does anyone know which manufacturer of memory is found on these cards? I really hope it isn't that Quimodo crap that has been causing so many GT's cared to become defective if clocked too high. I hope Samsung IC's were used as they are much more robust and can handle much higher speeds without dying.
I'm running mine at 734/1836/2202, I haven't tried to go higher since it doesn't seem to matter too much with performance.
Not so much. His E8400 is at 4.5, and that makes a pretty large difference with this video card.

Correction: It makes a pretty large difference in 3DMark06.

4.0 to 4.5 in real gaming does nothing, GX2 or not.
Oh snap we got 10 people who have the card lol. I still luv you guys, even though, yall...you know *cough* bought...

Personally I prefer to stay on topic.

Oh snap we got 10 people who have the card lol. I still luv you guys, even though, yall...you know *cough* bought...


If you mean about the GX2 being the single fastest card released to date...

Yes we do...

Thanks for comment. I am sure it was meant for our benefit....

However, in this thread we are trying to determine the cards over-clockability, not whether you approve of our purchas.
I'm currently running 700/1800/2200. Things have been buttery smooth. Hellgate with everything on 1680x1050 has been nice. Going to try 19200x1200 tonight. Running tri SLI was problematic with High AA 16x Anisotropic and DX10 Smoke.

Bought because Tri on water suddenly decied to fritz out :mad:
Why do so many people care what OTHER people spend their money on? I'm hoping to get at least 750/2100 out of my cards when i get them.