What Do You Look For in FPS's?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 5, 2001
I have played and enjoyed Doom3,FarCry,HL2,MaxPayne2 ..

They all had things about them that were appealing and annoying. We all have our own opinions , likes, dislikes and what not ...so was just wondering what you guys look for in a FPS game that makes or breaks a game in your eyes ...

me, well I like interactive environments , ever since Max Payne 2 , if you cant at least kick some boxes around then the game just dont do it for me I guess ..

I like a good storyline (good is subjective to the individual) ..I want a reason why I gotta do this or that puzzle or go to this or that area ...not just hearded aimlessly to wherever.

I like good graphics and smooth gameplay(again that too can be a subjective thing)

I like to have at least the appearence of open endedness ..

good game physics are nice too ..
i like all those things that you like :)

thats why i didnt like doom3 that much.. bad gameplay, no interactivity.. there werent even any ragdolls...

storyline is very important too, doom3 was so damn repetitive it put me to sleep
Multiplayer. SP is nice, but MP is the main thing. SP games just can't last long enough.
Depends on what im looking for, for single player I prefure games like Max Payne with a story that can pull you in and make you want to stay up all night, for multi I would have to say Quake3 or UT2004 fits my needs pretty well.
I'm realitively a noob to the multiplayer scene ...but sure have been enjoying CS:S ..cheaters and all :)
1. Tight controls
2. Efficient engine
3. Gameplay
4. Sound & music production and effectiveness
5. Replay value
6. Multiplayer
7. Visual quality
Ooh, a post in the forum that requires thought, as opposed to, "WHAT GAME IS BETTER?! REMEMBER U DONT HAVE 2 RATIONALIZE UR OPINION, JUST START FLAMING"

Originality and Immersion. I think Half-Life 2 is so appealing because of the massive amount of ways it finds to play with the physics engine; and also how it manages to make you feel like you're a part of the game without resorting to cinematics.
( in order )

1. Great gameplay
2. Story
3. Art design
4. Optimized engine, yet still great lookin'
5. Sound
6. Graphics
1) Fun combat - story can suck or be non-existant a la UT2k4 but if it's fun I'll play it, especially multiplayer.

2) Story - Great stories really do it for me. But I give it some slack since it's FPSs and not RPGs. Gotta have a good story in an RPG. An FPS can be great without a story but a good story elevates it to another level.

3) Unique - Another Battlefield, CoD, or or any other generic clone is so bleh these days. I liked CoD and Battlefield type games, it's just everyones on the bandwagon now. I can only save the day in WWII so many times. New intellectual properties really saves this for me. New universe of fiction like a Halo or Half-Life etc. rather than Nazi's over and over.

4) Immersion - When I bash my shotgun into the skull of some Covenant I really feel like I'm the Master Chief. If I feel like I'm some guy in front of his computer shooting at pixels I un-install the game ASAP. A lot can encompass this, the games artwork, sound, music. If it really sounds and feels like people are screaming for their lives in horror it makes me wanna see wtf is going on. If some npc says non-chalantly "Ow...I am shot....help please..." I wanna give him another wound to complain about. If some woman belts out a blood-curdling scream as she's turned inside-out I think "Holy crap!"

5) An engine that doesn't run like ass - It doesn't have to be the most amazing graphics ever. It doesn't have to rival the work done at Industrial Light & Magic. If it doesn't look demanding then I don't want it to be demanding. I expected HL2 and Doom3 engines to hammer my comp, but I was pleasently surprised. Case in point, the Halo port to PC. There is no way Halo should run that crappy on todays hardware. The first game I've ever purchased from Gearbox Software and most likely the last.Horrible job on the engine to cash in on the Halo craze.