What do you map your mouse buttons to?

Jan 13, 2006
So we all use the left and right buttons. But what if we have one or two thumb buttons, left and right-leaning wheels, another two or three buttons between the left and right buttons...

On my G5, I use the big thumb button for Win+D (yay uberoptions), the mouse wheel left/right for Home/End (useful for forum threads, I've tried Page Up+Down but I like Home/End more). In WMP I use the sensitivity increase/decrease buttons for volume and the big thumb button for play/pause. And there's the usual Q/E in games for leaning left and right.

So what all do you do with all your buttons? :)
In FPS, I hook the nearest thumb button to lie flat on the floor, the other thumb button is for binoculars.
Makes it well easy to be sneaky :)
Everything else I leave as default (not got a left/right middle mouse button - Razer Deathadder).
I leave the buttons as default config for windows use.
Flash bangs and frag grenades .what else is there..:)
on a Razer Diamondback
Phew... MX Revolution:

Left/Right click = Normal
Press middle wheel = change between free scroll and click scroll
Move Middle wheel left = Refresh page / F5 / F6 depending on application
Move Middle wheel right = ALT+SPC, N (Minimize current window)

Left scroll wheel = Volume.
Press left scroll wheel = Mute.

Forward / Back = Forward Back.

"Find Info" button = Alt + F4

Then some special configs for games, but I rarely game anymore.
This is a neat little thread :) that's why I love these forums...

I am currently using a Logitech G9 and here's my button config...

Left, Right click obviously...
Middle button = middle button (for new tabs in Firefox mainly)
Left scroll = Minimize window
Right scroll = Maximize window
DPI + button = Jump To File in Winamp
DPI - button = Playlist in Winamp
Little side button = Back
Bigger side button = Close window/app

When I'm in a FPS game, the profile changes to reflect the needed buttons in each game as well... but just like Arcygenical said... I don't get my frag on as much these days.

standard Fwd/Back
wheel left = F5
wheel right = minimize

My other logitech mouse has buttons setup for scroll tabs, close tabs, new tabs, as well.
give me a 100 button mouse, Ill find a way to use every one.
Wow! I guess everyone has there own thing... mine is very different.

With Ikari Laser....
Left Click - (well, duhhhhh....)
Right Click - Knife (COD4) or Secondary Weapon
Left Thumb 1 - Run
Left Thumb 2 - Frag Grenades (COD4) or favorite weapon in other FPSs
Middle - Change Weapon
Scroll Down - Use (Pick up new wepon in COD4) or change weapons in other FPSs

Basically, to me it comes to this.... what do you want to do the quickest? Map those commands to your mouse and try to use a similar setup for different games (especially FPSs) so you don't get mixed up. Experiment and decide what works best for you....
Set my mouse up mostly for dealing with tabs in firefox.


hidden thumb button (back button on my G5): close tab
tilt wheel left: next tab
tilt wheel right: new tab
Just a basic Microsoft Optical mouse, 2 buttons, wheel/button as well. I don't map 'em to anything and use system defaults. For browsing with Firefox, I use the All-in-One Gestures that gives me mouse gestures and Back-Forward action by mouse rockers (hold Left, click Right to go Forward, hold Right, click Left to go back).

Been using that type of browser navigation for over 5 years now, it's so much habit I couldn't break it even if I tried. I've owned several mice that do have side-mounted buttons for Back-Forward action (OS defaults) but, it's overcomplicated to me. ;)

Mouse rockers ftw!!!

Oh, and when I was a diehard Quake 2/3 player, I could play the game with only the mouse - the same mouse. Left was Fire, Right was Jump, and the wheel button was Walk Forward with Always Run turned on. I actually won several bets against so-called pro gamers when challenged because I could play with just the mouse and no keyboard at all and kick their sorry no talent asses all over the maps where they couldn't do it even with 6-7 button mice.

Keyboards... who needs 'em. :D
Logitech MX1000

Thumb Forward - Pause/Play
Thumb Middle - New Tab
Thumb Back - Next Track
Scroll Up/Down buttons - Volume
Scroll Click Left - Back
Scroll Click Right - Forward
mx3200 keyboard/mouse

100% zoom = mute
zoom up/down = volume
scroll left/right = previous/next song
I have a single button apple mouse, so my mapping was easy to decide.

Button 1: PORN
i gotta pretty good liking set up on my old 5 button mouse
there were the normal top 3 buttons

and the left side one was go back in web browser

and the right one was go forward
a lot easier than typing


Left button = fire
Right button = toggle iron sights
Middle button = nades
Big thumb button = sprint / hold breath
Small thumb button = knife