What do you think broke?


Limp Gawd
Feb 14, 2006
This past friday I got caught in the nor'easter and I lost power. When I went to turn my rig back on after losing power, it refused to turn on. I got a mobo light, but that's it, the fan's didn't spin up or anything. I tried unplugging the graphics card from the PSU, and the fans spun up for a split second and everything shut down again. I can repeat it, but I can't get any further than everything spinning up for a sec and then dying again.

I think either the PSU or the mobo got roasted when the power went out- maybe it was a surge or something. Does anyone have a good guess as to which one is broken?
CMOS battery maybe died. Replace and reset BIOS and see if that works. They are cheep.

If that no fixie then start swapping parts.
lol that is usually one of my go to suggestions to, missed it this time.
You can always do a 'sniff' test and see if a particular component smells burnt. Sometimes that helps.
I did the old "unplug everything and plug it all back in," and I tried booting the pc before I put my graphics card back in. It booted and POST'ed. I turned it off and put the graphics card back in, and no boot. To me this says the issue is the PSU. Maybe I'll try another PCI slot with the graphics card to be sure.
PSU being first in line of fire during a power surge, I would suspect that too. Do you have a multi-meter? If so utilize the wire trick and test all three main voltages for variance.
Maybe make a claim against your UPS manufacturer. Some will cover any damage from a surge etc.

You did have your rig plugged into a UPS? Right?
Yes! I am replacing the APC/UPS after this incident.
Also note that if the UPS isn't setup proper with some sort of way to send a shutdown command to the PC when the battery gets low then the damage can still happen when the battery runs out before the power comes back on or someone manually shuts it down.