What do you think the 10th GeForce will be called?


Aug 29, 2007
Well, the 9x00 is nice and all, but what's next? GeForce 10xxx GTS? GeForce TenThousandEightHundredFifty? Nah, too long.

If I was working for nVIDIA, I'd start a totally new nomenclature for GeForce lines.

GeForce X - Nice and simple. e.g. "GeForce X GT" - Sounds kinda cool, doesn't it? If you say it really fast, it sounds like Gee 4 Sex.
GeForce nXT - Pronounced 'Geforce NEXT', but with an nVIDIA twist. Get it? => My personal pick.
GeForce PhysX - I'm assuming that the 10th(?) generation of GeForces will have AGEIA PPU's on board.

Your guess?
Why not just keep GS,GT,GTS,GTX, etc...

and stop making up new ones to confuse people..
They could do what ATI/AMD did and basically start over again. Though some people may have a hard time believing that a GeForce HD 800 (or HD 1800 to keep it four digits) is much better than a GeForce 9800. ;) Or even pull an Intel and ditch the GeForce name that nobody ever uses anyway (most people just say the number) and name it something completely different, like Pentium -> Core for Intel.
Whatever it is, its going to have numbers in it, and prob an acronym.

I liked it when they were going to call the xbox360 "xbox next" , Geforce next doesn't sound that good however.
"X" would make the most sense, yes, but its the least creative choice. nXT sounds cool and it pays homage to original nVIDIA logo by having a tiny 'n' in front of capital XT.
That was my guess before I had even read your post. MacOS 9 -> MacOS X. GeForce 9 -> GeForce X. Makes sense to me, and 'X' always makes the marketing cats happy.

Even Intel GMA 950 --> Intel GMA X3000 or ATI 9800 to ATI X800.
They could start using Mach 1 - 7 for new lines of card, you know, to keep up with the aviation theme, g-force, mach 1 etc

e.g. nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 1 - Slowest card in lineup.
nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 7 - Fastest card in lineup
I doubt they'd bring an X, with the success of their GTX/GTS/GT naming schemes.

I personally think they should introduce chip naming schemes similar to how CPUs do, but then that may make it hard for the real world person to distinguish performance by that.

I really just think they're going to go with something completely illogical and retarded, in which extra flavors by eVGA etc will make it sound even worse.

I don't think they can bring back the old naming scheme either, because video card editions and revisions weren't released near as often.
They could start using Mach 1 - 7 for new lines of card, you know, to keep up with the aviation theme, g-force, mach 1 etc

e.g. nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 1 - Slowest card in lineup.
nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 7 - Fastest card in lineup

God no... the motherboard series of "Machs" were bad enough :x
They could start using Mach 1 - 7 for new lines of card, you know, to keep up with the aviation theme, g-force, mach 1 etc

e.g. nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 1 - Slowest card in lineup.
nVIDIA GeForce X Mach 7 - Fastest card in lineup

They really can't use Mach since ATI had a Mach series. Consumer confusion rules and what not.
nVidia Speculative Nondenomonational video doo-hickey
I would have a huge air castle with a huge X floating above it in front of every BB. wait. no.

Just call it Geforce10. I'm sick of the numbers and letters changing. Why can't we just have 8500, 8600, 8700,8800,8900. 5 cards and everyone knows whats faster. Simple. Low end, low to mid range, mid range, high end, really high end, Most people probably wouldn't know that a GTX is supposed to be faster then a GTS. Numbers everyone can understand. I think this is all done by marketing to confuse people so that BB can rip them off by selling them a slower card for more.
I'd be impressed if they just kept the normal names and called it the 10000 GT/GTS/GTX.
Perhaps the big numbers will impress consumers.
The GeForce name won't be dropped. IMO, it's the best recognized product name in computers after Pentium.
At this rate I don't think it really matters, by the time the 10 series comes out we will all be dust. ;)
The Geforce GTX10 ULtimate Ultimate Ultimate Operation CARNAGE edition