What do you think?


Jan 28, 2007
About a week ago I purchased a Dell 2007WFP. It has arrived and is a S-IPS panel REV. 04. It is a great panel and has no dead pixels or any other issues that I can see. It was purchased mostly for photo editing, surfing and a few games.
My only issue with it is that I was using a 22" panel and now the 20" seems small. I am sure I would get used to it though.
While waiting for it to arrive, BB put the new LG L246W 24" on sale. Well long story short I purchased one of them and I must say it is pretty nice. Seems to be some confusion on what panel it uses, but likely a MVA. No dead pixels on it either.
Anyway, I am just looking for some input on what you might think if you were in a simular situation?

Thanks for your thoughts,
I use the 2007FP at work and love it. Personally, I think that vertical real estate and pixel count are the only real bragging rights.

The 2007FP at 20" has 1600x1200 and 1.920 million pixels.

The 22" has 1680x1050 and 1.764 million pixels.

The 24" LCDs out there are fantastic; two of my buddies just got them. For me, though, my used 3007WFP was a very pleasant buy.
Personally I would keep my 2007WFP over any of the 22" panels...however if I were deciding between that and the LG 24" then I would most likely keep the LG.
I certainly agree that I should keep the 2007WFP over any of the currently available 22" panels. The viewing angles are terrible.
The extra real estate on the 24" is very nice. I am just not sure it is the best choice for photo editing, although it seem pretty good.
I know there are most likely better 24" panels, but they are a lot more money.
Also I have not seem much here on the LG L246W and wonder if that should be telling me something?

Anyways, thanks for your thoughts,
Well, personally I consider that LG a serious contender in the 24" market....this guy http://www.bexox.com/showdown.htm did an informal review of the 3 most popular 24" panels (Benq, Dell, LG) and found that none of them were perfect but both the Benq and LG came out the overall winners.
I have read the review you referenced with great interest. He has done a pretty good job of testing the 3 monitors. If I had that much money wrapped up in monitors at one time, I would be sleeping in the back yard in the snow!!
I quess the other thing that I have questions about is the whole IPS, PVA, MVA panel thing. I know that the IPS panels are supposed to be the most color acurate and have the widest viewing angles. But I start getting confused after that. Pretty easy I might add. It seems as though some like the PVA based panels while others like the MVA based. I am guessing they must be pretty close.
I really only plan on using this monitor for photo editing, surfing and some game playing. I do not plan on using it to display output from gaming consuls and I also do not plan on using it to watch DVD's from a DVD player. It will just be a computer monitor and in reading the review you mentioned it sound like it would be really good for that.

Thanks for your input,