What do you use to clean your screen?


Limp Gawd
Mar 20, 2003
I have never been able to find something that works well with the glossy screens common on most notebooks today. The little wipes that look like wet nap work well on the anti glare screens but tend to leave streaks on the glossy screens. The "LCD cleaners" sold at the office supply stores do the same thing too. So, what is everyone using to get their screens looking perfect?
I just gave up on getting rid of streaks. They're not visible most of the time when the screen is on, so I just started ignoring them.
I use Kleer Screen. It has no alcohol so it's safe for pretty much all monitors and works well. It can be difficult to learn how to use properly but once you do it works great.

if you give this stuff a try I suggest buying one of their kits that include the microfober cloths as well as the buffing cloths. Using this stuff take a bit more work since it's a two part process. You first wipe the monitor with the solution and then use a buffing cloth to buff off the streaks. It's best to do it when the monitor has been off for a few hours so it is room temperatur or else the stuff dries before you can properly buff it off.
I agree that Klear Screens are the way to go. I used one set of wipes (one wet, one dry, then microfiber cloth) to clean 6 monitors in our store room. I managed to get all of the sneeze residue, previous streaking and months worth of dust off of them with just one set. The kits are pretty slick and not very expensive. I've had mine for several years. When I open up the sealed envelope, I clean all the screens in the house -- very economical that way.
Cleaning Your LCD Screen

Nowadays major outlets have started to carry LCD cleaners for Flat Panel Monitors and Notebooks that do not contain the chemicals found in some glass cleaners. These cleaners will definitely do the job nicely, but these are a little bit costly. If you do not wish to purchase these factory made cleaners, then you can clean your LCD Screen in the following manner.

What You Can Use


Water with a tiny amount of soft liquid soap.


Petroleum Benzine.

Commercial glass cleaners that do not contain ammonia.

What You Should Avoid


Ethyl acid.

Ethyl Alcohol.

Methyl chloride.

Commercial glass cleaners containing ammonia.

How You Should Do It

You should clean your LCD Screen display by applying the cleaner to a soft, clean cloth. Then you should wipe the cloth across the display from left to right, moving from the top of the display down to the bottom of the display. If your display contains grease or some other contaminant, then you should dampen your cloth with water instead of a commercial cleaner as the cleaner may smear the contaminants across the screen.
A micro-fiber cloth slightly dampened with warm water works best for me. (I use a tablet pc which obviously collects a lot of smudges from my hand and this method makes the screen look pristine)

EDIT: Get a micro-fiber cloth that has more of a towel-like surface. These things seem to grip and pull away dirt and grease.
Many LCD cleaners are really just isopropyl alcohol so that's what I use. However, I rarely clean glossy screens so I don't know how well it'd work for you.
well i have a matte screen but you can use it on a glossy. iKlear they sell it at the apple store, works good, they use it to clean all computers screens on display.
I use the Monster cleaner also. The cloth is nice that it come with. Works great.