What do you use to control BF2 Jets/Heli's?



Im sick of using the mouse and keyboard, any suggestions?
I use a joystick for both jets and helos but from what I've seen the keyboard is THE best thing to use for helos. There are things you can do with the keyboard you simply cannot with a joystick. I must say that it's easier to learn on a joystick than the keys, though.
Get yourself a joystick, really it cant be beat for overall usefullness in airborne combat. I'm not saying that the keyboard sucks but for myself its the best choice.

make sure you get one with the yolk(rudder)
Saitek x52. I still can't fathom why people use keyboards to control flying machines.
I have a Saitek X45 I tried using with it, but I didn't like it for BF2 (although it's great for MS Flight sims ;) ) I got a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro and really like it. It was only $29 at Frys. Well worth the money. I can almost fly now! :p
I have a Saitek X45 I tried using with it, but I didn't like it for BF2 (although it's great for MS Flight sims ;) ) I got a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro and really like it. It was only $29 at Frys. Well worth the money. I can almost fly now! :p

Thanks, I think I'll go for that. I just get sooo jealous when I see an Ace with over 70 kills and 1-2 deaths...I WANNA BE THAT GUY :D
I use my Cybor-Netic Implant left over from when I used to be a Borg.
keyboard and mx518. I set the mouse speed to its fastest, and through "stroking" the mouse on the pad can out maneuver most pilots in the jets.

The helo is the same.
I'm all helo, don't touch the jet's since I play with people that are 10x's better with jets. But since I'm all helo, and good, I use keyboard and mouse. I don't think I'd be able to control a helo as well with a joystick.
I use kb and mouse for heli's...I tried joystick but it was not good, and like others sidewinder 2 for jets.
Same, keyboard for Heli's . I find it hard to circle around a target while shooting using a gamepad
I use my old reliable Microsoft Sidewinder joystick. Works great!

i have tried to use my old Sidewinder and i cant seem to get it to even work at all. that controls say that it should work but when i get into a game, no response. i have the usb version with that throttle control right behind that stick... i like using the keyboard for the heli's but i would rather find a way to get my sidewinder to work...
BF2 Jets and Choppers are so easy to fly... with a basic joy stick that is.

You should try flying in ARMA, It's Fucking hard!
Took me a long time to get it down the the point that I don't crash and die.
If I had a good Joystick like an X52 Pro and maybe TrackIR I would be able to fly even better.
i have tried to use my old Sidewinder and i cant seem to get it to even work at all. that controls say that it should work but when i get into a game, no response. i have the usb version with that throttle control right behind that stick... i like using the keyboard for the heli's but i would rather find a way to get my sidewinder to work...

sounds stupid but make sure it's plugged in when you start the game. Then once you load a map, unplug it and plug it back in.
Seriously I have a sidewinder here, and I still find the keyboard mouse combo much better for choppers. As far as jets, on older jet sims, a joystick was all that I have used, I still find flying easier with the mouse/keyboard.
Keyboard and mouse does it for me. I tried many times to use my logitec joystick, it just didn't work.

Specially on the heli. And i do a lot of hotseating, so it was useless. But i will tell ya, it is fun to fly the jets with joystick.
I have a really old USB Saitek Cyborg joystick. It still works great though. I really liked the Desert Combat style helis to the BF2 / 2142 versions though, they felt much more responsive.

But really.. practice. Just start a multi player map with the max people so it spawns jets and heli, and then practice flying around.

The Dam map is good, because you can practice flying through the tunnels.

I setup the hatstick on my joystick to swap camera angles, eg left = 1st person/toggles hud, back = 3rd person from behind, top/up/front = 3rd person from front, right = 3rd person stationary cam (fun for planes when you are bombing to see exactly where they hit, as you spin away.
Mouse and keyboard. I've tried game pads and joysticks and it just seemed like a pain in the ass.