What does a Linux Gateway/DHCP server give you?


Jan 30, 2002
What makes a linux Gateway/DHCP server better than one in a SoHo router? I've been running ClarkConnect as my gateway/dhcp/print/samba server for a whlie but I now need a Windows server for other applications.

I don't really want to run 2 servers - a Linux and a Windows, so I'm thinking of just running the Windows server and a SoHo router as my gateway.

Thoughts? Comments?
I like the fact that my gateway can't be infected with the same thing the rest of my network can be infected with.

I also like the apps I can run in linux ( squid, asterisk ).

It may be more secure than a windows box, but I think that's relative to the administrator.

In the end, it's your choice. Try them both out, see what you think. I can see the appeal of running 1 server over 2.