What does BFG stand for?

...Big Female Gazongas....?

...Blazing Fast Graphics....?

...Bodacious Fart Gas...??

....choose one...:D

Tribute to Roald Dahl: Big Friendly Giant

Seriously: Built For Gamers
http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=469 said:
Does 'BFG' in terms of your company stand for what we think it stands for?
Uhh... probably, but don't tell our investors, they think it stands for "Best Freaking Graphics".
Big Fraggin' Gun from Doom, probably just jacked the named and latched onto it. It'd be like if a company 5 years from now names their card company "Half-Life", it'd invoke subcontious feelings.
I always thought it meant Built for Gamers honestly, maybe the BFG guy on here can enlighten us.
According to the new Doom movie coming out, it's a Bio-Force Gun...


Yeah, I know. :rolleyes:
I dunno, I like Best F*ing Graphics, and as a tribute to the original BFG weapon.
As for the future graphics card company naming themselves HL, thats not an analogy. More Like GG, a in Gravity Gun, although theyd probably make it something like Greatest Graphics or something like that.
sandbox said:
According to the new Doom movie coming out, it's a Bio-Force Gun...


Yeah, I know. :rolleyes:

The horror, the absolute...unadulterated horror... :eek:

If they censor the name...just imagine how the rest of the graphicly macbre nature of doom is going to be neutered.
Bewildered Flamin' Gynocologists

Boring Farmhands Groaning

Buying Fondue Gingerly

Boxing Fish Gills
I think its Big F**king Guns since there logo usually has a guy with a Big f**king gun :S

- Fred