What does everyone use for their test system?

Aug 28, 2021
I know I cant be the only one that keeps an old machine around to test new configurations and concepts so I can reinstall a new OS without screwing anything up.

What does everyone use to test stuff?

I have an fx-8350 with 16gb of ram with a mobo that actually has an nvme slot. Gpu is either an RX 580 or GTX 1060 depending on what I'm trying to figure out.

I've tested truenas and GPU transcoding, then truenas and photoprism, ubuntu server and getting webmin and craft controller working together, win11 on unsupported hardware, win11 in general. It has been a busy fx. A lot of people curse the fx, but this one is perfect for what I want to do.

Next up, figure out stable diffusion on ubuntu server.
whatever i happen to have laying around at the time. currently the only other "working" system i have is also a 8350/16gb/rx580, weird....
As i got older and didnt upgrade as often, i dont have much for spare parts or systems now. I just full send and see what happens.
My previous main system with cobbled together parts that I usually keep on my desk. Though I'm not too worried about testing things, my PC's are really just a hobby.
My gaming machine is multi-boot and used for messing with OSes.
Test machines are for wussies, dweebies, and couch potatoes, REAL men/women use VM's and/or dual booters, hahaha :)
Test machines are for wussies, dweebies, and couch potatoes, REAL men/women use VM's and/or dual booters, hahaha :)
