What ever happened to that database problem?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2007
Well, I haven't been on in a while. I just wanted to know what the issue was with that database problem we had during the summer. Did they ever figure it out?

PM me an answer before locking this thread please.

Note: We should have a "questions" section for this forum.
Unless this is where question posts should go -.-
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct area
I don't think that there would be a better place then this for the question, but at the same time I think the mods will let this thread stay open to long because of how quick it can get derailed.

But to answer your question, I don't know, I haven't noticed any problems lately, but that won't stop them from tweaking more if there is a problem that we don't know about.
they ordered ANOTHER database server in a different configuration and as far as i know we have been running on that new server since the problems ceased a while ago. im unsure as to whether they have *fixed* the other server that was giving them shit before, but for now were in the clear. its all working right on this side :)
they ordered ANOTHER database server in a different configuration and as far as i know we have been running on that new server since the problems ceased a while ago. im unsure as to whether they have *fixed* the other server that was giving them shit before, but for now were in the clear. its all working right on this side :)

Not ORDERED, they USED another server who are laying unused for a upcoming business project and so far, it is working great. Knock on wood ;)
We still have some testing to do. Cliff was out of town for two weeks or so. We are getting back into it this week.
One of the reaons why I am curious is because one of the old forum groups I use to use switched from IP Boards to "Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.6.8". They said vBulleten is more secured.
