What game brought you to [H]?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2006
Oblivion brought me to [H].

I was trying for the first time to build my own computer dedicated to handling Oblivion. So somehow my searches for building a computer brought me here.

Is there some game that directly/indirectly brought you here?
Oblivion brought me to [H].

I was trying for the first time to build my own computer dedicated to handling Oblivion. So somehow my searches for building a computer brought me here.

Is there some game that directly/indirectly brought you here?

Same here.

I was looking at the Nvidia 7900 GTX for my computer back then and the AMD FX-60 was the best chip on the market at the time.

Came here, looked at benchies, read reviews, read the shit out of the forums basically, but did not sign up.

Ended up spending just a hair under $3k for that computer, and boy it was worth it at the time.

Never again gonna spend that kind of coin on a computer, since games these days don't really require you to have cranked out hardware to run games at good settings anymore.

But yeah, Oblivion is a trip down memory lane for reasons that go beyond just installing the game.

[H] Consumer was around for one, and I LOVED that section a lot, what a fucking shame it went away. This included computer boutiques which would build your computer for you, you just selected the parts you wanted and had it shipped to you.

I loved the idea of how they had [H] do some secret shopping from manufacters and boutiques, making sure that their buying experience would be just like the one me or you (regular ass folks) would have. This included computer boutiques which would build your computer for you, you just selected the parts you wanted and had it shipped to you.

This ensured they didn't get cherrypicked machines that were built to the max just to score good reviews (Alienware typically only sends out machines to reviewers that include every "best feature" per computer part, hence they always get good reviews).

I know it cost [H] a lot though and didn't generate a good enough return on the funding needed to do keep [H] Consumer running, but really, it was one of the best parts of the HardOCP website other than the regular reviews we get here.
I don't think it was any specific game. I was just searching video card reviews and tech news and stumbled upon this site some years ago.
Not a specific game, but a passion for video cards and general computer hardware brought me here sometime in 1999. Counter Strike was big here when I was heavily into that though, US servers not an option for a European though.
I've lurked here since around 06ish, signed up fairly recently because I was building a new rig, wanted a bit of advice.
You young whippersnappers, lol. It's been so long ago now, I don't even remember. Probably learning how to overclock my amd k6 so I could play mech warrior 3. God that game was the shit back in the day.
I was building my first rig and wanted to get into OCing my processor and video card. The classifieds section has been a great resource over the years. That alone makes me glad I found this site.

I imagine that's what brought a lot of folks here.
call of duty 4 brought me here, i was looking into the 8800gt and google brought me here
I also have no idea, but I'm guessing it had to do with my first build. Probably was researching Thunderbirds and Geforce 3 Tis.
I came here for the first time right after I bought my first PC with a gpu, a GF2 MX back when I still lived in South America. About 10 years ago.
No game in particular, but at the time I was researching LCD monitors. I was specifically looking at the recently released Dell 2005FPW and 2405FPW units to replace my old 19" Samsung CRT. I ended up going with the 2005FPW as my single 6800GT couldn't handle the games at the ultra high resolution of 1920x1200, heh. Going from 1280x1024 -> 1680x1050 was a huge jump. My next big jump in LCDs were to 5760x1080 Eyefinity - also thanks to [H].
Wasn't a specific game, but was researching good 24" monitors and came across a thread back in '08. Didn't actually register though until last Fall when I was looking for advice building the computer you see in my sig. Many thanks again to Dan_D!
registered about 10 years ago.... Must have been into MOH: AA. Came to this forum to look at new builds and video card capabilities. Fear my TNT2 lol.
I remember altavisting (yes, I used Alta Vista) "how to overclock a Celeron 300A", and stumbled onto the site.

Back then, the OCP stood for "Overclocker's Comparison Page"

Those were the days.

SharkyExtreme, Firingsquad and HardOCP were always the staple of my internet browsing.
I joined sometime in early 2006 while I was looking at tech sites trying to pick out parts for a new build. BF2 was my main game at that point, I believe.

Man, I used to think that game looked so realistic...:p
No idea. Probably was the FS/FT. I started buying parts off 2cpu and I think I came here after looking at valid feedback sites on heatware. Unfortunately all the scumbags and idiots from anandtech migrated here so you have to be way more careful now. They troll quite a bit too.

I became a regular reader because at the time H was the only site doing non-demo/benchmark reviews. They were and still are one of the only sites doing real environment testing which is very time consuming and appreciated.
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Lurked here starting 2004.

Made an account in 2006 because I wanted my 1.8 ghz p4 to play Oblivion properly (i think... too bad I can't search that far back).
I think it was the 300A OC'ing for me as well. I was also getting into DC crunching with SETI@Home and was reading here and at Ars about the best builds for getting WU's killed. I was pretty big into TFC and HL at that point, so I'll just use those. :D
I just found it randomly around 2001-2002ish when teaching myself about computers and hardware.
I came here after the fall of the "Basement of Doom and Pepsi-Cola."
Their partnership with Shugashack back in the day brought me here. ;) I think it was briefly before the 300A came out, and then I really got hooked OC'ing that bad boy. Was so proud of my near 50% overclock, ha!
It was the Celeron 300a or slightly before that brought me here, if I recall correctly
Idiots/Nazi Mods/Influx of WoW fanatics from OCforums drove me here.

Games? Nothing really, I just saw that there was focus on games other than WoW :D
Overclocking my old Pentium 3 brought me here honestly. It has been almost 11 years, I still get kinda weepy eyed my old account was purged during the transition.

The games that were out at the time which got me into overclocking were games like No one lives forever, Unreal Tournament, Quake 2, and a Half-Life.
As others not a game. I came here after the selling of 3dfiles.com to a souless ziff davis company :(

Those were the days :)
Fs/Ft for me. I couldn't believe the savings if I bought used and just stayed a tad behind in the latest and greatest lol.
Wow... hell if I remember the specific reason. It was over 10 years ago, well before the site redesign... before the Phantom console fiasco, before Tom's Hardware went into Intel's pocket.

Went and checked the CPU articles, the earliest one posted was January 23, 2003, so yeah. Quite a while before that. I wasn't too into forum chatter back then, or I'd have a hell of an older account.
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Probably not a game but a post in General Mayhem. I don't know, it's been too long. I've been lurking here since probably 98-99. But I tend not to sign up for any online boards for awhile.
300A and Quake2 benchmarks.
I go a little further back but this is when I really started watching this site pretty closely. I think I ended up here for the first time back when there wasn't much feuding between Toms Hardware forum members and [H]. I was scraping together whatever parts I could find or afford and building PCs to learn all sorts of things and to game. Table fans blowing all over the place, retarded amounts of heat coming off of all of the overclocked computers in my living room, prior to getting DSL I had multiple phone lines, two for internet, one for voice. It was crazy! Fun times.
Was looking for hardware reviews for a work purchase. I mainly come to the gaming sections before anything else now days :)
I go a little further back but this is when I really started watching this site pretty closely. I think I ended up here for the first time back when there wasn't much feuding between Toms Hardware forum members and [H]. I was scraping together whatever parts I could find or afford and building PCs to learn all sorts of things and to game. Table fans blowing all over the place, retarded amounts of heat coming off of all of the overclocked computers in my living room, prior to getting DSL I had multiple phone lines, two for internet, one for voice. It was crazy! Fun times.

I wouldn't call it a serious feud. I think people were just bored.
Hardware brought me here. The conversation on games here was a bonus. Gotta +1 the mods for their work here, and the hardware elitists who set the trollers in-line.
Pretty sure it wasn't a game that brought me to [H], but trying to find info about hardware. I was actually way more active at Anandtech a few years back and moderated one of the forums there for a bit, but that site has morphed into focusing almost exclusively on Apple, mobile, and enterprise...very far from its old enthusiast / gaming roots. So I've been spending all of my time here lately :).
A search for laptop reviews brought me to [H] just over 5 years ago. I was wide-eyed with awe when I saw the breadth and scope of information available on this site.