What game have you put the most time into?


Aug 25, 2010
Mine is Apex Legends where I currently have 486 hours of playtime.
Mine would likely be The Isle. Glad to have moved on. Wasted way too much time with that game.

Probably much more in C&C Generals , god knows how many hours during my WoW addiction time.
All the Gran Turismo put together or all the NHL games put together is probably the winner here.
I play countless hours of UT99 and UT2004 and CoD4:MW. I've got over 3,000 hours in Destiny 2, thousands of hours across the Mass Effect trilogy. 500 hours in Andromeda, 900 hours in Ghost Recon Breakpoint, etc. I have no idea how many hours it is now but I'm over a solid year of playtime in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have no idea how many hours that is. I played it off and on for about 7 or 8 years.
Strange possibly, but I think it might be:

I could write a treatise. So dang fun, especially with friends. Multiple attempts over the years to remake with mostly fails for a variety of reasons. I still play the original, in an emulator.

The other possibility is the original Doom. Still play that too! Source ports keep the engine running, and mod makers have never stopped making content.
I'm not even in the same league as most guys here.

Transport Tycoon: countless hours (I've been playing it since 1995, and never stopped, I played it quite a lot in 2021 even)
XCOM2: 1304 hours
BeamNG: 474 hours
Train Simulator: 356 hours (not counting the time I put in when it was called Microsoft Train Simulator)
Defense Grid: 256 hours
DeusEx: Who knows how many times I finished this game, and on each playthrough even into the double digits I found things I had missed before.
Mass Effect 2: 200+ hours (since I played it a lot before origin there is no accounting for the actual time)
Cyberpunk 2077: 120 hours
Fallout 4: 109 hours
Transport Fever: 105 hours

I don't think I put more than 100 hours into any other game I ever played. For me most games are just about finishing the campaign. And if the game is extremely good I might play it more than once.

honorable mention: Gran Turismo franchise. I finished all 6 games fully, all races, even endurance events, even b-spec races. Including getting gold on all license tests. Who knows how much time it all took.
Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition- 1137 hours
Dark Souls Remastered- 204.8 hours
total= 1341 hours

Dark Souls 2- 905.7 hours
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin- 421.8 hours
total= 1327.5 hours

Dark Souls 3- 748.6 hours

as far as non-Dark Souls game it's a surprising game:
Evolve Stage 2- 862.2 hours
According to my Steam account it's CS:GO with 977 hours. But looking back I don't think Steam has always logged hours played? I mean I was playing tons of Counter-Strike even before Steam if I'm remembering correctly. Like CS 1.3 or 1.4. Anyone remember those jump maps in OG CS? For when you got tired of pwning noobs in fy_iceworld LOL
I don't understand how you people can put so much time into single player games.
It depends on the type of game. With the Mass Effect games, you can make different choices which result in different dialog and cut scenes. Sometimes these even affect gameplay to some degree. When these games are 40+ hours to complete and have lots of variation, it's really pretty easy if you like the game. Some of these games get more playtime due to their extensive mod communities which provide all kinds of quality of life improvements or more drastic changes to the game or the gameplay. As a texture modder, I spent a lot of time in ME3 just testing my work and figuring out how to improve my work and that sort of thing.

Cyberpunk 2077 is another one with tons of mods. These can drastically impact gameplay and because its open world its the kind of game you can jump into, drive around for a bit and then shoot some bad guys and then log off of. You can do a lot or do nothing and its still pretty entertaining. The city scape is truly impressive and despite my hours in it, I don't think even I've fully explored the game world. In some games, you can get lost in character customization or whatever. Also keep in mind some like ME3 have co-op horde modes that are fun to play with friends. They aren't all necessarily 100% single player affairs.
4900 in L4D2, accrued between 2009 to 2014, but that's missing the first ~900 or so that I racked up since release before Valve did a big stats reset sometime in 2010.
Last time I checked was wow. no idea how long and refuse to do /played. I'd probably kill myself.
FFXI. Last I logged on I had over 3000 days played. I haven't seriously played in nearly 10 years either.
My father and I play on private server for the gold ol days. Im currently balls deep in Star wars galaxies and loving every second.
For me it's The Lord of the Rings Online. There's no other game that even comes close to the time I've spent playing that. I have no clue how much time I've put into it and there's no way to check but it's way, way up there since I've been playing it off and on since 2010.
I don't keep exact stats, but I know my #1 played is Cyberpunk 2077. I'm up to like 800+ hours now lol
Sim City 4 and Minecraft are probably close and I think I had 300+ hrs into Morrowind back in the day.

Some of the shorter games I've played have had the most memorable moments though... ie I think about more about the couple dozen hours of Life Is Strange than the weeks months of Sim City I played that same year.

Cyberpunk is apparently what I need because it's got (to me) engaging and memorable stories available and also near infinite open city walking simulator playability. Mods definitely do help, I don't think I'd keep starting new playthroughs if I couldn't mix things up and try new features / balances.
Ultima Online 3 years worth everyday no other game has come close to it for exploration.

Played a ton of Rift and Duke Nukem Forever and Dark Age of Camelot.
For me it's The Lord of the Rings Online. There's no other game that even comes close to the time I've spent playing that. I have no clue how much time I've put into it and there's no way to check but it's way, way up there since I've been playing it off and on since 2010.
Most MMO's have something like a /played command that will tell you. With SW:TOR it only does that per character. I've got at least one character that's got over a solid year of playtime and plenty of others at 30 days, 40 days, etc. of total play time. I think I have some 43 characters on the American server.
Most MMO's have something like a /played command that will tell you. With SW:TOR it only does that per character. I've got at least one character that's got over a solid year of playtime and plenty of others at 30 days, 40 days, etc. of total play time. I think I have some 43 characters on the American server.
I know about the /played command. But like SWTOR, Lotro is only per character. I have way too many characters on different servers to even think about trying it. Plus that doesn't count characters on closed servers I no longer have access to or characters I've deleted. Thus the reason for saying there's no way to know.

I do know I have at least a few characters with logged in time at 3-4 months.
I've played Street Fighter 5 for 1,200 hours per Steam, so that's the most of anything on the PC. I have around 200 hours in Dragon Age Origins, Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, GTA4, and Street Fighter 4 (PC only). I probably have an additional 500-1000 hours of Street Fighter 4 on the PS3. If you combine the various versions of Dark Souls 1 and 2, both of them are around 200 hours, too. I have around 100 hours in dozens of games.

If we're going back to the dark ages, I put a freakish amount of time into Street Fighter 2 (Hyper Fighting being the main version), Tekken Tag, and especially Mario Kart 64. My roommates and I played Mario Kart 64 literally almost every day for something like 6 straight years. People were so good at hitting jump shortcuts and shenanigans that we had "house rules" on what was and wasn't allowed.
i don't understand how people can put any time into multiplayer games.
MMORPG are constantly evolving and have a community. What fun is playing the same single player game over and over. The basic mechanics don't change. Playing over and over to see slight variances is not worth the time. Granted MMORPGs are still a waste of your time. I grew out of the prefer to have new experiences with different games.