What game is immensely popular that you just can't seem to get into?

Total War games. Just doesn't do anything for me. Boring

Assassins Creed. I played the first one and after the first hour or so, it felt like I was really griding to get to the end (doing the same things over and over again). I know a lot of people that like it but I just couldn't get into it.

Devil May Cry and other button mashers (Ninja Gaiden, God of War, etc). Again, know a lot of people that love the series, but just can't get into it. Find it way too repetitive.

I bought TW:Shogun when it was on sale by impulse cuz I thought, fuck samurai and ninja's in RTS? Cool! Haven't touched it after the first 30 minutes :(

Also complex fighting games such as Tekken and SF. I prefer the simple ones like Super Smash bros :D:p I can't be bothered to memorize a character's 20 moves+combos.
First two bioshocks, something about the underwater settings creeps the hell out of me & it becomes a chore. Third one looks awesome since it's outside and during the day.
First two bioshocks, something about the underwater settings creeps the hell out of me & it becomes a chore. Third one looks awesome since it's outside and during the day.

Well, not all of it. ... ;)
how did i forget to add dayz? running around, squatting and picking up garbage isn't very exciting, to me at least. and then torchlight 1/2. diablo 3 - how the hell do people find doing the same shit, over and over again, fun? insane.
Assassins Creed. I played the first one and after the first hour or so, it felt like I was really griding to get to the end (doing the same things over and over again). I know a lot of people that like it but I just couldn't get into it.

Not just you...I've seen one or two guys that love AC1 despite the repetition but that IS a major complaint about the first one, and something that they attempted to alleviate in the sequel. Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of rooftop running in AC2 but the missions themselves are more varied and you have a ton more options as far as gear and what not. I forced myself to grind through the first one and the second one is a lot better as far as doing the same 3 or 4 missions over and over.
how did i forget to add dayz? running around, squatting and picking up garbage isn't very exciting, to me at least. and then torchlight 1/2. diablo 3 - how the hell do people find doing the same shit, over and over again, fun? insane.

Don't apply this philosophy to marriage.
Outside of Madden (which blows dick) please, indulge me, in what you think is fun then? I'm dying to know. :confused:

I really like the Witcher 1&2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament series, Batman series to name a few.
Call of Duty after Modern Warfare 2: I played the games for the SP story based campaign, and not the MP. Once the campaigns started dropping under 10 hours I stopped buying except through a Steam sale.

The Witcher: Couldn't get into it. Enjoyed the books, but not the game.

Asassins Creed: Ubisoft and their horrible DRM scared me away from the series and I just haven't been willing to waste the money on them.

Dark Souls: I play games for fun, I don't like to be frustrated through a game.

Final Fantasy 12 and after: Huge fan of FF4 and FF6, FF7 was alright, FF8 was ok, FF10 the characters were the only thing that made the game interesting (wanted to strangle Tidus). Once they changed the battle system my interest in the series fell away. FF13 is a frustrating battle system that requires too much luck and I don't have any.

Angry Birds: Already we stated by a previous poster: "wtf is wrong with people?!!"

Oblivion/Morrowind: The leveling system is really frustrating, but I still try and get into the game. Of course, I have played 50 hours through Skyrim with barely touching the main story line. Its the exploration for me more then anything...even if everything is randomly generated.
Almost every game now, I am bored as hell. I can barely pick up BF3 and that's about it.
All MMORPGs. Don't get them. Yathzee said it best...

But it's not about items, is it? You don't honestly care if your new crystal nethersword is going to clash with your elite boss-clogs, it's about the numbers! You want the items with the best numbers so you can use your numbers to decrease the enemy numbers until your numbers are the best in the land, and all the other guilds flock to regard your numbers with jealous awe! And before you argue that lots of games are about numbers when you get down to it, no one ever ruined their lives to get 100 percent items in Super Metroid!
Not just you...I've seen one or two guys that love AC1 despite the repetition but that IS a major complaint about the first one, and something that they attempted to alleviate in the sequel. Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of rooftop running in AC2 but the missions themselves are more varied and you have a ton more options as far as gear and what not. I forced myself to grind through the first one and the second one is a lot better as far as doing the same 3 or 4 missions over and over.

I agree very much with this.

Don't dismiss the whole series because of AC1.

I thought it was horrendously tedious as well, but I stuck through, since I heard AC2 and onward improved on that aspect, and it's paid off for me.

If you just can't force yourself to get through it, then just start AC2. It's still got its repetitiveness, but overall it's much more enjoyable.
Yea; I'll give it a try with a controller in a while; right now playing xcom - picked it up cheap during bf. xcom is a lot of fun initially but given that they reuse the same elements over and over I suspect it will get boring in another week or so.
Another game I couldn't get into was fallout 2; maybe it just hasn't aged well. I really liked bg2 (bg 1 less so). I'll probably give planescape another try in a couple of months I started it a few times over the years but never got far enough to figure out if I would eventually enjoy it. Fallout2 I made a real effort and (for me) it was a total failure. Too many games not enough time :)

Are you using a KB/mouse setup? I hated DS until I broke down and got a 360 controller. Made the game so much easier to me.

As for games I couldn't get into, I'd say Fallout 3. I still enjoy playing Fallout 1 and even 2, but I could never play past a couple of hours in 3. Also I never got the Starcraft hype.
All MMORPGs. Don't get them. Yathzee said it best...

It's odd, I can't describe the feeling I get when I play an MMO. Especially playing one in which you know A LOT of people in real life and not. It's just a nice, community feeling. Granted you don't need the monthly fee and a game that requires a schedule (at times, not all the time) to have a community to talk to, but it's definitely fun.

It's not for everyone, that's for sure.
For me:

Modern MMOs. Be it Age of Conan, Aion, Rift, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2.
I did like Vanguard though (which everybody else hated), Asheron's Call, Everquest 1.

Also didn't like many other Activision and/or Blizzard games. Star Craft seemed like crap to me compared to Age of Empires or something of that sort. Call of Duty. zzzz.

I don't like many Valve games either. HL2, L4D. I didn't like. But I loved TF2... I thought Killing Floor was more fun than L4D.
For me:

Modern MMOs. Be it Age of Conan, Aion, Rift, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2.
I did like Vanguard though (which everybody else hated), Asheron's Call, Everquest 1.

Also didn't like many other Activision and/or Blizzard games. Star Craft seemed like crap to me compared to Age of Empires or something of that sort. Call of Duty. zzzz.

I don't like many Valve games either. HL2, L4D. I didn't like. But I loved TF2... I thought Killing Floor was more fun than L4D.

I hated both Killing Floor and Left 4 Dead. I thought they were terrible games.
Every single game that comes out... minus Dynasty Empires and games of that nature...

I mainly can get into Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy games...

I only play Halo cause all of my friends play but lately the drive wasn't there. At least with Reach I had firefight so I could just slaughter things all day.

Generally, I need to slaughter a lot with customization to be able to keep myself into it now.... Yet I can't get into any of the popular MMOs out now.. they blow to me.

I am pretty sure something is wrong with me.
Any of the military shooters,they're all pretty much the same unimaginative game with different titles.
Portal series. I gave the first one a fair shot, but just didn't find the appeal in the game after the first 4-5 levels.
Grand Theft Auto
Left For Dead
Assassin's Creed
God of War
Lego Games -- Batman / Star Wars / etc
Every single game that comes out... minus Dynasty Empires and games of that nature...

I mainly can get into Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy games...

I only play Halo cause all of my friends play but lately the drive wasn't there. At least with Reach I had firefight so I could just slaughter things all day.

Generally, I need to slaughter a lot with customization to be able to keep myself into it now.... Yet I can't get into any of the popular MMOs out now.. they blow to me.

I am pretty sure something is wrong with me.

Everything is starting to look the same these days.
Portal series. I gave the first one a fair shot, but just didn't find the appeal in the game after the first 4-5 levels.

That's when it got interesting. The first few levels are braindead easy and there are some pretty neat surprises/references later in the game. I love Valve's dark sense of humor too.
Assassins Creed
Bioshock 1/2
Metro 2033
Stalker Series
portal i loved; but another game I never enjoyed was painkiller. Hum. I just can't find the pattern for what I will or won't enjoy :(
Elder Scroll games. GTA. Minecraft (Any game that actually has no end game like the Sims)
Pretty much every competitive multiplayer game. I just can't get into competitive games anymore. During the days of QT '99, Q3A, ect I really enjoyed them. These days however I get quickly bored of playing online.

MMOs, all of them. MMOs have never been able to grab me. I'll play for a few hours and then move on. I never feel like I'm really progressing and I simply have no interest in the social aspects of them. I don't want to join guilds, quest with other people, do raids, and so on. I don't mind grinding in games, but I want to feel like my grinding is building towards something that isn't simply more grinding. Grind heavy JRPGs at least have a finale, MMOs are just a never-ending grind.

Most modern military shooters. While most of these games have competent mechanics they're basically what WW2 shooters were a few years ago. They all look and feel the same to me. Whether it's COD, BC2, BF3, whatever the entire genre turns me off.

Resident Evil 4. I. Hate. QTEs. I also hate escort missions. RE4 is a giant QTE filled escort mission. It removes pretty much everything I liked about the previous Resident Evil games and the only thing I actually liked about it was the control scheme. RE5 was at least fun co-op. I feel that Dead Space does everything RE4 was trying to do, but without the giant escort mission and actually makes a good game out of it.

Witcher 1. I love the setting, the characters, the story, pretty much everything about the game that isn't playing it. The combat mechanics just turn me away. 2 is so much better.

Fallout: New Vegas. This one is weird. I should love the hell out of this game, but I just can't get into it. It does almost everything better than Fallout 3 and has this sci-fi western theme that I should love. I can't pin-point why the game turns me off, it just does.

Crysis. For as much as this game is touted as being a great shooter and giving the player tons of options, it's all flash and no substance. I don't get impressed by graphics, so while it looked good (and still does) I was disappointed that it didn't look like they were promising and showing off to the press. The suit powers are neat but outside of scripted sequences it's all pretty pointless. You are given a lot of options on how to take out enemies early in the game and that is great, but at times it feels like the game just wants you to go in guns blazing. There is a lot of area to explore, but it's empty. There is nothing cool to find or to see, it's just the same looking forest covered island in every direction. Despite those complaints though I did have a ton of fun with the game early on, until they strip away every ounce of freedom in the game half-way through. The aliens ruined Crysis. As soon as things go to hell it adds a long, annoying, escort mission and turns into a giant corridor shooter with enemies that have exactly one way to kill and aren't even fun to fight. The aircraft carrier level doesn't even pretend to be anything but a poorly designed corridor. Warhead did things better but I was never able to force myself to finish it, I just couldn't enjoy it. 2, on the other hand, I like. It strips away the illusion of freeroaming and I feel it does a better job of giving you options in combat, even if the stealth system is fairly broken and easy to cheese.

Oblivion. Not going to spend time going into my issues with this game, I'll just say that after putting tons of hours into Morrowind I was very disappointed. I did like Shivering Isles though, the quirk to the main quest made me want to slog through the tedium of the mechanics.

Final Fantasy 12 and after: Huge fan of FF4 and FF6, FF7 was alright, FF8 was ok, FF10 the characters were the only thing that made the game interesting (wanted to strangle Tidus). Once they changed the battle system my interest in the series fell away. FF13 is a frustrating battle system that requires too much luck and I don't have any.

FF13 doesn't require much luck. Any turn-based RPG relies a bit of luck in the part of the enemy doing what you want them to do, however a bit part of FF13 is mastering the job system and knowing the right combinations to use and when to switch. There are plenty of ways to cheese the system too, but there is a lot to dig into with the mechanics. I do think the system kind of falls apart later in the game when every character gets every job class though. It takes 15-20 hours to get to that point and by then it just feels cheap to remove that level of uniqueness the characters had.

I noticed a few people mentioned Half-Life and it's sequel. Here is a question for those people: Did you play it during the time it came out or years later when other games had come along and taken what the games did to a different level? I feel that games like HL1 and 2 require you to have played them right at the time where they were influential and revolutionary. Most modern FPS games were built off of elements from one of them (along with Doom and Quake, of course) and some of them have taken Valve's ideas and improved on them or altered them to their own needs. I played HL2 many years after it came out and while I enjoyed it I don't have the kind of love for it that a lot of people do.
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I noticed a few people mentioned Half-Life and it's sequel. Here is a question for those people: Did you play it during the time it came out or years later when other games had come along and taken what the games did to a different level? I feel that games like HL1 and 2 require you to have played them right at the time where they were influential and revolutionary. Most modern FPS games were built off of elements from one of them (along with Doom and Quake, of course) and some of them have taken Valve's ideas and improved on them or altered them to their own needs. I played HL2 many years after it came out and while I enjoyed it I don't have the kind of love for it that a lot of people do.

Interesting list btw. Agree with some of those too (Y I no get into Fallout: Vegas!?)

I played HL1 right when HL2 came out. I wasn't blown away, but it was an ok game. There are some really memorable moments. But I went back even further about 2 years ago and played the original System Shock (Dos) and I really enjoyed that game. So I don't think it has to be "right time" to play a game. Just has a be a good game to you.
Interesting list btw. Agree with some of those too (Y I no get into Fallout: Vegas!?)

I played HL1 right when HL2 came out. I wasn't blown away, but it was an ok game. There are some really memorable moments. But I went back even further about 2 years ago and played the original System Shock (Dos) and I really enjoyed that game. So I don't think it has to be "right time" to play a game. Just has a be a good game to you.

Some games can stand up because they are their own unique experiences. However I do think there are games like HL1 and 2 that have this one moment in time where they're new and amazing then after that the luster wears off and the weaknesses of the games start to show. SS was a great, very well put together game in it's own time and that is something that doesn't change. HL1 changed the entire landscape of the FPS genre but I wouldn't say it was the best example of everything it did.
Borderlands, no mater how hard I try I find the game terribly dull. Its odd because I really like fps but this game just rubs me the wrong way, I dont know if its the visual style of the game or just a combination of things but I just do not enjoy playing it what so ever.
Any game that is similar to the Yahtzee quote up there is almost impossible for me to get into anymore. If it's about numbers then I can't stomach it even though I used to be a huge fan of Diablo, WoW, Torchlight, etc.

My list is:

Any current MMO
Any Diablo-esque Action RPG
Borderlands 2 - I liked the original well enough but 2 feels exactly the same to me and is another "numbers" game.
Stalker - I actually like everything about the game but can't get into it for some reason
The Witcher 1 & 2 - I've tried to play them both multiple times but don't enjoy them even though I want too. Can't say why either.
Portal 2 - I loved the original but the second was so pathetically easy and felt too linear even though it was more open (mostly because of the tiny walkways and the "I'm the only white wall in the area. Don't you think you should put a portal here to solve this puzzle?" gameplay)
Mass Effect 3 - Loved the original and liked 2. 3 bored me so much that I didn't even make it to the supposedly crappy ending.
Multiplayer modern military shooters

I guess I hate sequels. I've been migrating towards Rogue-likes alhough I've really enjoyed Planetside 2 and To The Moon recently.
Badlands 1 and 2, couldn't finish either.
Battlefield Post BF2. Seems like ADD Garbage :(. WTF is a private first class 1 star??
Call of Duty. Same as above.
Any MMORPG like WoW or any type of clone. Loved Original SWG, loved the openness...love star wars. Hate fairies and goblins....hate wow interface/questing.

The games I like seem to fall in the Niche category as far as games go.
The GTA series -- Went in expecting to love running amuck in the big open city … but quickly lost interest with 3rd-person gameplay and driving.

Mafia 2 -- Again, I lost what little interest I had with the boring/fussy driving sequences.

The Witcher -- Was gung-ho about the *mature* storyline angle … Seemed like the same old boring fantasy rpg to me … but with suckier fighting bits.

Darksiders -- Came bundled with the THQ pack. Find it to be mindless button-mashing … (At least, that's the way I do it)
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The GTA series -- Went in expecting to love running amuck in the big open city … but quickly lost interest with 3rd-person gameplay and driving.

Mafia 2 -- Again, I lost what little interest I had with the boring/fussy driving sequences.

The Witcher -- Was gung-ho about the *mature* storyline angle … Seemed like the same old boring fantasy rpg to me … but with suckier fighting bits.

Darksiders -- Came bundled with the THQ pack. Find it to be mindless button-mashing … (At least, that's the way I do it)

Ooh. Fancy and color coded. Anyway, I don't think Mafia 2 qualifies since even a lot of fans of the original hate it. Even if 2K hadn't pulled content for DLC it would have been disappointing. The original game had a great story and really good characters. This one has neither. The story is ruined by the time jumps and the characters are never fleshed out well enough.

Witcher 1 has a great, mature, dark storyline if you slog through it's gameplay. People say past chapter 1 it gets better. Never made it that far, just read a breakdown of the story.