What games are worht looking foward to this holiday season?


Feb 12, 2006
I've been compiling my list of games that I plan to play after I pick up a 40gig PS3 and with so many good games coming I dont wanna forget some on my list.

So far this is what I have:
Call of Duty 4, Unreal Tournament 3, Orange Box, Assasin's Creed, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts, Ratchet and Clank

Waiting for in 2008:
MGS4, GT5, Devil May Cry 4, Yakuza 3

Is there anything I should add? Yes, I know Orange Box is already out but I have yet to purchase it
The #1 game I'm looking forward to for Q4 2007 is Crysis. There are some others I'm mildly interested in but Crysis is the biggie I'm anxiously waiting on.
I'm kind of looking forward to Haze for PS3. Looks pretty fun. 4 player co-op, 16 player multiplayer action, and some cool FPS stuff.

That's obviously not what i'm looking forward to the most, it's just something that was not yet mentioned.

Kane & Lynch defidently looks good, Gears of War for PC, UT3... and many many more. I already made a post about this, and made a list. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1228753
Oh thanks for the link.

If I still had a Xbox360 I'd be in an even crazier gaming situation
Hellgate London, UT3, GoW, COD4 , I know its a long list but geez lol they gave me no option!
So many...

Unreal Tournament III is my number one :) Can't wait for the mods and stuff

Crysis looks like it'll be fun, but i'm kind of over the "wow graphics!!!" factor more and more...demo comes out on Friday, so we'll see.

Gears of War looks amazing, only played one level on 360 at my friends house and I thought it was really fun. PC version gets extras as well!