What games are you guys playing?

Might have to check out that warhammer space marine. Might have to throw down on some sc2 again.

Space Marine is basically a hack and slash with guns on the side, don't expect too much depth from it. I enjoyed it because I found the combat system really entertaining and found that it gave a real sense of weight and power to your character, but I know some people didn't really get into it. There's a demo on Steam you can try.
Space Marine is basically a hack and slash with guns on the side, don't expect too much depth from it. I enjoyed it because I found the combat system really entertaining and found that it gave a real sense of weight and power to your character, but I know some people didn't really get into it. There's a demo on Steam you can try.

I love 'huge wave' structure of the bum rushes that the Orks pull. Know any similar games? I don't require tons of story, just good shooting.

In all honesty tho, the acting in Space Marine is pretty good.
Tribes Ascend pretty much the only decent MP game for me. Not without its problems though.

not gaming nearly as much lately, but right now playing braid on my lappy and bastion on my htpc. both are great games that are less demanding if you want to play on a non-gaming rig. on my main rig im replaying dead space then im gonna play dead space 2 for the first time. also making my way through the tomb raider games. just played anniversary (original TR with updated graphics) so now i need to do the others.
Tera, Diablo 3, and SR3. Waiting on Guild Wars and TL2. Would like to play Max Payne 3, but ill wait until its a bit cheaper....
arkham city
alan wake

all sp, all mp kinda sucks right now
hopefully i can pick bf3 up again after this patch and actually want to play more...
Recently finished Mass Effect and Crysis.

Playing through The Witcher, with BF3 here and there.