What games should I get for winter break?


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2003
I like FPS games. I already have and completed Doom 3 and HL2, but I stopped gaming when school started.

I really like the looks of Farcry, Call of Duty 2, and F.E.A.R. I am also aware that I may or may not be able to run these games, as my system is probably considered to be fairly dated by most.

My current specs are:

Abit IS-7 Mobo
Intel P4 2.8ghz cpu
1gb Corsair XMS DDR RAM
ATI 9600pro (I'm getting my x850xt, this is just a spare card for the time being, so assume I have the x850xt)

What kind of games would you recommend for me? How do you think my system would handle games like the ones mentioned above? Those same specs and a 9800pro handled HL2 really well, as well as CS:S and Doom 3.

Thanks for any input.
BF2 is awesome. COD2 is fun. Far Cry was pretty good too.
BF2 is awesome, COD:2 was a bit short for my liking, never played Far Cry or F.E.A.R.

The x850xt should be able to handle all those, my cousin's handles bf2 and FEAR just fine.
Far Cry is the best on your shortlist imo.
F.E.A.R. is alright.
COD2 is the same thing as the earlier games with a little nicer graphics.
If you like fps though, they're all worth playing.
another gig of ram and battlefield2 + the expansion. You'll be set for the entire break and then some, especially since you've already got the source games to fall back on when you get pissed off idiots in bf2.
eastvillager said:
another gig of ram and battlefield2 + the expansion. You'll be set for the entire break and then some, especially since you've already got the source games to fall back on when you get pissed off idiots in bf2.

Would this be a pretty good RAM upgrade:


Right now I've got 1gb (2x512mb) of Corsair XMS. There's so many Corsair XMS choices I never know which is best.
that memory should do yuh just fine

..another vote for BF2

I have played and enjoyed/enjoying:
Quake IV

..and I run a computer lab at my work for teenage kids and have 12 "gamers" setup and just fired up Serious Sam 1st and 2nd Encounters with gibs off and blood switched to flowers .. I forgot how fun those games were ..and they're cheap too
