What graphics cards do I need to run current games at 2560x1600?


Mar 1, 2007
I've got a E6600 running at 3.4Ghz and I'll get a quad core when there's enough support running at the same(ish) speed.

Can I get a single card (eg 8800GTX Ultra) or an SLI setup ( 2 x 640MB GTS's) that will run Crysis, COD4, Bioshock, FSX, etc. with most of the bells and whistles turned on at 2560x1600?
Can I get a single card (eg 8800GTX Ultra) or an SLI setup ( 2 x 640MB GTS's) that will run Crysis, COD4, Bioshock, FSX, etc. with most of the bells and whistles turned on at 2560x1600?

Not with Crysis. Wait for 8800GTX refresh and go SLI. Or get the upcoming X2 3870 and stack them up.
You'll need about 10 billion dollars to fund your own RnD team. Seriously, there's nothing (yet) on the market that will play crysis at that resolution.

Sorry man, Crysis is a next-generation game, made to scale with the next generation hardware. Give it some time though.
Yeah, for titles like crysis you need something like a flux capacitor and a delorean that can get you to the future to buy your new GPU.
Forget Crysis, even older games like Oblivion will struggle at that res with only a single gpu. Stalker with full dynamic lighting will also struggle.
Yep, like said, there isn't any card or even sli/cf setup that'll run current games maxed out at 2560x1600. I'm lucky to run games at decent detail settings at 1280 x 800 on my 30" screen. COD4 is a positive exception though, since it runs fine at 2560x1600 maxed out.