What happened to my Dremel?


Mar 6, 2003
Actually it isnt a dremel its an RTX that I got at a pawn shop. I've had it about 3yrs and only occasionally use it.

Was using it on a project for school last week and it started making a wierd noise. And now the spindle doesnt really spin. If you turn it on the spindle accelerates slowly, and make alotta racket, and if you stick your finger on it it makes more noise and stops spinning.

I havent gotten a chance to take it apart yet, anyone know what might be wrong here?
Brushes or the thin copper wires that connect the commutator with the coil wore out and burned up.

Happened to my second Dremel last year while cutting some MDF.
sounds like you need a new dremel, if you don't break 2 a year... you're not doing it right
I don't know about other brands, but in Dremel-brand Dremels, the brushes are replaceable. You could hit up Home Depot or wherever you got it and just get some new ones. They should be cheap, and if they don't fix it, take them back :D