What happened to the "Thin CRT"?


Dec 1, 2006
There were several announcements in 2004 and early 2005 that implicated that several manufacturers would be building CRTs with slimmer electron guns. See here and here. What happened to those? I haven't seen ANY announcements about their release in the last year or so. Were they abandoned in favor of SED development? Seemed like the ideal solution, especially since SED, FED, OLED all seem to be...well...not happening any time soon.
I don't know, but it would make sense if companies took up SED instead. You get the same benefits, plus it can be even thinner than a slim CRT.
Yeah, I was waiting to see if the thin CRTs would be good too, but they never appeared. Contrast, color, and response time of a CRT in a thinner package--sounded great, but I guess it was too good to be true.
The plant to manufacturer SED is under construction now :D

The dream of unlimited colors and 100,000:1 contrast ratio all at less than 1 ms response rate is near...