what has better build quality Dell 2407 or Beng 24 W?


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2003
What has better build quality Dell 2407 or Beng 24 W?
I think he mean Dell monitor is built by BenQ. That doesn't mean both are the same though. BenQ and Dell both use different panel on their 24 model. I think BenQ is better quality then Dell because it's using P-MVA, while Dell is S-PVA. BenQ also have a .25 fine dot pitch, while the Dell is .27. BenQ image quality is slightly better then Dell from what I heard. But each of them have their own problem. BenQ can't do 1:1 if you get one without the firmware update. There also have been some report it suddenly go black out. Dell have buggy 1:1, more image tearing then BenQ. I'm also debating whether I should return my Dell and get the BenQ instead. But the website that gaurantee a 1:1 firmware update cost $200 more then Buy.com. Only $700 if I buy from Buy.com, while the one offer a 1:1 is $900+!
hmm, I didn't know Dell has bigger pixel pitch. Well I guess this is another + for Benq.
hmm, I didn't know Dell has bigger pixel pitch. Well I guess this is another + for Benq.

The pixel pitch is the same on both. Someones calculator is broken. The pixel pitch on every 24 inch is .270. Its a matter of pixel and screen area and since btoh of those numbers are the same for each the pixel pitch is the same too.
The pixel pitch is the same on both. Someones calculator is broken. The pixel pitch on every 24 inch is .270. Its a matter of pixel and screen area and since btoh of those numbers are the same for each the pixel pitch is the same too.

I'm just stating what BenQ spec is showing on this particular monitor. I didn't make up those random number. I believe the dot pitch is indeed .25, which is why the BenQ may have sharper and better image qaulity.

That's a WZ version though so it may be different? I saw this spec on Buy.com website on the W version. And holy hell! 1.3K? I see it have went down a lot from the original MSRP. That website may be a bit old though if the price is still that high.
That's strange, have Buy.com make a mistake when listing this monitor is .25 Dot Pitch? And 1.3K! Holy hell of god! Look like the price went down a lot from the MSRP.
If two monitors are the same size and have the same resolution, they intrinsically must have the same dot pitch. It's simple mathematics. In the case of the Dell and the BenQ, they both have a dot pitch of 0.269mm. This chart illustrates my point:

I'd say its a toss up,as I have come across junk from both companies when it comes to LCD's.But,if I had to pick one of the two,it would be Dell.I work partime in a comp store
that sells Benq,and we have recieved more then a few that were DOA,or had a few serious flaws,like the DVI port not working.
I'd say its a toss up,as I have come across junk from both companies when it comes to LCD's.But,if I had to pick one of the two,it would be Dell.I work partime in a comp store
that sells Benq,and we have recieved more then a few that were DOA,or had a few serious flaws,like the DVI port not working.

and this the answer I was looking for. Someone who actualy works in shop and knows how many monitors they selling are coming back becasue got some flaws.