What Have They Done To 'the Longest Journey'!?!?!?!?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 31, 2001
Sorry about the title, but MAN, this is HORRIFYING:

From the Gamespy preview:

When confronted with a problem, players now have choices. They may wish to talk their way out of jams, tough it out using fists or weapons, or try to use stealth to sneak around the issue
While characters will have the opportunity to learn new moves and combos as the game progresses, there won't be any finger-twisting combinations of moves required to defeat a particular enemy.
Whichever way she chooses, she'll still end up in a fight with the woman behind the desk, but the choices she makes will determine how she views herself afterwards.
:eek: :eek:

What happened to the 'Adventure' genre?! :(

agh :mad: sounds like it's going to really suck for us classic adventure gamers.

Seems like they are "fixing" it to make it appeal to.....people who don't like adventure games.
I absolutely loved the Longest Journey. I sure hope they haven't ruined it.
not to rag on your genre, or to start a flame war, but i bought longest journey like a few years ago or so and played about an hour and a half before i just couldn't stand it any longer.

i understand how the puzzles and such can be interesting and challenging, but how does it hold your interest? it seems to me a lot of walking back and fourth connecting and combining items with not much else.

Another adventure game ruined.


Syberia was good, Syberia2 was good, and Longest Journey was great I thought. A tear for you Longest Journey. :(
The adventure genre is taking a VERY big hit, espically since Ubisoft gobbled up Microids (Syberia devs) and folded them into ubi's devteams. Hopefully ubi will still let them make adventure games (since ubi has made them before).

For all of you adventure nuts, I highly suggest looking to Still life, which is the last adventure game coming from microids since they got gobbled up. The demo was very good and I can't wait for the full game.

I just hope that the lucasarts guys that left and made their own company, TallTell, can help the adventure genre, they are working on a "well known" adventure game and they want to help bring back the adv. genre.
Well, I can't say I'm terribly disappointed. Classic adventure games were great for the time, but I've grown to great despise point and click games. Fighting? That's going over board, but a more involved method for interfacing is really needed to improve the genre. In my opinion at least. Though I was growing tired of the adventure genre a good while ago, it'll be interesting to see where this game heads. Sure, it may have action elements, but if that is the case, I commend the developer's reasoning for the changes. That reason being "choices". This, to me, is the single most important element for interactive entertainment media.

Again, it'll be interesting how this pans out. If we just see nothing but focus placed on beating people up and breaking down doors, to hell with it. If there is logical, rewarding, and involved gameplay behind the rest, then we may have something really pleasing in the future.
what exactly is this game? Ive never even heard of it.

(Zelda was the best adventure game... adventure games kick ass...)
It was a legitimate adventure game. Along the lines of Quest games from Sierra. No action. No dangers, just adventure, exploration, puzzle solving, and typically, a really interesting story.

So while a lot of games today are classified as "adventure", such as Zelda of the Soul Reaver series, they're really action/adventure games.
Stiler said:
For all of you adventure nuts, I highly suggest looking to Still life, which is the last adventure game coming from microids since they got gobbled up. The demo was very good and I can't wait for the full game.

Downloading now, thanks for the tip. :)
The Longest Journey is still one of my favorite games and I dont want it to go this path but I remember reading that this new game is not a true sequal but takes place in the same universe. Also there pushing a console version so this may be the reason for such a departure from the point and click aspect where use to. Really ashame how this PC genre may end up dying. So few of these games and I get the feeling not many publishers care for genre anymore with all the recent cancellations. :(
dderidex said:
Sorry about the title, but MAN, this is HORRIFYING:

What happened to the 'Adventure' genre?! :(


Wait till it's out, we don't know how they've handled it. ;)
Let me explain what happend to adventure gaming.
Adventure gaming was made for people with no real gaming skills (no fighter or strat) and people that were game lazy. People that only choose to solve simple minded linear puzzles. I'm not saying adventure gaming is bad. I'm saying adventure gaming is DEAD.
I played that game with my x-gf and yeah it was ok but I would rather use some strat also.
Heres a good example of linear adventure:
HL2, omfg gay assed puzzles that a 4Y.O. could solve after a short nap.
So if your the kind of person that enjoys leaning back with your 5 pound bag of M&M's sipping your diet sprite while being dumb founded by a tree stump with 3 different marks and 1 jewl in each then your SOL. Adventure gaming is dead.
Take care all! :)
Hate_Bot said:
what exactly is this game? Ive never even heard of it.

(Zelda was the best adventure game... adventure games kick ass...)
Ummm...Zelda was and is action.
Solve puzzles
No fighting
story board
coffee33 said:
Let me explain what happend to adventure gaming.
Adventure gaming was made for people with no real gaming skills (no fighter or strat) and people that were game lazy. People that only choose to solve simple minded linear puzzles. I'm not saying adventure gaming is bad. I'm saying adventure gaming is DEAD.
I played that game with my x-gf and yeah it was ok but I would rather use some strat also.
Heres a good example of linear adventure:
HL2, omfg gay assed puzzles that a 4Y.O. could solve after a short nap.
So if your the kind of person that enjoys leaning back with your 5 pound bag of M&M's sipping your diet sprite while being dumb founded by a tree stump with 3 different marks and 1 jewl in each then your SOL. Adventure gaming is dead.
Take care all! :)

Yea we sure are lazy!

It takes so much skill to point and click at everything that pops up on your screen while being thrown into some subpar b- movie plotline/story along with some massive explosions to make the game AWESOME.

Or maybe....just maybe some of us like to have a great story, we like to get immersed into a game more then having a "bit" of a story here, then shoot 100 people and then get another bit of the story. Then maybe we like to use this thing called, our heads, to solve puzzles and THINK about things once in a while.

Myself, personally, I like adventure games, rpgs, rts's, shooters, action/adventures, and a ton of the others.

As far as stories go and getting immersed, Adventure games do it 10x better then a lot of the other genre's of games though. There's just something about them that lets them engross you into their atmosphere/story more then your usual fps game and such.
coffee33 said:
Let me explain what happend to adventure gaming.
Adventure gaming was made for people with no real gaming skills (no fighter or strat) and people that were game lazy. People that only choose to solve simple minded linear puzzles. I'm not saying adventure gaming is bad. I'm saying adventure gaming is DEAD.
I played that game with my x-gf and yeah it was ok but I would rather use some strat also.
Heres a good example of linear adventure:
HL2, omfg gay assed puzzles that a 4Y.O. could solve after a short nap.
So if your the kind of person that enjoys leaning back with your 5 pound bag of M&M's sipping your diet sprite while being dumb founded by a tree stump with 3 different marks and 1 jewl in each then your SOL. Adventure gaming is dead.
Take care all! :)

Maybe because were not dumbass kids, who watch wrestling (and think it's real) and enjoy to be challenged and actually made to think while gaming. Don't get me wrong. Every now and then some mindless shooting is fun. But frankly, the puzzles, twists and forced-to-think moments are really fun for me, they do get stressful sometimes, but once you figure out that tiny thing (I can move the pillar? OOOOH!!!) then you just feel so relieved, and excited to get to the next point. Maybe you just didnt like the puzzle parts in half life 2 because you couldnt figure them out?

Now go take some riddlin, The Rock is on...
"but how does it hold your interest? it seems to me a lot of walking back and fourth connecting and combining items with not much else."

Amen, brother.
It's like RTS with resource managment.
I do REAL resource management in REAL LIFE, why the %$&# would I want to do it in a "game" I am trying to enjoy?

Gee let's see,
I think I will take this puzzle piece item A and walk three screens back and combine it with item B and then walk back 4 screens to pull lever C...
doesn't sound like fun to me
The T-man said:
"but how does it hold your interest? it seems to me a lot of walking back and fourth connecting and combining items with not much else."

Amen, brother.
It's like RTS with resource managment.
I do REAL resource management in REAL LIFE, why the %$&# would I want to do it in a "game" I am trying to enjoy?

Gee let's see,
I think I will take this puzzle piece item A and walk three screens back and combine it with item B and then walk back 4 screens to pull lever C...
doesn't sound like fun to me
coffee33 said:

Have either of you actually played an actual Adventure game?

THen again, I suppose nothing can hold your atantion unless in the first 3 seconds, the president is captured by ninjas, an explosion happens, and 50 walking tanks start shooting at nude lesbians holding guns and flashing in 300 diffrent colors...

edit: Something like this is probably more to your liking:

in the first 3 seconds, the president is captured by ninjas, an explosion happens, and 50 walking tanks start shooting at nude lesbians holding guns and flashing in 300 diffrent colors...

wait, what game is this!?? Is it out yet?

;) :p
See, action games are like horny women. There isn't any time wasted spending money in the mall or late night movie flics, just action.
Adventure games are like being married. Your always wondering when your going to get a peice. :p
coffee33 said:
See, action games are like horny women. There isn't any time wasted spending money in the mall or late night movie flics, just action.
Adventure games are like being married. Your always wondering when your going to get a peice. :p
Whoa...married life could be called "the longest journey"!
coffee33 said:
Whoa...married life could be called "the longest journey"!

I see your forgetting your riddlin, You just posted that, why did you quote yourself?

If you have to much ADD and sugar in your blood to enjoy games that actually make you think. Then stop flaming and shitting on this thread.
Hate_Bot said:
I see your forgetting your riddlin, You just posted that, why did you quote yourself?

If you have to much ADD and sugar in your blood to enjoy games that actually make you think. Then stop flaming and shitting on this thread.
Don't feed the trolls people. If you ignore them, they will go away.
'Adventure games' are those games made for people *without* ADD who enjoy thinking and exercising their mind for relaxation.

This is as opposed to action games, shooters (to exclude squad-based 'tactical shooters'), or most RTS games (to exclude the 'Total War' series) that are designed for the ADD, twitch-reflex, I-don't-want-to-think-just-let-me-kill-things crowd.

In any case, offensiveness aside, this is the biggest mistake ever.

What is the single best selling game of all time? Sims. Next best? Sims 2. Going through the list, you'll find the rest of the SimCity series, Myst, etc. All non-violent.

WHY are they the best selling of all time? Because they are the only games that target the fully HALF of the buying public action games ignore.

Here's a hint: with FEW exceptions (very, VERY few, like, one-in-a-million), women DO NOT LIKE VIOLENCE. They don't like violence in movies, they don't like violence in games, they don't like ENGAGING in physical fights.

Guys, of course, DO.

So, what they are doing to "The Longest Journey" is making it totally unpallatable to its target audience - wives, sisters, mothers, and younger kids - and trying to make it more interesting to the ADD crowd who would never be interested in that type of gameplay at ALL, *EVER*, for ANY reason.
dderidex said:
'Adventure games' are those games made for people *without* ADD who enjoy thinking and exercising their mind for relaxation.

This is as opposed to action games, shooters (to exclude squad-based 'tactical shooters'), or most RTS games (to exclude the 'Total War' series) that are designed for the ADD, twitch-reflex, I-don't-want-to-think-just-let-me-kill-things crowd..

I WHOLLY disagree with the RTS buisness there. With the exlusion of the C&C series, most of the RTS games I've played, were about building recourses etc... Especially AOE2 (Favourite game of all time, excluding Zelda) was IMO about building a sound strategy. Sendind in 200 Swordspeoples is a sure fire way to get you killed, but sneak attacks, player management, making diffrent teams (ctrl+1,2,3,4,etc..) and taking them into diffrent areas, was realy fun and angaging, and really got you thinking about "Where to stick them next"
Good grief people. If you don't like the game, genre or style and don't have anything insightful to say about it, don't crapthread and troll around. Stay on topic, which is about turning an excellent adventure game into an action game.

For the adventure genre lovers, ignore the trolls. Just click the report post icon if they get out of hand.

This thread sounds like any conversation with ten people deciding what movie to go see. Who cares what it is about as long as it is a good movie, or in this case... a game.

He speaketh the truth.

Also. Still Life is now on my purchase list, I don't know when it is out, but it is on my purchase list. I loved the demo, it left me ticked that I didn't get to play the game more! lol. Still Life and Longest Journey and Syberia are the types of adventure games that I love.
Torgo said:
Good grief people. If you don't like the game, genre or style and don't have anything insightful to say about it, don't crapthread and troll around. Stay on topic, which is about turning an excellent adventure game into an action game.

For the adventure genre lovers, ignore the trolls. Just click the report post icon if they get out of hand.

This thread sounds like any conversation with ten people deciding what movie to go see. Who cares what it is about as long as it is a good movie, or in this case... a game.
Agreed :)
dderidex said:
'Adventure games' are those games made for people *without* ADD who enjoy thinking and exercising their mind for relaxation.

This is as opposed to action games, shooters (to exclude squad-based 'tactical shooters'), or most RTS games (to exclude the 'Total War' series) that are designed for the ADD, twitch-reflex, I-don't-want-to-think-just-let-me-kill-things crowd.

In any case, offensiveness aside, this is the biggest mistake ever.

What is the single best selling game of all time? Sims. Next best? Sims 2. Going through the list, you'll find the rest of the SimCity series, Myst, etc. All non-violent.

WHY are they the best selling of all time? Because they are the only games that target the fully HALF of the buying public action games ignore.

Here's a hint: with FEW exceptions (very, VERY few, like, one-in-a-million), women DO NOT LIKE VIOLENCE. They don't like violence in movies, they don't like violence in games, they don't like ENGAGING in physical fights.

Guys, of course, DO.

So, what they are doing to "The Longest Journey" is making it totally unpallatable to its target audience - wives, sisters, mothers, and younger kids - and trying to make it more interesting to the ADD crowd who would never be interested in that type of gameplay at ALL, *EVER*, for ANY reason.

Hey now, many mature adult guys like Adventure games too :p.

Looking over justadventure.com or mysterymanor.net you can probally find some good adventure games that slipped under the radar or help with some if you need it, they are good places for adventure fans.

I always do that when i'm in an adventure gaming slump, usually find a diamound in the rough now and then.
I bought that game for my friend after I built her computer. She loved it. I tried to get into it but I just didn't have the patience at the time. I do like adventure games, but I needed the onscreen broad to move her arse a bit more. Tomb Raider series I think blended a lot of elements together that made it more appealing then just a flat adventure game or mindless shooter.
dderidex said:
WHY are they the best selling of all time? Because they are the only games that target the fully HALF of the buying public action games ignore.

Here's a hint: with FEW exceptions (very, VERY few, like, one-in-a-million), women DO NOT LIKE VIOLENCE. They don't like violence in movies, they don't like violence in games, they don't like ENGAGING in physical fights.

Guys, of course, DO.

So, what they are doing to "The Longest Journey" is making it totally unpallatable to its target audience - wives, sisters, mothers, and younger kids - and trying to make it more interesting to the ADD crowd who would never be interested in that type of gameplay at ALL, *EVER*, for ANY reason.
That's not...entirely true.
Resident Evil series is an adventure game. Adventure games I might add, went to the way of survival horror and those sell really good (meaning made more in the masses). But before that games like Police Quest, King's quest and the bunch of sierra games were the best sellers and had an element of violence. I don't think the longest journey is going to be action fest, but it will probably have some new things to formula. I say wait and find out.

Also I just started the longest journey now (bought it 4 days ago) I know it's an older game but do the people look jaggy? I know the OLD games had a jaggy looking models but since it said 3D accelleration I thought it would look a bit smoother :confused: Either way yes yes I know graphics don't make the game and I'm still going to give it a whirl (backgrounds look awesome though :) )
coffee33 said:
Ummm...Zelda was and is action.
Solve puzzles
No fighting
story board

It's action adventure.
Adventure doesn't mean just puzzles and no fighting.
Once again, resident evil is an adventure game, has puzzles and fighting

You still had to find things to unlock somethign else in and solve this and that. But yes more action in it. So action adventure :)
I still consider Zelda an adventure game...

Just because you have some action, all the puzzle parts are more noteworthy
This is funny stuff. Arguing over what game genre is better or worse is like arguing about ice cream flavors. Everyone has their preferences.
dderidex said:
'Adventure games' are those games made for people *without* ADD who enjoy thinking and exercising their mind for relaxation.

This is as opposed to action games, shooters (to exclude squad-based 'tactical shooters'), or most RTS games (to exclude the 'Total War' series) that are designed for the ADD, twitch-reflex, I-don't-want-to-think-just-let-me-kill-things crowd.

In any case, offensiveness aside, this is the biggest mistake ever.

What is the single best selling game of all time? Sims. Next best? Sims 2. Going through the list, you'll find the rest of the SimCity series, Myst, etc. All non-violent.

WHY are they the best selling of all time? Because they are the only games that target the fully HALF of the buying public action games ignore.

Here's a hint: with FEW exceptions (very, VERY few, like, one-in-a-million), women DO NOT LIKE VIOLENCE. They don't like violence in movies, they don't like violence in games, they don't like ENGAGING in physical fights.

Guys, of course, DO.

So, what they are doing to "The Longest Journey" is making it totally unpallatable to its target audience - wives, sisters, mothers, and younger kids - and trying to make it more interesting to the ADD crowd who would never be interested in that type of gameplay at ALL, *EVER*, for ANY reason.
and apparently some men love that caps lock key. Parents also don't like buying violent games among other reasons sims and sim city are popular....heck, i remember playing sim city in class during high school because it was made available.
Netrat33 said:
Also I just started the longest journey now (bought it 4 days ago) I know it's an older game but do the people look jaggy? I know the OLD games had a jaggy looking models but since it said 3D accelleration I thought it would look a bit smoother :confused: Either way yes yes I know graphics don't make the game and I'm still going to give it a whirl (backgrounds look awesome though :) )

No resolution change. Something that needs to change in adventure games. Also, no AA. Although you can try and force it. See what happens.

I don't have my copy anymore, stolen by my ex.
dderidex said:
Sorry about the title, but MAN, this is HORRIFYING:

From the Gamespy preview:

:eek: :eek:

What happened to the 'Adventure' genre?! :(


This reminds me of what happened to the side scroller games. It seems like everyone decided that since they can make something 3D they should. Oh well, hopefully they will see that they are alienating their core fanbase and return to something more Adventure-like with the next game. If an Adventure game void is created, someone will come along and fill it, hopefully bringing new ideas to it in the process.