What helpdesk software do you use?


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
We're looking to upgrade helpdesk software here at work that our users use to put in trouble tickets. Any suggestions?
Not a very descriptive post, what's your budget, open source, etc.

I'll throw out the generic "Spiceworks" which is a neat tool.
we use helpstar..

it's crap, what a waste of 40 grand
Oh yeah.. Track-It is ok too. Not web-based as far as I know, I use it at work (300+ user base in the site).
Thanks for the suggestions, I suppose I should have been more descriptive.

High emphasis on having a good web interface, and tieing into AD!

Budget : Dont mind spending the money for a quality product. We need around 500 seats.

We currently use Track-it 6.5.

Ive used HEAT ITSM and Track-IT. Trackit is a good product. It does have a good web interface AD integration and fairly easy to use and configure. Currently my guys are using Track-it 8
Ive used HEAT ITSM and Track-IT. Trackit is a good product. It does have a good web interface AD integration and fairly easy to use and configure. Currently my guys are using Track-it 8

I was pretty sure that Track-It had a web interface. I remember seeing it on v6.5 but we hadn't utilized it.
i love working in a place that has more developers than helpdesk people, we made our own. not as in depth as HEAT but gets the job done without hickups.
do any of these work with a MySQL backend? we have a custom system here but our database info is MySQL, had thought about a new solution but i need something that can be customized and pull data from a mysql db
Track-It does have a web interface (called Self Service) and it gets the job done. Our users can hit the intranet, submit a ticket, and monitor the progress. I think Track-It 8 Enterprise comes with maybe 100 self service licenses but you will need to purchase additional ones for the rest of your users.
I've used a few throughout my years...

Track-It: My fav; techs can use the web interface solely and it's easy to use
Remedy: Sucks. Big overhead; expensive
Altiris: Also sucks.
We just switched to IssueTrak. It's not a bad system, it integrates with AD, and it has a decent, customizable web based interface. It's a hell of a lot better than the last system we were using, as it easily allows for creation, escalation, and tracking of a ticket.

For a company with 1200 full-time and a few hundred part-time employees spread out over 10+ properties it's working out rather well.

Inexpensive and support is very responsive to questions. Works well. The asset tracking is nice. Quite a few features for the price.

AD integration was a must for us as well. This handles it well.
Track-It from 01-07. Now on Remedy. It's alright. I thing we could use less fields, but I guess that's all in the setup.
Numara Footprints is what we use for Service Desk stuff where I'm at currently. I had to write the AD integration.

Previously we used Talisma Self-Help, which blew mountain goats through a straw. Spiceworks is fun so far, I'm playing around with it in my spare time.
The few large Helpdesk operations I worked within used Remedy. Wasn't bad, wasn't great. Anyone know of any open-source projects for this?
At my last job we used Numara (then UniPress) FootPrints.

When I first started the job, we had some horrible open source software - was very generic. I stopped using it. Then for 7 months I didn't use anything - just a legal notebook and a blue pen.

Then our CTO left and we got a new person just to handle support (was me and one guy) - well he looked into some help desk software - he had us try FootPrints - after a week I was sold. Even more so once we were able to customize the software to kind of guide us through the problem "Model" then it would ask specific questions to the model, date of purchase, etc" - so just by me finding those questions helped me a lot.

Used it for about 4 months solid until I got laid off, but if I could ever purchase some help desk software, I'd take a very good look at FootPrints again.
Hmmm -

Hey you Track-it guys. Will Track-It allow you to handle spare parts? We typically stock component parts for in-house computers. Can I take say a hard drive from my stockroom and add it to a computer and have it show up as a part of that pc?
In our company we just updated to the new version of Bridgetrak.
It was very easy to implement and to customize for our environment.
The tool includes issue templates with required and custom fields, automatic escalation of issues, active directory integration, knowledgebase, powerful reporting and many more useful features.
I can say now we are fully satisfied with this helpdesk system and with the way it does the job.

Great deal, that with downloading of this tool as well as any other tools from scriptlogic you are registering to win a trip to TechEd 2008. I would love to go but not sure that the planned budget can accept this.

I guess I'll give a try to some of their products not only because of chance to win something. Some of them can really suits our environment needs.

Hope this was useful!
Hmmm -

Hey you Track-it guys. Will Track-It allow you to handle spare parts? We typically stock component parts for in-house computers. Can I take say a hard drive from my stockroom and add it to a computer and have it show up as a part of that pc?

I think you could create an additional group named Spare Parts and use it at use intend.
We use Clarify here. It works well enough, but the search function is less than helpful.
Currently running Remedy, however just bought and implemented Altiris TMS, so I'll be setting up the Helpdesk portion soon.
Hmmm -

Hey you Track-it guys. Will Track-It allow you to handle spare parts? We typically stock component parts for in-house computers. Can I take say a hard drive from my stockroom and add it to a computer and have it show up as a part of that pc?

Yes. As long as you have the audit set up correctly such as on login or log off it will find the new hardware and show you the serial number and such and the one you removed will show up in blue and you can remove it.
We use Cerberus, it's not great but it's not bad. The company pissed me off in the past few versions that they have come out with. Changed things and the user forums went nuts, people upset that they changed things that drastically....cerberus simply told everyone that we were nuts and the software wasn't changing. I would migrate but we have the old version and it works just fine.