What I want in upcoming racing games.


Apr 13, 2005
The two ultimate things I want in a racing game are really good exhaust sounds (even cooler when adding aftermarket exhaust changes the sound), and also, (this is the big one) proper oversteering (drifting)!! There hasn't been one game where the act of drifting comes from throttle control rather than momentum. In a real car, you should be able to hold a drift using the throttle. Let off the gas and the car will straighten out, but getting on the gas should kick the rear out more. It seems in a racing game if you start to lose the drift, you can't recover it by punching the gas. Maybe game physics aren't ready to have that put in yet, but i look forward to the day they do.

Sorry if this thread is worthless, i just am curious if i'm the only one that thinks those aspects of motoring are missing in games.

While we're on the subject, anyone know of a decent game with drifting (not NFSU series)? Know of any upcoming ones?

Everytime I play racing games, I ask myself the same thing, why can't I break lose when accelerating, I don't event hink the gran tourismo's had that....

I think the Gran Tourismo's are good drifter's and also maybe Ridge Racers or maybe Burnout
I want realistic Engine Braking. It seems that they never include that in racing games :(
i thought that NFS: High Stakes for the Playstation had good exhaust sounds, especially the Aston Martin :D

<3 that game
What I would really love in a future racing game, is something that is more of a simulator than an arcade game. I'm talking about utilizing real physics and allowing various mods of a car to effect the car realistically. Accurate and real dynamic exhaust notes are also a must as well. I would also want other traffic and law enforcement to behave realistically as well.
Have you played NFS Underground 2? I thought the drifting in that was pretty good. Turning stability control on and off can tweak it a bit.
I think the problem with stepping on the gas is that most people use arrow keys, which is equivalent to stepping full throttle or nothing. Live for speed lets you have a analog throttle and steering, but you will find out its not quite as easy to drive with the keyboard. (Not to mention when your going 80mph in the game feels like your barely moving. Which leads to that why the crap am I spinning out im barely moving feeling.
Lord of Shadows said:
I think the problem with stepping on the gas is that most people use arrow keys, which is equivalent to stepping full throttle or nothing. Live for speed lets you have a analog throttle and steering, but you will find out its not quite as easy to drive with the keyboard. (Not to mention when your going 80mph in the game feels like your barely moving. Which leads to that why the crap am I spinning out im barely moving feeling.

I agree that an analog controller is usefull.
sethmo said:
He said realistic. Go play Live for Speed(www.liveforspeed.com). BEST racing games hands down. Doesnt have the best graphics or sound but they are both descent.

Are you saying Forza isn't realistic? Don't get me wrong... it's not a hard core sim like LFS (and I love LFS), but Forza is still "realistic". And besides, he didn't even say realistic... he said he wants really good sound and realistic drift behavior, where oversteer can be initiated with throttle instead of just momentum. And that's exactly what Forza has. The sound in LFS sucks, by the way.

edit: Also, as great as LFS is, it still doesn't let you swap in a turbo'd LS6 into a Camaro with modded exhaust, which sounds awesome.
I have forza and i've been playing it for sometime, and it's about as close to what i want as I have seen so far, and that's why i love it. while the drifting in forza is top notch, you do need quite a lot of horsepower to be able to hold a drift using the throttle. Forza is by far the best racing game made IMO. Anyways, thanks for the suggestions. i'll give em both a try.
