what inexpensive but large gaming mouse pad?

uh the best LARGE pad is the QcK+ Steelpad... they are huge and a very nice cloth pad IMHO.

I've been using one for I think 1.5-2 years now, I love it. Nearly takes up my whole desk dedicated to my mousing area. I think its something like 17" x 15" or near that
I like my Xtrac cloth pad. My one complaint is that it collects dust pretty fast, and compressed air isn't quite enough to clean it off. This is in a super dusty environment, though, so your mileage may vary.
I'd be wary about the Ratpadz. My brother bought the first edition when it was being sold years ago, and the middle is completely smooth now. That probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, and he still uses it for some reason, but I bought an everglide giganta optical (its kinda clear/sparkly for optical sensors) a month or so after he bought his, so I've had it for at least 5 years, and it's barely lost any of its bumpy surface.
I'd be wary about the Ratpadz. My brother bought the first edition when it was being sold years ago, and the middle is completely smooth now. That probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, and he still uses it for some reason, but I bought an everglide giganta optical (its kinda clear/sparkly for optical sensors) a month or so after he bought his, so I've had it for at least 5 years, and it's barely lost any of its bumpy surface.

What dpi does your brother play at? and what mouse does he use? and how much sandpaper? (j/k)

Seriously, if this *was* an issue before, I cant see how it could still be... I've had mine for over a year and a half and it's exactly as it was when I got it. It's a very hard plastic, so I'm really not sure what's going on to wear it down... maybe the smooth feet on the bottom of my logitech g7 helps?
I like how the op hasn't actually replied back since starting the thread.
but if you want to get an extra few HS and kills go for the best mouse pad out there, Razer Destructor.

This, Had it for a few weeks and holy sh!@ its one big mousepad. I Put two of my mouses on it and I never even notice the others there. It's $40 but IMHO its well worth it. The ratzpad XT has one major design flaw. Mine bent after 6 months and It wore out. Couldn't unbend it. I also get major cramps when using it, had to turn it sideways to use it on its horizontal axis. Other than the major cramping and small size compared to some out there it's acceptable for the price. But for a really nice one I recommend the Razer Destructor.