What is an AMD PRO3200+ processor?


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2004
I was looking at this motherboard for a dedicated folding box and it says that It has an AMD PRO3200A processor. What is an AMD PRO3200+ processor?

Motherboard link; ECS L7VMM3A
I bought a PC Chips similar to that for a build for my cousins, and it was a 1.3ghz duron. About the same price, too.
AMD ought to sue their ass for selling that shit as a AMD PRO3200A processor. That is false advertising if you ask me. Some poor newb will buy that thinking he has a XP3200 system. :mad:
ECS boards have come with durons soldered on and an PR that AMD doesn't use.
ie: they call a 1.4 Duron a XP2000+Pro or something like that.

Google the L7VMM3 motherboard part number and you'll find many references to it.
That's an onboard Athlon XP 2200+, I think....


For anyone that doesn't already know, PC-Chips and ECS are the same company, and have been for several years.

They buy up unsold AMD processors and solder them to low-end boards to sell as all-in-one solutions. The PR system, as relic said, is different from AMD's, for example the Pro 2000+ is a Duron 1.6 (see the ECS K7SOM+ for example).
Roberty said:
AMD ought to sue their ass for selling that shit as a AMD PRO3200A processor. That is false advertising if you ask me. Some poor newb will buy that thinking he has a XP3200 system. :mad:

Notice how they don't go into much detail when you click for more info...
I call scam. Bastitches.
I guess these boards with a soldered duron are quite good for the money but calling them "3200+" is just wrong... :(

I've seen them for sale here in Belgium, mostly in ultra-cheap back-to-school configurations. They'll surely keep the kids from gaming too much. :D
At $109, that's NOT a good deal...here are some alternatives:

For $99 at Fry's outpost http://shop1.outpost.com/product/4085872
ECS Nforce2 Ultra mobo and AthlonXP 2700+. (currently unavailable, but it will be back in stock)

At newegg.com:
Chaintech KT600 mobo For $41 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=13-152-040&depa=1
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ for $71 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=19-103-335&depa=1

Total - $112...only $3 more than that soldered on piece of crap.
Yeah, you're right, they're too expensive... I thought the boards went for 70€ or so but at 109$, it's certainly not a good deal.

I changed my opinion to RIPOFF :cool:

On a sidenote:
www.alternate.de has a similar frankenstein board with a 2400+ (2Ghz/266) which is called a PRO3300A+ for 114€. At the same site you can get a separate board such as the ECS L7VMM2 for 39€ and a boxed 2400+ (2Ghz/266) for 84€ -> 123€. This seems to be more reasonable but the 3300+ rating is still wrong. It's probably some rating against the Celeron, like the Sempron...