What is BH-5/6?


Mar 11, 2003
i am planning on getting either 512MB or 1GB of ram soon. i have been looking at the OCZ EB modules, but i have been hearing something about BH-5/BH-6 ram. could someone clarify what this is?
Gorebag said:
i am planning on getting either 512MB or 1GB of ram soon. i have been looking at the OCZ EB modules, but i have been hearing something about BH-5/BH-6 ram. could someone clarify what this is?

BH-5/BH-6 refer to the types of chips used on RAM. BH-5 was, and as far as I know still is, the mac-daddy of overclocking, capable of huge OCs without the use of major mods and while keeping very tight timings (2-2-2-5). Unfortunately it isn't produced anymore because of profit margins or something like that. BH-6 RAM was slightly older than BH-5 but performed almost as well, and occasionally better.

You can still find BH-5 RAM at some places, and on E-Bay (ugh). If you are buying retail, see if you can get a glance at the RAM chips themselves before you buy...if they aren't covered by heatspreaders you should be able to see the type of chips used and you might get lucky and find BH-5 or BH-6 chips. If you're buying mail-order you may have to take your chances that you get BH-5 chips, although some places will tell you in the product description that it is BH-5 RAM.

As for new RAM the OCZ EL modules are supposed to rock, as do the Corsair EL and LL chips. Someone else can probably tell you more...
how about the OCZ 3700EB ram? i want to take my 3000+ to 250 1:1 FSB. if i buy this kit off of newegg.com am i likely to get the results with it?
Gorebag said:
how about the OCZ 3700EB ram? i want to take my 3000+ to 250 1:1 FSB. if i buy this kit off of newegg.com am i likely to get the results with it?

Well, it's not just the RAM. Your mobo and chip will also be a factor in how far you can overclock. A 3000+ on a good mobo with decent cooling should be able to net you a FSB speed of 250 with that RAM, but then again it might not. PC3700 is rated at 233Mhz, so your RAM will take you at least that far, but your mobo might not. Some mobos, like the NF7-S, have real problems getting above 220Mhz. That OCZ kit is certainly decent RAM, and should take you far, provided the rest of your system is up to it.