What is Bioware's best game?

What is Bioware's best game?

  • Baldur's Gate

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • Baldur's Gate II

    Votes: 49 26.9%
  • MDK2

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Neverwinter Nights

    Votes: 11 6.0%
  • Knights of the Old Republic

    Votes: 56 30.8%
  • Jade Empire

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Mass Effect

    Votes: 11 6.0%
  • Mass Effect II

    Votes: 31 17.0%
  • Dragon Age: Origins

    Votes: 13 7.1%

  • Total voters


Mar 8, 2008
I thought it would be interesting to measure.

Feel free to post your reasons.
Baldur's Gate 2.

Good story, varied encounters, complex ruleset, great artwork, good music, one of the best "villians" in a game, no handholding, decent difficulty, doesn't cause cancer.
I had a hell of a lot of fun playing KOTOR so I went with that. Although NWN was a close second, Mass Effect / Baldur's Gate / Dragon Age are all close behind.
I've only played KOTOR, Mass Effect and some of Mass Effect 2 so far, but out of those KOTOR wins pretty easily... though the ME games are good too. I actually just started my Bioware gaming career about two months ago with KOTOR.
Mass Effect 2. Sci-fi type "space operas" are more rare these days, and which is why I enjoy the Mass Effect series.

Objectively for its time, Baldur's Gate 2 is probably the best.
BG2 easy. It's considered one of the best PC games ever, kind of hard for any of their any titles to compete with that.
NWN, esp with its expansion HOTU. KOTOR was a close second.
Also loved BG and BG2, at the time. I never replayed them. I replayed KOTOR twice and NWN 11ty billion times.
KOTOR for me. I love the star wars universe just LOVED it. It just couldnt get any better. I was so happy to not be on Hoth or flying down the trench. It was so great to be in the universe but not in the movie timeline.

ME, ME2 are just.....EPIC though. They are what I hope becomes of more games. They are so so so so so amazing. The way you become part of the story instead of just playing the game...SO great!

Dragon age. Such a great game! But really is just KOTOR in medieval times with less stuff to do. You're not faking past some guards in darkspawn skin or anything, so its less great than KOTOR but still so so so great. It would have been better if the companion stories were more involved like in KOTOR how they eventually led up to a few quests and some fights. Maybe I didnt develop it enough to where they played out all the way, but the side characters left a little out IMO.

I have high hopes for DA2 having your character have a real voice with DA gameplay (which is KOTOR gameplay evolved) ... :drool:

Jade empire was ok. I liked the fighting ok, but the story telling was definitely lacking in this one.

Never played the top 4. Guess I'm missing out on some greatness
BG2 easily

I see alot of people picking KOTOR because theyve never played BG2 for shame. Go do it. Now.
No doubt in my mind I was going to pick the BG series, but I was having a hard time deciding between the two. I decided to go with BG1 because although BG2 had some great places to explore, you were stuck linearly in where to go most of the time, and BG1 pretty much threw the world at you to explore.

Also, in BG2 you were free to explore Athkatla(sp?) very near the beginning and in BG1 you could not reach the city of Baldur's Gate until you finished a large questline spanning an act or two, this made reaching Baldur's Gate give me a huge sense of accomplishment compared to BG2.
Never liked BG, so there's that. KOTOR to me was like playing a movie. Fun, interactive, and engrossing. Everything an RPG should be, without any other bullcrap attached. ME1 and ME2, while good games, added the whole FPS thing to it, which wasn't needed. To me, a good RPG, is all about the story, without anything else to distract from it. In KOTOR, all abilities were based on the characters abilities, not how good i was at aiming or whatever. This is why i think KOTOR is > ME1 and ME2, awesome games though they were.
Baldur's Gate 2. More polished than Baldur's Gate, imo, and great repeatable storyline.

NWN would be a close second. The singleplayer was pretty terrible but the potential for the game was amazing. It made a ton of advances over Baldur's Gate and their encouragement of user content was great.
I admit - I voted KOTOR, and I didn't play BG or BG2 :)

The newer games don't really "do it" for me. Between having to live up to the feel of the old games, and having The Witcher in my collection, I have not really been impressed with the newer Bioware games (except for the story in ME1). Including the new Dragon Ago 2 demo
I believe Jade Empire was Bioware's first original IP. And also one of their best in my opinion!

Tie between BG2 and Kotor.

Both were really great experiences. BG2 had so much content and the story was fantastic.

ME2 is a close 3rd. I love Mass Effect but those classic memories dwarf it.
Never liked BG, so there's that. KOTOR to me was like playing a movie. Fun, interactive, and engrossing. Everything an RPG should be, without any other bullcrap attached. ME1 and ME2, while good games, added the whole FPS thing to it, which wasn't needed. To me, a good RPG, is all about the story, without anything else to distract from it. In KOTOR, all abilities were based on the characters abilities, not how good i was at aiming or whatever. This is why i think KOTOR is > ME1 and ME2, awesome games though they were.

Funny, I picked KOTOR over ME1 & ME2 too like you, but I actually like ME's not-pure-skill-system better. BG2 was great, but KOTOR barely pulls ahead. KOTOR's combat system was far from my favorite and the graphics weren't great, but nevertheless the game was enchanting.

On other thoughts. I'm more of a medieval guy, but ME1/2 beat DA:O imo.
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I've played everything on the list except Jade Empire and ME2.

My favorite is easily Baldur's Gate 2, with Baldur's Gate as the runner up. I can recognize KOTOR as a good game, but for me, nothing has come close to the excellence of the BG series.
BG 2 for sure

Best gaming moment ever was me and my friend playing it together. He had control of two characters I had control of two characters.
There is a hotel room I know has some nasty guys in it. We are in the hotel stealing etc. He starts heading towards the door. I am like "nooooooooooooooo" over skype (old skype before video if you kiddies remember that" I hear dialogue on screen.

He pops out of door and is mind controlled or confused or w/e the spell is, he just goes berserk and kills my ranger and mage. and we die of laughing.
#1: NWN (actually my favorite game of the last 10 years)

I am not a fan of tactical party combat. So I actually preferred being back to just running my character. I didn't have a real problem with any of the original modules and really loved HotU.

Then their is the game engine itself which was amazing for producing third party content. There are 1000+ modules. I have played maybe 50 modules! I am still playing them.

Then there is free multiplayer with your friends, something long gone these days.

And then there are FREE persistent worlds that you can play on. I was on one of these until I was wating too much time.

Also like that it was D&D fairly close to the AD&D I played as a teen.

If I buy a new graphics card, this is the most important game that it needs to work with (NVidia Fermi cards currently kind of broken in NWN).

#2 BG2:
Huge epic adventure, amusing companions, D&D, killer battles.

#3 BG:
Less epic than BG2, but still great. This is case where the sequel is better.

Awesome space adventure.

#5: Dragon Age Origins.
I really liked all the unique origin stories. I played them all before picking one to play the rest of the game with.
But I really didn't like the new MMO style RPG system. Very limited choices for character building, closer to Diablo than NWN/BG.

I didn't play the rest. I tried Mass Effect, but it game me motion sickness and I expect I am done with Biwoare from what I have seen of DA:2.
Baldur's Gate II is probably my favorite game, hands down. It hovers in the top 3 or the top 5 for sure.

I loved Dragon Age Origins to death, but it's not a top 10 game . B
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 hands down. Kotor can't even compare.

Agreed! Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are the gold standard I judge any other RPG by, and nothing Bioware has come out with since then even comes close. They need to make some new DnD games damn it.
Jesus, I don't know what to vote for!

KotOR, BG 1 & 2, Mass Effect 2 or DAO. Tough call

I'm going with DA