what is causing this issue in bf2?


Limp Gawd
Apr 20, 2003

driver issue?
I tried cat 5.6 and same thing happened, so Im back to omega 5.4

heat issue? ( I do not believe this is it, because this is the only game I have problems with)

game issue (I don't want this to be a bf2 bashing thread, as tempted as I am right now, I just wanna know what to do
try reinstalling :)()

thats all that i can think of

its obviously the textures or lighting......so yea..its either drivers or a corrupt install
4b5eN+EE said:
try reinstalling :)()

thats all that i can think of

its obviously the textures or lighting......so yea..its either drivers or a corrupt install

it starts happening after I play for a few minutes, does not happen right away

edit-Im going to try reinstalling one more time
well, there goes that theory :(

another install and I still get black textures (btw, this only happens on the textures you're closest too, when I fly downwards in a jet, I can see it go from distant texture to black)

looks like I found a temporary solution :rolleyes:
I get the same problem with the BF2 demo on my Powercolor x800XL PCIe. It happens less when I use Omega 5.4 vs. Catalyst 5.6, but it still happens nonetheless.

Thing is, it happens a few minutes into the game, for about 60 seconds, then goes away for the rest of the game, no matter how long I play. I think it's definitely a bug in the game. From what I understand, the game is chalk full of bugs and is due for a very big update next month.
ChrisB99 said:
(btw, this only happens on the textures you're closest too, when I fly downwards in a jet, I can see it go from distant texture to black)
Something to do with AF? The "brilinear" optimization, maybe? If it is, you can use ATiTrayTool to disable it.
banGerprawN said:
Something to do with AF? The "brilinear" optimization, maybe? If it is, you can use ATiTrayTool to disable it.

it happened to me once, you might wanna downclock your videocard and run vsync
1. Turn Vertical Sync to ALWAYS OFF.
2. If no luck, go to your in game video options menu and turn dynamic shadows either down or off.. cant remember which. I'm using same card, GAME IS BEAUTIFUL with what I just suggested... btw. I've done the same thing with my last two sets of omega drivers and the ati 5.6's.. Vsync has always been a prob. for me.