What is COD4 Multiplayer like on PC, i am an old bf2 player

just have to accept the fact any game made from now on will cater to complete noobs.

Days of good ole TFC and UT1 and CS are over.
Ehh, I don't think theres as many hackers in CSS as you think. COD4 theres a lot. last two servers I played in had hackers. one had a guy get kicked for using an aimbot. I then joined another punkbuster enabled server and there was a guy using an aimbot, you could go as spectator and watch his crosshair just jump and lock on to the next enemy. COD4 is not all that special, once a new decent FPS game comes out, cod4 will be of the past.

I actually said that CS (not CS:S) was plagued with hackers...;)
while you could be nitpicky and say that is stupid, i really dont have much of a problem with it. in fact, when you play against skilled teams, choppers, should they get called in, get blown out of the sky before they can do too much damage. also, air strikes rarely kill more than 1-2 people against good teams....you'd have to be retarded to have your whole team stand out in the open in a giant group.

that is much of my experience too...Chopper and air strike don't have THAT much of an impact on the match most of the time (in my experience at least).

When I get a chopper, it usually gets shot within 5 seconds (literally).
And my air strikes, even if I wait for UAV, I usually kill about 2-3 people TOPS...
I hate CS in all it's forms, and loved BF2 immensely. Will I like this? I did like COD games before, however I really like the breathing room that BF2 had. I only played COD1 and 2, FWIW.

So someone said singleplayer is bigger than mutli in this game, or did I read that wrong? What, if anything, is the new BF2?
Fast, first, and on HC servers with FF on, they usually take out two or three of their teammates because they always (and I mean always) seem to come stand by the rest of the team. ("hay guize! whut's up over hier? why are you hiding behind this... damn I got shot..." BLAM!)

hahaha I hear ya, it gets annoying.
I hate CS in all it's forms, and loved BF2 immensely. Will I like this? I did like COD games before, however I really like the breathing room that BF2 had. I only played COD1 and 2, FWIW.

So someone said singleplayer is bigger than mutli in this game, or did I read that wrong? What, if anything, is the new BF2?

You will like it for a few weeks then. There really isn't much breathing room in COD4. As stated already,the game would be a must have for MP if the levels were double the size.

You could try Front Lines:Fuel of War for a BF2 type game.It is a decent game, but it got attacked pretty badly before and during it's launch for some pretty lame bugs that were not addressed during beta testing. Unfortunately it's pretty much DEAD now. It's ashame really because it's better than BF2 in just about every aspect.

Back on topic: COD4 SP is very good and worth the price of admission though... so you might as well pick it up.
How is Frontlines better than BF2 in ANY way..? I spent 50 bucks for it because I thought it would be a better version of BF2 and I LOVED BF2 but everything from the graphics, UI, gameplay were a downgrade in literaly every aspect. It felt like a crappy console port.
I was a hardcore and somewhat still hardcore BF2 player (infantry only). COD4 is pure garbage online man, trust me. BF2 is still the king, which is pretty sad actually.
the only problem is the maps are small. Like medal of honor.(THAT WAS FUN TOO)
what happened to a map pack, are they bigger?

IF pb worked this would be a 10/10 game

If you want big maps go ARMA...not COD4 or BF2...ARMA is the king ;)
I thought the game sucked balls really. Finding a server to play on is almost impossible and when you do, its full of idiots who just run around with no clue.

The game itself is lacking in realistic combat and the explosions are cartoonish and out of sinc with the sound effects. You can be right next to a car that explodes but not hear it for 10 seconds.

Dont waste your money with this game, you will regret it!!!!

Oh wait, did I mention Im just kidding, ive never played the game, hehehehehehe, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
I was over at my brothers apartment watching him play and killing people with one shot from a pistol just doesn't do it for me; let alone the extremely quick action too. I prefer the likes of Battlefield 2 due to it being on a much larger scale and isn't a Rambo style game.

COD4 reminds me of UT but with modern combat.
I was over at my brothers apartment watching him play and killing people with one shot from a pistol just doesn't do it for me; let alone the extremely quick action too. I prefer the likes of Battlefield 2 due to it being on a much larger scale and isn't a Rambo style game.

COD4 reminds me of UT but with modern combat.

BF2's maps are stamps compared to ARMA...but then again ARMA is brutal...rush the enemy and you die...not for kids i suppose :p ;)
One of the best games that came out of the fall/winter release last year.
SP is well worth the price.
I don't play MP, but my son does and plays this all the time. He's quite good. His biggest complaint is noobs. He has a hard time finding a good game.
One of the best games that came out of the fall/winter release last year.
SP is well worth the price.
I don't play MP, but my son does and plays this all the time. He's quite good. His biggest complaint is noobs. He has a hard time finding a good game.

Ugh... Kid on server I was playing last night literally broke into tears after dying repeatedly muttering something about there was a glitch causing him to die. Unrelated, but talk about ruining a game.
BF2's maps are stamps compared to ARMA...but then again ARMA is brutal...rush the enemy and you die...not for kids i suppose :p ;)
I played OFP and AA. I didn't like those games. BF2 has great map sizes for the amount of players a server can hold. I prefer to spend most of my time fighting and not walking/running.
For all the bitching.... I really like COD4. It's a fun game despite its problems.

Yeah, there are some goofy perks, goofy people playing and goofy server issues, but the good things outweight the bad. Although there are no classes, you can customize your player in many different ways and try out a lot of different tactics. While frustrating at first, it gets very addictive and fun if you stick with it. You can avoid the 'nade fest by avoiding really big games and good servers can be found.

I guess I don't take gaming quite so seriously as a lot of other folks, I am just there to have fun... Just like blowin' shit up! And I am not that concerned with realism. I'd join the army if I was...

I haven't searched for them, but I have heard that there are mods with a lot of the annoying stuff turned off (air support, martydom perk, last stand perk, etc.).

Overall, a great game IMHO.
I dunno how you guys cannot like this game. I played BF2 and CS:Source for years. Was really just ready for something new and it didn't let me down. It is especially fun when you find a good server.

I have one server that I almost always play on. Nearly everyone uses a mic and the whole clan are admins...no bunning hopping or camping is allowed(unless you are a sniper). The clan also doesn't even scrimage...they are all about having fun, but are still good players. There is hardly ever any noobs there and if there is they either get owned or kicked.
One thing people mentioned a lot is the size of the maps.
I usually go on servers which have a max of about 20 players.
for a 10 on 10, the map size is just fine. Now if you want some kind of 50+ players, then go play BF2, COD4 is not for you...
umm what? at least on the 360 version, the most anyone can get is a chopper per life...all kills after 7 in a row reward nothing. granted, if you call in a chopper, die, and on your next life the chopper kills a few people, the kills do count towards UAV/air strike/chopper. while you could be nitpicky and say that is stupid, i really dont have much of a problem with it. in fact, when you play against skilled teams, choppers, should they get called in, get blown out of the sky before they can do too much damage. also, air strikes rarely kill more than 1-2 people against good teams....you'd have to be retarded to have your whole team stand out in the open in a giant group.

I'd like to know when you play against a "good team" when helicopters are enabled. Any good team knows better than to bother wasting their time on a server that has that shit enabled.
I play on MAX 12-18 player HardCore servers

turn the speakers all the way up, and creep around corners listening for the enemy.....so damn fun

if you dont want to get raped by heli's and airstrikes...turn on UAV jammer...play in smaller servers..

i dont even mind campers...they are an easy kill...if you dont run like an idiot down the middle of the street...

The people that complain about camper-n00bs.....i believe are the noobs themselves..if they keep dying from them over and over

the only way to tell if someone is camping is to die from them twice in a row....fool me once shame on you..fool me twice shame on me!!!!