What is the best copper "T line"


Limp Gawd
Feb 26, 2009
What is the best Copper T-line? Anyone out there machining some neat custom ones?
so one barb is included? can you remove all 3 barbs and put your own in? thanks anyone else? I'll take any tlines as long as its non corrosive.
no, no barbs were included, just the black box.

i used that T for my drain line which consisted of:

DD Delrin/Acetal T (above)
DD (or any other brand) G1/4 Male-to-Male
Alphacool G1/4 Ball Valve
BP G1/4 Low Profile Plug (came in package of 2)

order used is exactly as i stated ^^, so all i need to do to drain my loop would be to:
unscrew the plug; pull out the T a little bit sort of like whipping out your penis to piss; open reservoir fill cap; undo ball valve and the water will drain quickly.
Ok thanks I am not sure I am looking for a such a square looking piece it says high flow though so that is good. What does the inside look like circular tubular I assume or is it square like that.
i forgot what the inside looks like, but what does that matter? flow is limited to the barbs which would be 1/2" anyway.

what are you using this T for? substitute for a reservoir or as a drain line?
I just wondered if it was a plain old cylender drilled through with anoterh drilled through at a t. Other "high flow" blocks usually have a "gimmick" aka special shape or something that makes them high flow.

I probably wont need one but I have a complicated resivour so I need one incase I cant set it up right away.
I grabbed a cheapo copper 1/2"ID T at home depot, no barbs but it took a lot of effort to get the tubing onto it: T's ID was bigger than tubing's OD! I don't think it's gonna gonna anywhere, been running that way for a few weeks, I even moved the loop w/o disconnecting T to another computer! I did use clamps on it, though :)